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CP/RES. 935 (1648/08)
3 May 2008
Original: Spanish


CP/RES. 935 (1648/08


(Adopted at its session held on May 2 and 3, 2008)


CONSIDERING the presentations given on April 26 and May 2 by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Bolivia, David Choquehuanca Céspedes, on the political events affecting that country and its constitutional government, and the verbal reports given on April 23 and 26, and May 2 by the Secretary General’s special envoy, Ambassador Dante Caputo, on his recent démarches and on the political situation in Bolivia;

REAFFIRMING the principles enshrined in the Charter of the Organization of American States and the Inter-American Democratic Charter to promote and consolidate representative democracy, with full respect for the rule of law, the constitutional order, and the principle of nonintervention;

EXPRESSING APPRECIATION for the efforts made by the OAS and the Group of Countries Friends of Bolivia (Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia) to facilitate dialogue between the government and the regional political and social sectors of that country and TAKING NOTE of the declarations of support issued by the governments of the Hemisphere and mechanisms for concerted political action in support of the democratic institutional system in Bolivia;

WELCOMING the decision of the government to initiate a process of constructive dialogue to achieve a democratic and constitutional solution in Bolivia; and

TAKING NOTE ALSO of the letter of April 30, 2008, from a group of prefects of Bolivia in which they committed themselves to dialogue and expressed their decision to preserve constitutional order in the country, to work through peaceful means, and to ensure the territorial integrity of Bolivia,


1. To express its solidarity and support for the people of Bolivia, the Constitutional Government of President Evo Morales Ayma, the democratic institutional system, and the officials elected by the Bolivian people.

2. To welcome the expressions of respect for the constitutional order and the territorial integrity of the Republic of Bolivia, and to reject any attempt to disrupt them.

3. To appeal to all political, social, and regional players of Bolivia that have expressed interest in and readiness to engage in dialogue and consensus-building to ensure that such efforts take concrete form as soon as possible.

4. To make a vigorous appeal to all actors to ensure that their all actions are governed by respect for the rule of law, refraining from any action that may lead to a breakdown of the peace and/or constitutional order and affect coexistence among Bolivians.

5. To call upon to all political actors in Bolivia to make work together, with full respect for the democratic process, and to resolve their political differences through peaceful means.

6. To reaffirm, in strictest compliance with the principle of nonintervention, the readiness of the Organization of American States to provide such support and assistance as the Government of Bolivia may require in implementing the process of dialogue and to strengthen its democracy.

7. To instruct the OAS Secretary General to continue to use his good offices to promote dialogue and build consensus in Bolivia.


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