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Elections held during the Thirty-seventh Regular Session of the General Assembly -
Panama 2007

  • Vacancies

          Elections to be held during the Thirty-Seventh Regular Session of the General Assembly AG/CP/INF.551/06 rev. 14

  • Candidacies for:
    • Inter-American Juridical Committee
    • Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
    • Administrative Tribunal
      • Candidacy for the vacancy that will occur on the Administrative Tribunal, for which an election will be held at the Thirty-Seventh Regular Session of the General Assembly AG/CP/INF.568/07
    • Justice Center Studies of the Americas
      • Candidacy for the vacancy that will occur on the Justice Center Studies of the Americas, for which an election will be held at the Thirty-Seventh Regular Session of the General Assembly AG/CP/INF.567/07
  • Results
    Candidates elected to fill the vacancies in Organs, Agencies and Entities of the Organization AG/doc.4772/07



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