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Scale of Quota Assessments of the member states 2015-2017 (Presented by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance) CP/CAAP-3289/14 rev. 1

  • Scale of Quota Assessments of the member states 2015-2017 (Presented by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance) CP/CAAP-3289/14 add. 1





Chair's Note Options to address the gap between income and expenditures of the Organization, and to propose a course of action to the Permanent Council, and measures to encourage the timely payment of quotas by Member States CP/CAAP-3210/13

Note for the information of the CAAP Business case for available options to address the gap between expenditures and timely payments CP/CAAP-3218/13 rev. 1

  • Note for the information of the CAAP Temporary freeze of the post adjustment classification for the General Secretariat of the United Nations in New York CP/CAAP-3218/13 add. 1




Updated report on quota payments CP/CAAP/INF 50/12


Updated Report on Quota Payments CP/CAAP/INF 45/11 rev. 1

Draft resolution Modification of resolution AG/RES. 1757 (XXX-O/00), -Measures to Encourage the Timely Payment of Quotas- (Approved at the meeting held on May 9, 2011 ad referendum of the delegation of Argentina) CP/CAAP-3108/11 rev. 1

Review of the OAS Prompt Payment Discount Policy CP/CAAP-3092/11

Scale of Quota Assessments of the Member States 2012-2014 (Presented by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance) CP/CAAP 3086/11  rev. 1

  • Scale of Quota Assessments of the Member States 2012-2014 (Presented by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance) CP/CAAP 3086/11  add. 1

  • Scale of Quota Assessments of the Member States 2012-2014 (Presented by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance) CP/CAAP 3086/11  add. 2 rev. 1

  • Quota Contributions in USD Applying Scale of Assessments for 2012-2014, at 2011 Global level CP/CAAP 3086/11  add. 3


Report on Compliance with Quota Payments according to AG/RES. 1757 (XXX-O/00) and as Amended by AG/RES. 2157 (XXXV-O/05) CP/CAAP/INF.16/08


Quota collections report as of December 31, 2006 CP/CAAP-2888/07

Regular Fund Quota Collection Report CP/CAAP-2900/07

Draft resolution Methodology for calculating the scale of quota assessments of the Organization of American States CP/CAAP-2927/07 rev. 1 corr. 1

Report of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs on the proposed methodology for assessing quotas to the member states that will enter into force in 2009 CP/CAAP-2929/07

Draft resolution Member State Quotas to finance the 2009 Program-Budget: Regular Fund of the Organization CP/CAAP-2932/07


Report of the General Secretariat on quota collection (As of December 31, 2005) CP/CAAP-2815/06

Quota collection report as of September 21, 2006 CP/CAAP/INF.3/06

Regular Fund/Fondo Regular - Quota Collection/Recaudación de Cuotas (as of October 31, 2006/al 31 de octubre de 2006) - (Informative document presented by the General Secretariat/ Documento informativo presentado por la Secretaría General) CP/CAAP-2862/06 corr. 1

Background Information on the Meeting of Experts to Determine a Quota Scale for 2009 and Beyond CP/CAAP-2868/06 corr. 1


Report on compliance with quota payments pursuant to AG/RES. 1757 (XXX-O/00) CP/CAAP-2731/05 corr. 1

Draft work plan of the Working Group to Study a Scale of Quota Assessments CP/CAAP-2785/05

Computation methodologies of quota scales-advantages and disadvantages (Working document presented on October 17 at the request of delegations) CP/CAAP-2786/05

Quotas of the member states - traditional methodology computation, drawback and alternatives (Power point presentation) CP/CAAP-2787/05

Quota of member states to the Regular Fund (Power point presentation) CP/CAAP-2788/05

Parameters for considering a new quota scale CP/CAAP-2789/05

Effects of raising the minimum quota CP/CAAP-2795/05

Proposal of the working group on a scale of quota assessments CP/CAAP-2806/05

Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico on the activities of the Working Group to Study a Scale of Quota Assessments CP/CAAP-2807/05

Effect of raising minimum quota from 0.020% to 0.025% CP/CAAP-2808/05

Report of the Chairman of the Working Group on the Scale of Quota Assessments CP/CAAP-2810/05


Presentation on member states’ quotas to the Regular Fund delivered by Dr. Manuel Metz, staff member of the General Secretariat, at the informal meeting of the CAAP on October 26, 2004 (Based on document CP/CAAP-2673/03 of September 29, 2003, “Quotas of Member States to the Regular Fund”; Detailed analysis of the proposal submitted by the Chair at the informal CAAP meeting held on August 25, 2003) CP/CAAP-2718/04


Draft resolution:  Augmenting quota income for the 2004 program-budget CP/CAAP-2651/03

Proposed OAS quota scale (Proposal presented by the Chair) CP/CAAP-2672/03

Quotas of Member States to the Regular Fund (Working document presented by the General Secretariat) CP/CAAP-2673/03 rev. 1

November report on compliance with quota payments, according to AG/RES. 1757 (XXX-O/00) CP/CAAP-2684/03 corr. 1


Status of quotas and contributions as of December 31, 2000 CP/doc.3413/01


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