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Sustainable Economic Growth
Paragraphs Related to the Theme Paragraphs VII Summit

Date:  6/21/2011 
The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) assisted Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs) to
reduce poverty through sustainable economic growth and by strengthening the resilience of
BMCs to external shocks. There was also a need to promote a balanced approach to improving
the welfare of BMCs’ citizens and ensuring that growth is inclusive, explicitly focused on income
and gender disparities and on other inequities, and that it is environmentally sustainable.

Loans and grants approved by CDB in 2010 totaled approximately USD299 million (mn) which is
a 79% increase on the amount approved in 2009. Funds actually disbursed in 2010 totaled
approximately USD323 mn, which is 54% greater than in 2009. The Bank’s Less Developed
Countries received 60% of approvals and 62% of disbursements. In 2010, budgetary support
through policy-based loans was the largest component with USD95 mn (39% of the total), next
was economic infrastructure (including roads, drainage, energy, ports, bridges and water supply)
with USD70 mn (29%).
Paragraphs: 12 Paragraphs VII Summit: -

Date:  6/21/2011 
The CDB has implemented initiatives not only aimed at mitigating the effects of the economic
crisis, but also at improving conditions for longer-term sustainable growth and poverty
reduction. In 2010 the CDB continued to provide support for macroeconomic policy reform
process in its borrowing member countries (BMCS), and to provide critical budgetary support. In
2010, USD37 mn or 15% of total loans and grants approved by CDB were devoted to financial
sector stabilization.
Paragraphs: 7 Paragraphs VII Summit: -

Related Resources
CDB's Website