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Sustainable Economic Growth
Paragraphs Related to the Theme Paragraphs VII Summit

Date:  6/23/2011 
UNDP has contributed in this area with the HDR on Citizen Security in Central America and is developing another one for the Caribbean countries. While respecting human rights and adherence to the rule of law and democracy, comprehensive security policies should be strengthened as remedies for the heightened levels of insecurity in the region. UNDP’s support has underlined sharing lessons and good practices, as well as providing capacity development and technical assistance to LAC countries on the design and implementation of regional, national and local security initiatives (Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Brazil, Mexico and Jamaica) in cooperation with subregional organizations (SICA, CASAC). In addition, the area has been developing protection programs for justice operators and analytical tools to tackle gender-based and intra-family violence. As regards to disaster risk reduction and management, UNDP has intervened to help in natural disasters in Haiti, El Salvador and Chile. It has also supported multinational initiatives and strategies to reduce and mitigate the risk of disasters, through adoptions of strategies, policies and systems.
Paragraphs: 7 Paragraphs VII Summit: -

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