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Ministerials Paragraphs Related to the Theme Paragraphs VII Summit

Date:  6/8/2016 
Ending child labour is a global aspiration reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Goal 8, Target 8.7). It is also a key strategy to ensure access and retention in the education system. Therefore, as a response to the need to accelerate progress in the reduction of child labour, 26 countries of the region plus employers’ and workers’ organizations created in October 2014 the Regional Initiative “Latin America and the Caribbean free of child labour”.
The Regional Initiative entrusted its Technical Secretariat to the ILO and has designed an acceleration strategy with four outcomes: 1) achieve the first generation free of child labour by 2025 through a prevention approach, with specific measures for children 0-17 years old; 2) withdraw girls and boys below minimum working age from child labour through an approach including protection and rights’ restitution; 3) withdraw adolescents from hazardous work through the provision of alternative activities, education and training; and 4) eliminate exploitation and crime involving children. To implement this strategy the Regional Initiative supports the capacity to identify and track children in priority target groups, develops monitoring and evaluation systems to verify progress and contribute to the success of the proposed approaches, coordination and inter-institutional activities, while strengthening the institutional capacity at country level.
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