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  • Ministerials
  • Paragraphs Related to the Theme
    • • Mandates arising from the Sixth Summit of the Americas - Cartagena, Colombia - April 2012
      • 8:
      Poverty, Inequality, and Inequity To strengthen public-private partnerships, and partnerships with all stakeholders, to promote the reduction of poverty and inequality as well as the economic and social development of the communities in which they operate.
      • Declaration of Commitment - Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago - April 2009
      • 21:
      We will continue to work towards eliminating administrative and bureaucratic barriers to the creation of new public and private enterprises. We will therefore take the necessary and feasible measures to simplify the processes involved in establishing and closing business ventures, with the goal of reducing business start-up time to a maximum of 30 days by 2015. We request that the IDB, World Bank, ILO and other relevant regional organisations support national and local government efforts to improve the legislative frameworks and administrative procedures for achieving this target.
      • Plan of Action - Mar del Plata, Argentina - November 2005
      • 37:
      To establish mechanisms to exchange good practices and innovative approaches for the development of micro, small, and medium-sized companies, such as the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Congress of the Americas, and foster greater public and private participation in this Congress.
      • Plan of Action - Quebec , Canada - April 2001
      • 12:
      Encourage cooperation among public and private broadcasters, including cable operators, and independent broadcast regulatory bodies and governmental organizations, in order to facilitate the exchange of best industry practices and technologies at the hemispheric level, to guarantee free, open and independent media.
      • Declaration - Santiago , Chile - April 1998
      • 11:
      The region has made significant advances in both monetary and fiscal policy as well as in price stability and liberalizing our economies. The volatility of capital markets vindicates our decision to strengthen banking supervision in the Hemisphere and to establish regulations relating to disclosure and reporting of banking information.
      • 13:
      To advance economic integration and free trade, we will work, with cooperation and financing from the private sector and international financial institutions, to create a hemispheric infrastructure. This process requires a cooperative effort in fields such as telecommunications, energy and transportation, which will permit the efficient movement of the goods, services, capital, information and technology that are the foundations of prosperity.
      • Plan of Action - Santiago, Chile - April 1998
      • 121:
      Charge the Inter-American Development Bank with the preparation of a draft set of voluntary principles to be adopted by each of the countries, to facilitate private sector participation in local and transnational infrastructure projects, that can serve as a basis for bilateral and multilateral agreements. This draft will be submitted to Governments not later than December 1998, to be further discussed during a meeting of ministers responsible for infrastructure to be held in 1999.
      • 140:
      Promote inter-institutional coordination by creating effective interchange mechanisms between national and local public institutions that support micro, small and medium size enterprises and facilitating their links with the private sector.
      • Declaration of Principles - Miami, United States - December 1994
      • 13:
      To advance economic integration and free trade, we will work, with cooperation and financing from the private sector and international financial institutions, to create a hemispheric infrastructure. This process requires a cooperative effort in fields such as telecommunications, energy and transportation, which will permit the efficient movement of the goods, services, capital, information and technology that are the foundations of prosperity.
      • 25:
      To assure public engagement and commitment, we invite the cooperation and participation of the private sector, labor, political parties, academic institutions and other non-governmental actors and organizations in both our national and regional efforts, thus strengthening the partnership between governments and society.

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
    • Reports
    • Date:  5/2/2013    Paragraphs: 8
    Information available in Spanish
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
    • Reports
    • Date:  12/18/2015    Paragraphs: 8
    Constituency Empowerment Programme
    The Constituency Councils are facilitated through the Constituency Empowerment Programme (CEP). The Constituency Councils operate in thirty (30) constituencies across the island as delineated by the Electoral Boundaries Commission. The CEP aims to enhance the capacity of citizens to participate in the development agenda and contribute to positive change in their lives and community. Therefore, this programme ensures a ‘bottom-up’/participatory approach to development and provides a platform for socio-economic upliftment and advancement.
    The programme strengthens civil society and the economy by empowering communities to negotiate with government and influence public policy, providing a check on the power of government. Also, through its contribution to participatory development this programme contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of Government’s social development programmes and ensures sustainability. The Constituency Councils act as direct links between the local community and central government and allow citizens to have direct involvement in activities which will foster their personal development and contribute to the country’s development.

    Community Development Programme
    The purpose of the Community Development Programme is to mobilize and sensitize community members to the resources, skills and opportunities in their community and assist them in taking necessary actions to improve their socio-economic conditions. The projects and programmes offered at community centres across the island seek to expand the skills and capacities of the poor and vulnerable, enhancing their capability to earn a living and improve their social conditions. The programme also promotes the development and empowerment of communities, community-based and non-governmental organizations and serves as a catalyst for national development.
    The programme offers a variety of skills training courses at community centres across the island to develop a spirit of self-reliance, entrepreneurship and enterprise development, leading to sustainable development and the reduction of poverty. An additional component of this programme is the Community Technology Programme (CTP). In this highly technological era, the CTP makes computer training and internet access readily available to the citizens of Barbados to improve technological literacy.

    Cultural Industries Development Authority
    The Cultural Industries Development Act which was proclaimed in February 2015, makes provision for the establishment of a Cultural Industries Development Authority. The Authority is responsible for promoting, assisting and facilitating the efficient development of the cultural industries and designing and implementing suitable marketing strategies for the effective promotion of the cultural industries.
    The Act also encourages public-private sector partnerships and partnership with all stakeholders through the establishment of the Cultural Industries Development Fund which is managed by the Authority. The purposes of the Fund are to:
    1) finance cultural projects and programmes that are designed to develop the cultural industries sector and train cultural entrepreneurs, cultural practitioners, cultural administrators and cultural workers;

    2) provide cultural entrepreneurs with non-repayable grants to enable them to participate in local and overseas events, workshops and seminars and allow for training, marketing and export, and product development; and

    3) provide repayable grants and loans for cultural projects and provide equity financing to allow investors to inject funds into cultural businesses and in return to take an equity share in the capital of such businesses.
  • Belize
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/20/2010    Paragraphs: 21
    According to the World Bank’s Doing Business Report for 2009, Canada ranks near the top of the global list for ease of starting a business, with an average start-up time of five days involving a single procedure.
    • Related Resources
    Canada Business - Contact Us
    Démarrage d'une entreprise
    Entreprises Canada - Contactez-nous
    Starting a Business
  • Chile
    • Reports
    • Date:  5/2/2013    Paragraphs: 8
    En Chile, existe una gran cantidad de organizaciones de la sociedad civil que buscan brindar nuevas oportunidades a las personas vulnerables. Por esta razón, durante 2012 se puso en marcha la iniciativa “Más por Chile” la cual pretende generar, articular y fomentar aportes de la sociedad civil a las personas que más lo necesitan. Todas las iniciativas que son parte de “Más por Chile” han sido evaluadas técnicamente por el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, a través de una metodología de evaluación que permite determinar la existencia de aquellos factores que son relevantes para que el proyecto tenga real impacto social. En el marco de este programa, se creó el Sello “Más por Chile”, el cual otorga un reconocimiento a aquellos proyectos desarrollados por fundaciones, empresas, corporaciones, etc., que contribuyan en el desarrollo de las personas vulnerables y que a su vez empleen metodologías de intervención social de calidad.

    A la fecha, se han sellado 44 iniciativas de Empresas y 72 de Fundaciones, con una inversión que ascendió en 2012 a más de $10.000 millones y con más de 550 mil beneficiarios.
    • Date:  6/20/2011    Paragraphs: 21
    Information available in Spanish
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
    • Reports
    • Date:  4/3/2012    Paragraphs: 21
    Information available in Spanish
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
    • Reports
    • Date:  5/30/2014    Paragraphs: 8
    ? Con la finalidad de promover el logro de este objetivo específico se conformó la Red Nacional de Producción Más Limpia (ECO-RED), integrada; por 11 instituciones nacionales públicas privadas y académicas, con el auspicio de la Organización de Naciones para el Desarrollo Industrial (ONUDI).
    ? En relación al fomento de la participación de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en la gestión de lo público, pueden señalarse tres iniciativas impulsadas en 2012: son:
    ? Alianza estratégica del MINERD con el Centro Cultural Poveda, la PUCMM y la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para el desarrollo de la política de apoyo a los aprendizajes en los primeros grados del nivel básico.
    ? Licitación de los permisos de importación de productos agropecuarios a través de la Bolsa Agro-empresarial Dominicana.
    ? Plan Nacional de Alfabetización Quisqueya aprende contigo.
    ? De los progresos más importantes obtenidos a través de las medidas políticas y estrategias de desarrollo implementadas por el Estado dominicano que toman en cuenta las necesidades de las mujeres y sus esfuerzos por superar la pobreza podemos mencionar:
    ? La Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo, Ley 1-12 de la estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo 2030 en su Artículo 8. Segundo Eje, procura una Sociedad con Igualdad de Derechos y Oportunidades en la que toda la población tiene garantizada educación, salud, vivienda digna y servicios básicos de calidad, y que promueve la reducción progresiva de la pobreza, la desigualdad social y territorial.
    ? Ley No. 176-07 del Distrito Nacional y los Municipios en el artículo 6, sobre Conceptos y Principios en el acápite Equidad Social, establece que los ayuntamientos en el ejercicio de sus competencias en todas sus iniciativas, priorizarán grupos socialmente vulnerables, garantizándole acceso a oportunidades para la superación de la pobreza y desarrollar políticas públicas focalizadas a mujeres jefas de hogar y madres solteras. En el Artículo 19 sobre las Competencias Propias del Ayuntamiento se especifica sobre la coordinación en la gestión de la prestación y financiación de los servicios sociales y la lucha contra la pobreza, dirigido a los grupos socialmente vulnerables, y principalmente, a la infancia, la adolescencia, juventud, la mujer, discapacitados, y Envejecientes.
    ? Oficina Sectorial Agropecuaria de la Mujer (OSAM). Fue creada mediante la Resolución administrativa No. 528/2000 y ratificada mediante Decreto No. 974-01, de 2001 como Oficina de Equidad de Género, con el objetivo de transversalizar la perspectiva de género en la política agropecuaria del Estado dominicano.
    ? La Ley General de Educación (1997), que prevé un presupuesto para la educación del 4% del PIB o 16% del gasto total, fue aprobada para su aplicación en diciembre del 2012.
    ? Las Estancias Infantiles. Inició en junio de 2009, es un programa se ejecuta mediante la coordinación interinstitucional e intersectorial en el marco del Consejo Nacional de Seguridad Social.
    ? Gabinete de la Política Social de la Vicepresidencia de la República. El 67% de los hogares beneficiarios del programa están encabezados por mujeres en condiciones de pobreza y vulnerabilidad.
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/20/2011    Paragraphs: 21
    Se continúa trabajando en la eliminación de las barreras administrativas y burocráticas que entorpecen la creación de nuevas empresas públicas y privadas. En consecuencia, se han tomado las medidas necesarias y factibles para simplificar los procesos correspondientes al establecimiento y cierre de empresas, con el objeto de reducir el tiempo requerido para poner en funcionamiento una empresa en un máximo de 30 días, a más tardar en 2015. Se solicito al Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), al Banco Mundial, la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) y otras organizaciones regionales pertinentes para que apoyen los esfuerzos de los gobiernos nacionales y locales a fin de mejorar los marcos legales y los procedimientos administrativos necesarios para lograr dicha meta.
    A continuación se detalla la evolución de El Salvador respecto al índice de tiempos para la creación de una empresa en las que según el informe Doing Business el tiempo para iniciar un negocio ya es menor de 30 días.
    * Fuente: informe Doing Business 2010, posiciones recalculadas a fin de reflejar cambio en metodología y el aumento de países.
    El Gobierno está desarrollando varias acciones e impulsando diversos proyectos para la simplificación de trámites de inicio y de operación de un negocio como por ejemplo la elaboración de un diagnóstico de los trámites de inicio y un plan de acción para su mejora, el cual a sido impulsado por una comisión interinstitucional conformada por la Secretaría Técnica de la Presidencia, el Ministerio de Economía a través de la Oficina Nacional de Inversiones (ONI), la Dirección de Innovación Tecnológica e Informática de la Presidencia de la República (ITIGES).
    El Centro Nacional de Registro (CNR) con el apoyo de la Comisión del CNR en línea, pretende desarrollar un proyecto que permita la agilización y simplificación de los servicios que se prestan en dichas instancias, por medio de una revisión al Reglamento de la Ley del Registro de Comercio.
    Se esta diseñando el proyecto “El Salvador Emprende” coordinado por la Secretaría Técnica de la Presidencia, quien contará con el apoyo de ITIGES, ONI y de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre comercio y desarrollo (UNCTAD). Dicho proyecto consistirá, en una primera etapa, en facilitar los principales trámites de inicio de una empresa a través de una página web, posteriormente se incluirán las operaciones básicas para personas naturales y finalmente la incorporación de las personas jurídicas. Para la implementación de este proyecto, se revisarán los procesos de las instituciones involucradas, para su simplificación y posterior automatización, así como la propuesta de un formulario único, entre otros.
    Se esta trabajando en la última versión de la ley de Firma Electrónica, cuyo objetivo va encaminado a darle un soporte legal a los proyectos anteriores y facilitar la puesta en práctica de más servicios
    Para ver el reporte completo, visite
  • Grenada
  • Guatemala
    • Reports
    • Date:  7/20/2011    Paragraphs: 21
    El Registro Mercantil de Guatemala, ha implementado una estrategia desde 1996 para la implementación de registro y distribución de negocios, lo cual ha permitido un impacto directo en el número de nuevos negocios registrados con un crecimiento del 40%.
    A partir del año 2003 que se inicia el segundo modulo de modernización del Plan de Registro de Negocios, ha permitido un incremento del número de registros, la reducción de pasos para la incorporación y la promoción de la inversión extranjera, ha logrado un incremento de cerca del 25% en el número de registros. Asimismo el número de transacciones electrónicas mensuales incluyendo incorporaciones, clausuras, re-registros y consultas ha llegado a más de 3,400 transacciones representando más del 50% del total de transacciones mensuales.
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
    • Reports
    • Date:  4/1/2012    Paragraphs: 21
  • Jamaica
  • Mexico
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
    • Reports
    • Date:  3/5/2012    Paragraphs: 21, 37, 12

    Acción 1.
    Eliminación de barreras administrativas en la creación de nuevas empresas.

    Descripción del tema

    En el caso del Perú, la “Apertura de un Negocio” comprende no sólo el acto legal-administrativo de constituir una empresa, sino también la obtención de la Licencia de Funcionamiento por parte de las municipalidades. En ambos aspectos el país ha realizado avances muy considerables. A la fecha se cuenta con una Plataforma electrónica para la constitución de empresas en línea; y también con la Obtención de la licencia de funcionamiento emitida por las municipalidades en 15 días.


    No obstante los avances realizados, en el mundo existen buenas prácticas que pueden replicarse en el Perú, con las adecuaciones del caso, tales como la experiencia de Nueva Zelanda y Canadá.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    Sobre el particular, el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas a través del Consejo Nacional de la Competitividad ha previsto realizar las siguientes actividades:
    • Implementar mejoras en la plataforma computacional: incorporando la firma digital para envío de información SUNARP (Superintendencia Nacional de Registros Públicos) -notarios y la mejora del portal en cuanto a la organización del mismo.
    • Implementar el Servicio de Obtención de Licencia de Funcionamiento en Línea en municipalidades.
    • Mejorar el sistema de inspecciones (pasar de criterios de metraje a riesgos).

    Es de anotar que el Perú, en el marco de la APEC, está recibiendo asistencia técnica de Estados Unidos y Nueva Zelanda para la mejora de procesos.
    • Related Resources
    Anexos. Mandato 21 (MEF)
    Doing Business Perú 2010
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Suriname
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • United States
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela
  • Organization of American States (OAS)
    • Reports
    • Date:  5/30/2013    Paragraphs: 8

    The purpose of the OAS Competitiveness Program is to promote productivity and innovation in the member states through dialogue, cooperation, exchange of best practices, and adoption of initiatives whose purpose is to improve public policy and human and institutional capacity building. The multilateral public-private policy dialogue on competitiveness has continued its process of consolidation through the Inter-American Competitiveness Network (RIAC). The network brings together high-level competitiveness authorities and public/private councils of competitiveness and innovation of the Americas.

    The 2012 Annual RIAC meeting brought together the competitiveness authorities and councils of 31 countries on the occasion of the VI Americas Competitiveness Forum (Cali, Colombia, October 22-24, 2012). The ACF featured plenary sessions on innovative cities, culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, international trade, enabling business environment and infrastructure. There were also special workshops for Caribbean Member States, on sub-national competitiveness and one for the medical device industry.

    The RIAC presented the “Signs of Competitiveness Report”, a summary of profiles of best practices shared by member countries which included specific offers of supply and demand of cooperation. The Report was prepared by the Chair Pro Tempore, Colombia, with the support of the Technical Secretariat (OAS). It includes 53 successful experiences from 16 countries and two institutions (Compete Caribbean and CAF-Development Bank of Latin America) on the 10 competitiveness principles approved by RIAC members in the Consensus of Santo Domingo in 2011. It also features a section on the innovation regional landscape with contributions from RIAC support institutions (IDB, ECLAC, CABEI) and experts (key note speakers, Oxford Economics, GFCC, IIPI). These profiles have allowed cooperation initiatives and technical exchanges among member states.

    RIAC members also agreed to create a working group of experts on sub-national competitiveness. This initiative on regional competitiveness is working to identify the elements of regional competitiveness that will be useful as a point of reference when putting together and implementing agendas of specific public policies (at the state, provincial or municipal level) that nurture relative competitiveness and that can be replicated in the countries of the Americas that are interested in this issue.
    • Date:  5/30/2013    Paragraphs: 8

    In the Declaration of Port of Spain (2009), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is linked to reducing poverty, inequality and inequity “To reduce poverty and hunger, eradicate extreme poverty, create dignified and decent work, and raise the standard of living of all our people, we must achieve higher levels of business development and sustainable economic growth with equity. Subject to the domestic laws of each country, we will continue to promote diversified economic activity in the energy, transport, tourism, communications, services, financial services and agricultural sectors. We are committed to facilitating investment and public-private partnerships in infrastructure and other relevant sectors in order to promote business development, economic growth and social development with equity. We will continue to promote increased corporate social responsibility and improved competitiveness, to which the Americas Competitiveness Forum in Chile in 2009 will contribute.

    CSR Projects and Activities

    The OAS CSR Program focuses on three principal work areas:

    1. Integrating CSR into the business practices of SMEs in the Americas. SMEs are a key component of economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean and the OAS CSR workshops for SMEs offer theory, practical knowledge and tools for businesses to develop innovative CSR solutions and strategies;
    2. Raising awareness about CSR among parliamentarians in the region to support a policy framework that is conducive to implementing responsible business practices. This component focuses heavily on promoting public-private partnerships; and
    3. Creating a CSR community of practice, which is a platform designed to facilitate knowledge exchange, share CSR solutions, provide tools, and promote partnerships between the private and public sectors, academia and other key actors.

    The OAS CSR Program assists the region in incorporating CSR principles and guidelines into the business strategies of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and ensuring it is included in government agendas. Since 2003, the Program has trained approximately 800 SMEs in LAC on the importance of CSR as a strategic tool to enhance their productivity and competitiveness. Furthermore, and has trained policymakers in the region about the advantages of CSR.

    In 2013, the OAS CSR Program has developed and launched a new methodology for SMEs, which aims to provide SMEs with tools to implement responsible practices into their business strategies. The new methodology moves beyond CSR awareness and into CSR implementation. The first pilot workshop that utilized the new methodology was held in Quito, Ecuador in March 2013 and the Ecuadorian SMEs indicated that they were extremely pleased with the workshop methodology, content, and format and they appreciated the concrete ideas, solutions, and tools that were presented throughout. The OAS CSR Program will be holding similar workshops in Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama in 2013.
    • Date:  5/30/2013    Paragraphs: 8
    Capacity Strengthening
    Create Higher Education dialogue platforms to encourage institutional capacity strengthening and technical cooperation between member states through partnerships. The DHDEC in collaboration with Anton de Kom University of Suriname organized a Seminar "Strengthening Higher Education Institutions for International Cooperation and Integral Development" for high level authorities in higher education. The Seminar was attended by 17 high-level authorities of higher education in the region and representatives from Latin American and Caribbean networks such as UDUAL (Union de Universidades de America Latina y El Caribe), CKLN (Caribbean Knowledge Learning Network), UNICA (Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe), GCUB (Grupo Coimbra de Universidad Brasileras) and UNESCO Open Educational Resources Network.

    To create higher Education dialogue platforms to encourage institutional capacity strengthening and technical cooperation between member states, the DHDEC and the CGBU (Coimbra Group on Brazilian Universities) organized a Symposium of International Cooperation between Brazilian, Latin American and Caribbean Higher Education Institutions. New programs on academic mobility, language courses and joint graduate degrees were discussed. The event was held November 28-30, 2012 under the umbrella of the V CGBU General Assembly. The Symposium was attended by 12 University Presidents from Latin America, 7 high level representatives from Higher Education Institutions in the Caribbean, and more than 30 Brazilian University Presidents.

    In connection with the XIII International Symposium Virtual Educa Panama (June 18-22), the DHDEC, Virtual Educa, UDUAL (Union de Universidades de America Latina y El Caribe) and the Universidad de Panama organized a Multilateral Forum on "Higher Education, Innovation and Internationalization". The Forum was attended by approximately 150 higher education representatives from OAS member and observer states. Some of the presenters were authorities from Latin American University Networks such as the Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano, AUALCPI (Asociación de Universidades de America Latina y El Caribe para la Integración) and UDUAL (Union de Universidades de America Latina y El Caribe).

    Develop new strategic partnerships for capacity strengthening of educational institutions in member states under the following criteria: a) consistent positive education results and learning outcomes, b) visible impact in the geographic area they serve, c) utilization of a social access and inclusion approach, d) proven models that can be brought to scale, e) development of core educational elements that are transferable in the region, f) low cost interventions, and g) willingness to offer technical cooperation to other countries. The DHDEC has been able to identify more than 30 educational institutions from the public, private and civil society sector willing to provide technical cooperation in education in the areas described in the needs assessment above. These institutions meet our operational criteria of success in innovative educational approaches and currently have or are seeking resources to implement these initiatives. Additionally, more than 20 education experts willing to offer in-kind services in regional technical cooperation have also been identified.
    Partnerships between Higher Education institutions that attended are being monitored.
  • Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
  • Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
  • Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
  • World Bank
  • Inter-American Institute for Cooperation of Agriculture (IICA)
  • Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)
  • Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)
  • Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
  • International Organization for Migrations (IOM)
  • International Labor Organization (ILO)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)