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  • Ministerials
  • Paragraphs Related to the Theme
    • • Mandates for Action - Panama, Panama - April 2015
      • 1:
      Citizen Participation Recognizing the importance of promoting the active participation of all persons without discrimination, we intend to pursue the following measures: 1. To continue promoting and supporting participation by civil society and social actors in dialogue with the states as an ongoing mechanism for participation and consultation in order to contribute to the formulation and implementation of public policies and programs aimed at achieving prosperity with equity and social inclusion.
      • Declaration of Commitment - Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago - April 2009
      • 94:
      We commit to continue encouraging the participation of our peoples, through the engagement of our citizens, communities and civil society in the design and execution of development policies and programmes, by providing technical and financial assistance, as appropriate, and in accordance with national legislation to strengthen and build their capacity to participate more fully in the inter-American system.
      • Plan of Action - Mar del Plata, Argentina - November 2005
      • 68:
      To request the General Secretariat of the OAS to present for the consideration of the political bodies of the Organization, before 2007, an inter-American program including the exchange of experiences and best practices to strengthen in our countries mechanisms for the participation and collaboration in governance by civil society organizations, the private sector, and the citizenry at large, specifically in the development of public policy for the generation of employment and the fight against poverty, including local governments, in a framework of inclusive social dialogue that takes into account the vulnerability of the most excluded sectors of our societies.
      • Declaration - Nuevo León, Mexico - January 2004
      • 61:
      We agree that, through citizen participation, civil society organizations should contribute to the design, implementation, and evaluation of public policies adopted by different orders or levels of government. We recognize the role of civil society and its contribution to sound public administration and we reaffirm the importance of continuing to forge new partnerships that will enable constructive ties to be built between governments, nongovernmental organizations, international organizations, and the diverse sectors of civil society to work in favor of development and democracy.
      • 62:
      We encourage the participation of civil society in the Summits of the Americas process and we undertake to institutionalize meetings with civil society and with the academic and private sectors.
      • Declaration - Quebec, Canada - April 2001
      • 32:
      We welcome and value the contributions of civil society, including business and labor organizations, to our Plan of Action. We affirm that openness and transparency are vital to building public awareness and legitimacy for our undertakings. We call upon all citizens of the Americas to contribute to the Summit process.
      • Plan of Action - Quebec , Canada - April 2001
      • 100:
      Develop strategies at the national level and through the OAS, other multilateral organizations and MDBs to increase the capacity of civil society to participate more fully in the inter-American system, as well as in the political, economic and social development of their communities and countries, fostering representativeness and facilitating the participation of all sectors of society; and increase the institutional capacity of governments to receive, absorb and act on civil society input and advocacy, particularly through the use of information and communications technologies.
      • 101:
      Promote participation of all minority groups in forging a stronger civil society.
      • 102:
      Develop educational programs, in conjunction with relevant civil society organizations, academic experts and others, as appropriate, to provide democracy and human rights education and to promote the introduction of books and educational materials that reflect the ethnic, cultural and religious diversity of the Americas as part of primary and secondary school curricula.
      • 98:
      Recognizing the important role of participation by civil society in the consolidation of democracy and that this participation constitutes one of the vital elements for the success of development policies, noting that men and women have the right to participate, with equality and equity, in the decision-making processes affecting their lives and well-being, and considering that the diversity of opinion, experience and technical expertise of civil society constitute a significant and valuable resource for initiatives and responses of government and democratic institutions.
      • 99:
      Seek to establish public and private funding instruments aimed at building the capacity of civil society organizations in order to highlight the work and contribution of these organizations and to promote accountability.
      • Plan of Action - Santiago, Chile - April 1998
      • 32:
      Promote, with the participation of civil society, the development of principles and recommendations for institutional frameworks to stimulate the formation of responsible and transparent, non-profit and other civil society organizations, including, where appropriate, programs for volunteers, and encourage, in accordance with national priorities, public sector-civil society dialogue and partnerships in the areas that are considered pertinent in this Plan of Action. In this context the Organization of American States (OAS) may serve as a forum for the exchange of experiences and information.
      • 33:
      In this process, draw upon existing initiatives that promote increased participation of civil society in public issues, such as relevant successful experiences from the National Councils for Sustainable Development and the Inter-American Strategy for Public Participation, among others. As soon as possible, Governments will adopt work plans to implement legal and institutional frameworks based on the principles and recommendations in their respective countries.
      • 34:
      Entrust the OAS to encourage support among Governments and civil society organizations, and to promote appropriate programs to carry out this initiative, and request the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB ) to develop and implement, along with interested States and other inter-American institutions, hemispheric financial mechanisms specially devoted to the implementation of programs oriented toward strengthening civil society and public participation mechanisms.
      • Declaration - Santa Cruz de la Sierra , Bolivia - December 1996
      • 8:
      We will support and encourage, as a basic requisite for sustainable development, broad participation by civil society in the decision-making process, including policies and programs and their design, implementation, and evaluation. To this end, we will promote the enhancement of institutional mechanisms for public participation.
      • Plan of Accion - Santa Cruz de la Sierra , Bolivia - December 1996
      • III.4.15.:
      In order to support the specific initiatives on public participation contained in the Plan of Action, entrust the OAS with assigning priority to the formulation of an inter-American strategy for the promotion of public participation in decision-making for sustainable development, taking into account the recommendations of the Inter-American Seminar on Public Participation held in Montevideo in 1996.
      • III.4.16.:
      The strategy should promote the exchange of experiences and information among government representatives and civil society groups with regard to the formulation, implementation, and improvement of sustainable development policies and programs, legal and institutional mechanisms, including access to and flow of information among the relevant actors, training programs, and consultation processes used at the national level to ensure civil society involvement. Establish consultation processes at the regional level, such as regular fora for government-civil society dialogue at relevant high-level meetings convened by the OAS, and when necessary support the integration and strengthening of national sustainable development councils, drawing on the experience of Central America and other existing councils in the Hemisphere.
      • Plan of Accion - Miami , United States - December 1994
      • 3.2:
      Review the regulatory framework for non-governmental actors with a view to facilitating their operations and promoting their ability to receive funds. This review will emphasize the management and oversight of resources as well as transparency and the accountability to society of said actors.
      • 3.3:
      Take steps to improve the participation in social activities and initiatives of groups traditionally marginalized, including women, youth, indigenous people and the extremely poor. Exchange progress reports on activities in the civil society area at the 1996 Summit Conference on Sustainable Development in Bolivia.
      • 3.4:
      Consider the development by the IDB of a new Civil Society Program to encourage responsible and accountable philanthropy and civic engagement in public policy issues.

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
    • Reports
    • Date:  12/21/2011    Paragraphs: 94
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  12/21/2010    Paragraphs: 94
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  12/21/2010    Paragraphs: 94
    Information available in Spanish
    • Related Resources
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/7/2016    Paragraphs: -
    Information available in Portuguese
  • Canada
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/18/2010    Paragraphs: 94
    Canadian voluntary sector organizations are important partners in Canada's international development programs, including in the Americas. These organizations include non-governmental organizations (NGOs), volunteer cooperation agencies, academic and educational institutions, provincial and regional councils, membership and specialized training institutes, cooperatives, unions, and professional associations. Through the Canadian Partnership Branch's Voluntary Sector, CIDA supports the work of nearly 270 Canadian voluntary organizations on a cost-shared basis.
    • Related Resources
    Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada | Affaires étrangères et Commerce international Canada
    Patrimoine canadien | Canadian Heritage
  • Chile
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/1/2016    Paragraphs: -
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  6/20/2011    Paragraphs: 94
    Information available in Spanish
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • Grenada
  • Guatemala
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Jamaica
  • Mexico
    • Reports
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 1
    La Secretaría de Salud lleva a cabo de manera ordinaria y constante aproximaciones con las organizaciones de la sociedad civil. A partir de 2012, inició la conformación de una Red de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil en materia de Salud, misma que a mayo de 2017 estaba integrada por 1,721 organizaciones participativas a nivel nacional que manejan diversos temas de salud.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 1
    En materia de violencia contra las mujeres, niñas y niños, así como del delito de trata de personas, la FEVIMTRA realizó una mesa de diálogo con organizaciones de la sociedad civil, en el marco del Segundo Encuentro Trinacional de Enlaces Alerta AMBER México, Estados Unidos de América y Canadá en 2017, tuvo lugar la “Mesa de Diálogo entre Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil, FEVIMTRA, SIPINNA y Coordinadores del Programa Alerta AMBER México de la Zona Centro, en cumplimiento de las recomendaciones del Comité de Derechos del Niño de Naciones Unidas. Lo anterior con el fin de tener un acercamiento, explicar la forma en que opera el Programa y fomentar la colaboración entre Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y las autoridades.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 1
    La PGR, por medio de la Fiscalía Especial para la Atención de Delitos cometidos contra la Libertad de Expresión (FEADLE), colabora en la Junta de Gobierno del Mecanismo para la Protección de Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas de la Secretaría de Gobernación (SEGOB), en el que participan activamente organizaciones de la sociedad civil.
    En el marco de este Mecanismo, se ha realizado el análisis de 1,549 evaluaciones de riesgo en favor de periodistas y defensores de derechos humanos.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 1
    La PGR cuenta con el programa "Has visto a…?" Apoyo a familiares de personas desaparecidas. Se creó en el 2015 con el objetivo de dar difusión permanente a la búsqueda de personas desaparecidas, en el cual cuentan con un espacio permanente para consultar la información de sus seres queridos. tales como: cédula de identificación, cartel, video, entre otros, así como imprimir, descargar o compartir en redes sociales dicha información; permite revisar registros de personas desaparecidas por entidad federativa, edad, sexo, nombre, además de verificar las recompensas ofrecidas y recientemente se han incorporado los servicios de más fotografías y la verificación de testigos.

    Los requisitos para ingresar a este servicio gratuito de difusión es que las personas que solicitan la incorporación cuenten con Averiguación Previa del fuero federal, emitida por las unidades administrativas de la Procuraduría General de la República facultadas para ello, llenar el formato único y una fotografía visible.

    Este programa cuenta con el apoyo de medios de comunicación que apoyan la difusión en todo el país (periódicos, revistas, espacios web, televisoras y radiodifusoras).
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 1
    Durante 2016 y 2017, la PGR logró que 270 patrocinadores reprodujeran materiales de divulgación con diversos mensajes acerca de la prevención del delito y la farmacodependencia, además de la impresión de 2’209,960 artículos, entre los que se encuentran carteles, trípticos, folletos, volantes, playeras, entre otros.
    De igual forma, colaboraron con el diseño de 73 carteles y 73 trípticos para reforzar la divulgación de las campañas de prevención de delitos federales: Sobre las Drogas Entérate; Prevención del abuso sexual infantil; Si Algo No le Gusta que te lo Diga; Señales de Abuso Sexual; Migrar No es un Delito; ¡No juzgues conoce su historia!; Todos somos humanos y tenemos derechos; Si perteneces a uno de estos grupos: Adultos mayores, personas indocumentadas, personas con discapacidad, LGTBI; Trata de Personas; Robo de Hidrocarburos; Si compras gasolina ilegal....; Suministro de Gasolina, Diésel o Gas en menor Cantidad; Delitos contra el Patrimonio Nacional; Desaparición Forzada; Robo de Identidad; Piratería; Falsificación de Documentos; Tráfico de Personas; portación de Armas de Fuego de uso exclusivo del ejército y la armada; Extorsión Telefónica; Delitos Contra el Medio Ambiente y Venta de Aves en Peligro de Extinción.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 1
    La PGR ha logrado contar con la participación de empresas del sector privado, entre los que destacan: Sociedad Cooperativa de Trabajadores de Pascual S.C.L.; Telefónica Movistar, S.A. de C.V.; Litografía Gil; Yakult México, S.A. de C.V.; Exel Servi Gráfica, S.A. de C.V., Quaker State; Litográfica Lijusa, S.A. de C.V.; Quad-Graphics S.A. de C.V.; Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones de Seguros; Plásticos Inteligentes, C Grupo Impresso, S.A. de C.V.; Alpura, S.A. de C.V.; Sabritas y Gatorade; Grupo Gráfico Arenal, S.A. de C.V.; Grupo Financiero Monex, Estafeta, S.A. de C.V.; Laboratorios Medix, S.A. de C.V.; entre otros, quienes con su colaboración lograron difundir las campañas de eseta dependencia del Gobierno Federal a un mayor número de personas.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 1
    Durante el 2015, el Conapred realizó el foro: “Encuentro Nacional Debato sobre Avaneces y Retos de la Inclusión de los Pueblos Afromexicanos y Personas Afrodescendientes: Reconocimiento, Justicia y Desarrollo”. Dicho evento sirvió para dialogar con las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y recibir retroalimentación del Informe de avances sobre la materia ante el CERD.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 1
    Durante el 2015 el GR-CERD realizó foros con organizaciones de la sociedad civil para dialogar en torno a los avances pendientes y propuestas en materia de discriminación racial, racismo, xenofobia y formas conexas de intolerancias para cumplir con las obligaciones del Comité para la Eliminación de todas las Formas de Discriminación Racial (CERD) de cara a la sustentación ante dicho Comité.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 1
    El Grupo de Trabajo para el cumplimiento de las Recomendaciones del Comité para la Eliminación de todas las Formas de Discriminación Racial (GR-CERD) fue creado por iniciativa del Conapred, Secretaría de Gobernación y la Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores; es un grupo intergubernamental conformado, al año 2017, por 50 instituciones de los distintos poderes y niveles de gobierno, así como de algunas entidades federativas de la República Mexicana. A la fecha ha realizado 12 reuniones sobre el cumplimiento de las observaciones del CERD y con personas expertas internacionales en la materia. Además realizó un foro con organizaciones de la sociedad civil para dialogar en torno a los avances pendientes y propuestas en materia de discriminación racial para cumplir con las obligaciones del CERD de cara a la sustentación ante el Comité en comento.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 1
    El Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres y el Grupo de Trabajo de Vinculación con la Sociedad Civil (GT-VINC) de ese centro, en el año 2016 abordaron los siguientes temas:
    A) Fortalecer los mecanismos de participación social que impactan en la reducción e efectos del cambio climático mediante la vinculación interinstitucional: B) Integrar en los mecanismos de participación ciudadana las acciones y resultados que impactan en la reducción de efectos del cambio climático; C) Las acciones propuestas por las dependencias deberán estar alineadas a los objetivos del Programa Especial de Cambio Climático 2014-2018.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 94, 1
    Esta metodología tiene como ventajas permitir posicionamientos más representativos, amplía el diálogo entre sociedad civil a escala hemisférica, facilita el intercambio de experiencias y permite que OSC contribuyan a la Asamblea General sin tener que estar presentes, ya que su participación y presentación de propuestas se hace a través de los voceros de la coalición a la que pertenecen, adicionalmente, una parte del diálogo entre sociedad civil se lleva a cabo antes de la Asamblea. A través de esta metodología, la sociedad civil presentó a la Asamblea una serie de recomendaciones a la OEA en temas de Desarrollo Integral y Prosperidad en el Hemisferio; Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Estado de Derecho y Seguridad Multidimensional.

    Esta metodología de trabajo está siendo tomada en cuenta por la OEA en eventos como la VIII Cumbre de las Américas y por la CEPAL en el Foro de los Países de América Latina y el Caribe sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 94, 1
    Para el principal evento con sociedad civil de la AGOEA: “El Diálogo con sociedad civil y otros actores relevantes”, se estableció una nueva metodología de participación de la sociedad civil a través de la formación autogestionada de coaliciones con posiciones afines, es decir, las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC) debían agruparse con otras organizaciones, no solo de su país, con las que compartan los mismos intereses y la misma visión, para construir un posicionamiento que, a través de un solo vocero se pudiera presentar ante los representantes de los Estados.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 94, 1
    Otra acción importante fue el trabajo de México para fortalecer la participación de la sociedad civil en la Asamblea General de la OEA (AGOEA), que se llevó a cabo del 19 al 21 de junio de 2017, en Cancún, Quintana Roo, con el tema “Fortaleciendo el Diálogo y la Concertación para la Prosperidad”. La sociedad civil tuvo una importante presencia, asistieron 494 personas, representantes de 308 OSC hemisféricas.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 94, 1
    Una acción importante es la integración de la sociedad civil a la política exterior de México a través de la inclusión de representantes en las delegaciones oficiales de México a los eventos internacionales:
    De julio de 2016 a diciembre 2017 un total de 32 representantes de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil fueron integrados a 13 Delegaciones Oficiales de México como Asesores No Gubernamentales. Su colaboración fue importante porque nutrió el posicionamiento del gobierno mexicano en diversos temas. Se anexa listado de dichas delegaciones.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 94, 1
    A fin de impulsar la democracia participativa y contribuir a una política exterior eficaz, participativa y responsable, la Dirección General de Vinculación con Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil, (DGVOSC), estimuló el involucramiento de la sociedad civil mexicana en los temas de la agenda internacional a través de diferentes actividades de participación, información, diálogo y consulta en asuntos prioritarios como Derechos Humanos, Cambio Climático, G20, Desarrollo Sostenible, Migración, y Política Mundial de Drogas.
    • Date:  4/11/2018    Paragraphs: 1
    El programa Mesoamérica sin Hambre (MsH) surge como iniciativa de cooperación regional financiada por la Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID) y ejecutada a nivel técnico por la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), ante la necesidad de impulsar acciones regionales en Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SAN) para avanzar hacia la erradicación del hambre en Mesoamérica.
    Mmesoamérica sin Hambre acompaña procesos de fortalecimiento de marcos normativos, institucionales y de políticas públicas en favor de la SAN y la institucionalidad técnica necesaria para incrementar la resiliencia de la agricultura familiar, a partir de la complementariedad e intercambio de mejores prácticas en 9 países: Belice, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá y República Dominicana. Entre los logros detacan:
    * Aprobación de la Ley Modelo de Pesca Artesanal o en Pequeña Escala, en 2017, y de Ley Modelo de Agricultura Familiar, en 2016, ambas en el seno del Parlamento Latinoamericano (PARLATINO), como guías para la región.
    * Herramienta para el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas, así como para el logro de las metas del Plan de Seguridad Alimentaria, Nutrición y Erradicación del Hambre 2025 de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC).
    • Date:  12/31/2012    Paragraphs: 94
    • Se llevó a cabo el Taller: “Mecanismos de diálogo gobierno – sociedad civil y su rol en la democratización. Miradas desde las interfaces en la relación Gobiernos y Sociedades Civiles en América Latina”, 17 de noviembre de 2011, ciudad de México. El Taller tuvo como objetivo reflexionar en torno a la relación entre los gobiernos y la sociedad civil con miras a la construcción de ciudadanía y la profundización de la democracia.

    • La Comisión Internacional de Cambio Climático (CICC) en su 11ª Sesión Ordinaria del 18 de noviembre de 2011, aprobó la creación del Grupo de Trabajo de Vinculación con la Sociedad Civil (GT-VINC), cuyo objetivo es institucionalizar la vinculación de los diferentes sectores del gobierno representados en esta Comisión con los organismos de participación ciudadana, así como organizaciones de la sociedad civil y ciudadanos con conocimiento y experiencia en el tema.

    • Se realiza trabajo de orientación a las organizaciones mexicanas en su vinculación con la OEA, proporcionando asesoría en los procedimientos para su registro ante la Organización e informando las actividades que realiza.

    • Se proporciona acceso virtual a los mecanismos de internet de la OEA y sus actividades a través del portal de participación social de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE).

    • En el marco de la Ley Federal de Fomento a las Actividades Realizadas por Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (LFFAROSC), la SRE participa en la Comisión de Fomento de las Actividades de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil elaborando propuestas y mecanismos de fomento social que fortalecen las actividades que desempeñan los diversos actores sociales.

    • Del 4 al 6 de junio del 2012 se celebró en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, la Conferencia de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Sustentable, en la que la SRE, en coordinación con la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT), inició una estrategia de trabajo hacia la reunión de Río +20 que consideraba mecanismos de inclusión de la sociedad civil en el tema de Desarrollo Sustentable.

    • El 27 y 28 de agosto de 2012, se llevó a cabo en las instalaciones de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, el Seminario Internacional “Retos y Nuevos Temas en la Relación entre Gobiernos y Sociedades Civiles”, con el objetivo de reflexionar sobre la evolución de la relación gobierno-sociedad civil, la identificación de políticas exitosas de fomento a las actividades de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en nuestra región, así como las experiencias de los ejecutores de políticas públicas para la construcción de ciudadanía. Se contó con la participación de expertos en materia de sociedad civil nacionales e internacionales. Dentro de sus logros, cabe mencionar que se resaltó la importancia de la continuidad y el seguimiento de los espacios de diálogo y de los mecanismos institucionalizados de participación ciudadana en función del fortalecimiento de la relación entre el gobierno y sociedad civil. En particular, se acogió con beneplácito la iniciativa de conformar una red gubernamental para la consulta, análisis e intercambio de experiencias para los gobiernos y sociedades civiles de Iberoamérica.

    • El 24 de octubre de 2011 y el 24 de mayo de 2012 se realizaron los Talleres “Caminando hacia Río+20” con objeto de recibir los insumos de los representantes de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil interesadas en la aportación mexicana para el borrador cero de dicho foro, generando tres documentos de propuesta para el gobierno mexicano. Cabe mencionar que a la Conferencia de Río+20 fueron acreditadas siete representantes de organizaciones mexicanas, y nueve fueron incluidas en la Delegación de México.

    • Después de la Reunión COP16 de Naciones Unidas, el gobierno de México se ha reunido con organizaciones de sociedad civil para informar sobre el estado de las negociaciones en las Conferencias de Cambio Climático posteriores a Cancún, tales como Durban en 2011 y Doha durante el 2012, y presentar un programa de trabajo para poner en marcha los Acuerdos de Cancún. A este respecto, se realizaron reuniones con organizaciones de sociedad civil para construir conjuntamente la agenda de cambio climático a nivel nacional a través del Programa Especial de Cambio Climático (PECC) y se propusieron los Diálogos Nacionales “Poniendo en Marcha los Acuerdos de Cancún. Asimismo el gobierno de México se ha comprometido con diferentes actores clave en el proceso de cambio climático como redes y organizaciones de la sociedad civil, académicos e integrantes del sector privado, a realizar diálogos internacionales previos a cada consulta informal de alto nivel.

    • En 2011, México contaba con 28 organizaciones de la sociedad civil que participaron en las actividades de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), mientras que para 2012 ascendieron a 30.

    • En 2012, la SRE instrumentó por quinto año consecutivo, el Programa “Voluntariado Internacional para el Desarrollo Sustentable de México” con el objetivo de promover y consolidar una cultura de solidaridad global. El Programa se centró en temas como migración, desarrollo comunitario, atención y cuidado de personas con VIH/SIDA, protección de tortugas marinas, construcción de vivienda y preservación de patrimonio cultural. Asimismo contempló el desarrollo de experiencias comunitarias en coordinación con nueve Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil.

    • Difusión de las convocatorias y documentos emitidos por la OEA.

    • En miras a la VIII Cumbre del G20 en los Cabos, Baja California Sur, tuvo lugar un proceso de diálogo que incluyó reuniones con grupos de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil, redes, coaliciones y movimientos sociales a nivel nacional e internacional; el logro de dichos encuentros se vio reflejado en valiosas aportaciones a la Presidencia Mexicana contenidas en 29 documentos de posiciones de los grupos en cuestión, quienes siguieron de cerca este proceso. Los documentos fueron publicados finalmente en el sitio oficial de la Presidencia Mexicana.

    • Asimismo, durante la Cumbre de Líderes fueron acreditados 67 representantes de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales, quienes tuvieron acceso permanente al Centro Internacional de Medios, donde se realizaron las sesiones de información dirigidos a sociedad civil por parte de la Presidencia Mexicana, y las redes de organizaciones acreditadas, por su parte, llevaron a cabo sus conferencias de prensa dirigidas a los medios de comunicación que se dieron cita en Los Cabos.

    • El gobierno de México fortalece día con día los trabajos de la Comisión de Política Gubernamental en Materia de Derechos Humanos, presidida por la Secretaría de Gobernación. Esta Comisión incluye a todas las dependencias e instituciones relacionadas con el tema de los derechos humanos y organizaciones de la sociedad civil, con objeto de asegurar la participación de todos los actores involucrados, en el diseño y evaluación de las acciones nacionales e internacionales del Ejecutivo Federal en materia de derechos humanos y dar uniformidad a los actos de gobierno tanto en el ámbito interno como en el exterior.



    • Date:  5/19/2011    Paragraphs: 94
    Information available in Spanish
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  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
    • Reports
    • Date:  2/13/2018    Paragraphs: -
    Information available in Spanish
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
    • Reports
    • Date:  3/21/2017    Paragraphs: 1
    PCM-SEGDI. La Secretaría de Gobierno Digital (SEGDI) de la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros (PCM) es el órgano de línea, con autoridad técnico normativa a nivel nacional, responsable de formular y proponer políticas nacionales y sectoriales, planes nacionales, normas, lineamientos y estrategias en materia de informática y de Gobierno Electrónico. Asimismo, es el órgano rector del Sistema Nacional de Informática del Estado peruano.
    A la fecha viene desarrollando diferentes acciones para promover el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en la Administración Pública, con la finalidad de promover la digitalización de los servicios públicos, así como también un mayor acceso a los mismos por parte de la ciudadanía. En este sentido, se aprobaron los Decretos Legislativos N° 1246 y 1310 que buscan promover la simplificación administrativa en el Estado, poniendo a disposición de las entidades públicas información que el Estado ya posee del ciudadano para la tramitación de sus procedimientos administrativos y sus actos de administración interna, entre dichos servicios tenemos: identificación y estado civil, antecedentes penales, antecedentes judiciales, antecedentes policiales, grados y títulos, vigencia de poderes y titularidad o dominio de bienes. A la fecha son más de 150 entidades públicas que vienen haciendo uso de dichos servicios, lo que permite brindar más y mejores servicios a la ciudadanía.

    Asimismo, en el marco de la Política Nacional de Gobierno Electrónico (aprobada mediante Decreto Supremo N° 081-2013-PCM), el Plan de Desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información en el Perú – La Agenda Digital 2.0 (aprobada mediante Decreto Supremo N° 066-2011-PCM) y la Ley N° 29904 – Ley de Promoción de la Banda Ancha y Construcción de la Red Dorsal Nacional de Fibra Óptica y su Reglamento, viene promoviendo la implementación de Centros de Acceso Público (CAP) a nivel nacional, los CAP pueden ser: CAP Telecentros para el fortalecimiento de capacidades de la población en el uso y aprovechamiento de la TIC, y CAP de Gobierno Electrónico (CAP EGOB) para promover el acceso a servicios y aplicaciones de Gobierno Electrónico por parte de la población.

    Al respecto, la SEGDI ha elaborado los modelos y lineamientos para la implementación y gestión de los CAP Telecentros y CAP EGOB, por parte de entidades públicas, sociedad civil, sector privado, sector académico, entre otros a nivel nacional. A la fecha se han identificado 121 CAP Telecentros y 135 CAP EGOB.

    De igual manera, se coordinó con el Ministerio de Educación la elaboración de contenidos para la Alfabetización Digital, los cuales son compartidos con todas aquellas entidades o instituciones que promueven actividades de inclusión digital (capacitaciones, implementación de telecentros, etc.).

    Por otro lado, la SEGDI también viene desarrollando actividades de difusión y sensibilización de las TIC a nivel nacional, a través de talleres regionales sobre Gobierno Electrónico y Sociedad de la Información, dando a conocer a las entidades públicas, sector académico, sector privado, ciudadanía en general los beneficios del Gobierno Electrónico y los servicios digitales. Del 2015 a la fecha se han realizado 22 talleres en: Amazonas, Áncash, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Ica, Junín, Lima, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco, Tacna, Tumbes y Ucayali. Además, otorga de manera gratuita a los gobiernos locales sus portales institucionales para la publicación y difusión de información de interés de la ciudadanía (datos de la entidad, obras, personal, noticias, otros); desde el 2007 a la fecha se han entregado más de 607 portales municipales.
    • Related Resources
    Listado de Telecentros
    Modelo CAP Gobierno Electrónico
    Modelo de CAP Telecentro
    Portales Municipales
    Relación de instituciones usuarias de los servicios de la Plataforma de Interoperabilidad del Estado (PIDE)
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Suriname
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • United States
    • Reports
    • Date:  7/7/2016    Paragraphs: -
    Civil Society Council for the Summit of the Americas
    The U.S. Department of State provided a nearly $1 million grant in 2015 to empower civil society to establish and implement a formal mechanism for civil society participation in the Summit of the Americas process. The mechanism will 1) initiate and facilitate a robust forum for civil society from across the region; 2) coordinate and lead formal engagement with leaders at the Summits of the Americas, in consultation with the host government; 3) formally submit input to the host government and the Summit Implementation Review Group; and 4) monitor stakeholder Summit commitments. The grantee, Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe por la Democracia (REDLAD), is currently working with a consortium of civil society organizations from Peru, El Salvador, Paraguay, and Haiti to hold consultations with civil society representatives from throughout the region and establish a framework for a civil society council, known as PASCA (Participacion de la Sociedad Civil en la Cumbre de las Americas).

    Civil Society Hubs

    As part of President Obama’s Stand with Civil Society Initiative, USAID has partnered with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and other donors to support the Civil Society Innovation Initiative (CSII). CSII is supporting the development of six hubs around the world – both physical and virtual – to aid civil society organizations operating in difficult environments or experimenting with innovative approaches to public policy issues. USAID expects one hub in the Americas to launch by September 2016. The exact location has not yet been determined, but its services will be open to organizations throughout the region.

    The Global Equality Fund

    In December 2011, the United States launched the Global Equality Fund to support civil society organizations working to advance the human rights of LGBTI persons. The Global Equality Fund is a multi-stakeholder platform bridging like-minded governments, foundations, and corporations. The Fund leverages resources from the U.S. government, other governments, and private donors. The Fund also provides emergency assistance to LGBTI human rights defenders and civil society organizations who find themselves under threat from state or non-state actors.

    In 2014, Chile became the first government from South America to join the Fund as a partner, followed by Uruguay in 2015, and Argentina in 2016. The Global Equality Fund supports programs that promote and protect the human rights of LGBTI persons, to include efforts that respond to and prevent hate crimes and bias-motivated violence, increase access to justice for
    LGBTI persons; educate and train justice sector personnel, raise rights awareness, reduce stigma in healthcare contexts, and document human rights abuses in support of data-driven advocacy initiatives.

    Building Constituencies for Democracy

    The U.S. government provides in-depth training and tailored technical assistance to civil society organizations in the Americas to build the capacity of strategically targeted civil society actors. These civil society actors are capable of influencing a strong grassroots base and public policies that protect democracy and human rights, bring selected civil society actors in the region together to learn from each other’s expertise through peer-to-peer coaching, and identify and remove barriers to collective action.
    • Date:  7/7/2016    Paragraphs: -
    Supporting Marginalized Groups and the Practice of Democracy

    U.S. efforts have directly benefitted more than 300,000 people in poor and marginalized communities in 20 countries throughout the Americas through Inter-American Foundation grants active in fiscal year 2015. In preparation for the Civil Society Forum at the 2015 Summit of the Americas in Panama, the IAF provided the U.S. Department of State with a report prepared by 43 representatives of IAF grantee partners on their lessons and recommendations regarding civil society involvement in social protection programs in Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Paraguay, and Peru. The IAF sponsored the participation of 13 grantee partners in the Civil Society Forum, which brought together civil society representatives from 32 countries to develop recommendations to leaders based on six Summit sub-themes: democratic governance, citizen participation, education, health, energy and environment, and migration and security. Two IAF grantee representatives were among the 15 civil society members selected to participate in a private roundtable discussion with President Obama, Costa Rican President Solis, and Uruguayan President Vazquez.

    The United States also is working with bilateral partners to reduce racial and ethnic discrimination through the U.S.-Brazil Joint Action Plan to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Discrimination (Joint Action Plan) and the U.S.-Colombia Action Plan on Racial and Ethnic Equality (CAPREE). Both initiatives seek to share best practices in addressing racial and ethnic disparities in health, environmental justice, education, economic opportunities, and access to the justice system. U.S. embassies in the Western Hemisphere also commemorated the first year of the International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024). Activities included hosting political dialogues, publishing op-eds and social media content, developing speaker programs and exchange programs, and engaging with civil society as well as with African descendent entrepreneurs and professional associations.

    In support of the U.S.-Brazil Joint Action Plan to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Discrimination, the Office of Minority Health and Health Equity under the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention established a partnership with the Association of American Medical Colleges, the Brazil Ministry of Health, and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to host a series of collaborative events in 2015. Activities included a webinar series on medical education, health disparities, and racial and ethnic health issues as well as presentations and discussions during the 2015 PAHO Regional Meeting on Ethnicity and Health.

    The Department of State works closely with the Colombian government to support the U.S.- Colombia Action Plan on Racial and Ethnic Equality (CAPREE). At the third CAPREE steering committee meeting in Bogota in 2015, five working groups discussed the challenges faced by people of African descent and indigenous peoples in both countries. Colombia’s Ministry of Interior hosted CAPREE’s second plenary April 6 and 7, 2016, in Cali, Colombia, with approximately 250 government, private sector, and civil society representatives from the United States and Colombia. The plenary was a visible example of our binational commitment to improve social inclusion within our societies and better connect Afro-Colombian and indigenous civil society representatives to share common challenges and best practices. In support of CAPREE, the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, in partnership with the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF), hosted the 2015 African-American Culture Series, a six-month campaign of cultural programs.

    In addition to the activities undertaken under the auspices of CAPREE, U.S. Embassy Bogota engaged women and LGBTI communities. The Embassy coordinated with a leading activist on women’s rights to create a video in honor of International Women’s Month and hosted an
    Olympic softball player, elevating Post’s sports diplomacy as a tool for conflict resolution and women’s empowerment. Through the Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Americas
    (WEAmericas) initiative, the Embassy launched WEConnect International in Colombia, linking women-owned and women-run businesses with multinational corporations. USAID supported the United States Institute for Peace (USIP) to empower emerging women leaders to become conflict mediators in their respective regions. Embassy engagement with the LGBTI community has largely focused on USAID support for the Colombian LGBTI Chamber of Commerce, which currently has a presence in six cities across Colombia and over 150 members. The organization hosts a series of events throughout the year, including quarterly regional expos to activate LGBTI leadership; promote employability skills for LGBTI people and provide access to quality jobs; and promote entrepreneurship by providing the necessary tools, methodology, and support.

    Observance of the United Nations’ 2015-2024 International Decade for People of African
    Descent is a priority for the United States, as it supports U.S. foreign policy objectives in the Americas, including the promotion of social and economic opportunity, social equity, and the human rights of historically marginalized populations. The Department of State is working to generate awareness of the diverse heritage, unique challenges, and contributions made by people of African descent, including African-American, Afro-Latino, Afro-Caribbean, and African-Canadian communities through activities focused on economic empowerment, political participation, civil society engagement and strengthening, government-to government dialogue on inclusion and equality, education and cultural exchanges, engagement with law enforcement and the justice sector, and public support for human rights.

    Examples of activities carried out by U.S. embassies in the Americas included:
    •?Embassy Lima hosted a delegation of U.S. Census Bureau experts to share the U.S. experience on collecting and analyzing race and ethnicity census data with key stakeholders;
    •?Embassy Paramaribo hosted a film screening of 12 Years A Slave at the American
    Corner to commemorate the U.S. celebration of abolition Juneteenth and the Surinamese Keti Koti celebration (Chains are Cut);
    •?Embassy Mexico City collaborated with the National Council to Prevent Discrimination
    (CONAPRED) on the first-ever conference of leaders from the Afro-Mexican community focused on advancing human rights and addressing challenges and opportunities;
    •?Embassy Tegucigalpa developed a year-long strategy for increased engagement with
    •?Various U.S. embassies developed speaker programs and exchange programs; created internal antidiscrimination working groups; hosted political dialogues; collaborated with multilateral agencies; engaged with civil society as well as with African descendent entrepreneurs and professional associations; or published op-eds and social media content.

    Americas Partnership for Social Inclusion and Equality (APSIE)

    The Americas Partnership for Social Inclusion and Equality (APSIE) aims to raise visibility of and provide support for social inclusion efforts in the region, building on lessons learned from civil society. As part of APSIE, the U.S. government supports historically marginalized groups in the Western Hemisphere, including LGBTI persons, women and girls, people of African descent, indigenous peoples, and people with disabilities, through technical assistance, training, and education. The United States invested nearly $1.8 million and leveraged over $1.9 million to fund projects that build the capacity of vulnerable groups to access economic and educational opportunities and to promote inclusive practices and civic engagement through eight projects in five countries (Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Peru).
    • Date:  6/2/2014    Paragraphs: 94
    Innovation Fund for the Americas (IFA)
    - At the conclusion of the Sixth Summit of the Americas, President Obama announced the Innovation Fund for the Americas (IFA) to invest in the world’s most cost-effective, breakthrough solutions to development challenges. The IFA supports solutions to environmental vulnerability, citizen insecurity, at-risk youth, poor quality education, weak governance, uncompetitive SMEs, and Haiti’s reconstruction.
    - Through the IFA, the United States makes awards ranging from $100,000 to $15 million on a rolling basis, tapping into the best development ideas coming from non-traditional partners in academia, the private sector, and civil society.
    - To date, IFA has awarded 11 innovation grants, totaling $1.5 million, to discover and test development solutions in Brazil, Colombia, Haiti, Mexico, and Peru.

    Citizen-Led Grassroots Initiatives
    - Through the Inter-American Foundation (IAF), the United States identifies and invests directly in the most promising initiatives designed and implemented by marginalized communities in Latin America and the Caribbean to help their communities thrive. The U.S. government invests in the knowledge, skills, ingenuity, and organizational strength of local citizens to facilitate the success of their projects. In addition to the external results of such projects, local communities gain invaluable experience in project management, business development, and organizational governance. This substantially improves their ability to sustain their own efforts beyond U.S. support and to the strengthening of civil society.
    - The United States requires grantee partners to invest their own resources and mobilize contributions from others, helping to multiply the effect of U.S. government funding. On average over the last five years, each dollar invested by the United States leveraged $1.30 from grantee partners or others. In fiscal years 2009-2013, grantee partners committed $100.9 million in cash or in kind, more than matching the United States’ investment of $77.8 million. Over the past five years, the United States has funded the initiatives of more than 400 civil society organizations.
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela
  • Organization of American States (OAS)
    • Reports
    • Date:  11/10/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Initiative: The Training and Certification Program for Drug and Violence Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation (PROCCER)
    PROCCER is a model that provides for inter-agency, inter-institutional, and interdisciplinary organization at the national and regional levels, such that it can offer training and certification in the therapeutic intervention fields of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation for drug dependence and drug-associated violence as well as in aspects of program organization and operation.
    The components of the PROCCER Model may be adapted and tailored to meet the needs of the specific member state or region in accordance with needs and capacity. The objective of PROCCER model implementation is to develop and strengthen the national and regional institutional and service provider capacities in intervention strategies. The increased capacity is intended to enhance the quality and efficacy of drug use and violence prevention programs, as well as programs for treating and rehabilitating drug dependency or violent criminal behaviors.

    Activities: PROCCER is presently working in coordination with 23 national drug commissions of member states, 14 universities, and over 3,804 NGOS and members of civil society; and trained more than 2,300 prevention and treatment service providers from governmental and non-governmental agencies.

    - PROCCER: Training of treatment service providers in Mexico, Central America- 6, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, the Latin American Federation of Therapeutic Communities (FLACT)-19, including Brazil through the Brazilian Federation of Therapeutic Communities (FEBRACT)
    - PROCCER: Training of prevention practitioners and treatment service providers in the Caribbean- 13
    - PROCCER: National-level certification of treatment service providers in Mexico, El Salvador, and Costa Rica
    - PROCCER: Regional-level certification of prevention specialists and treatment service providers in the Caribbean
    - Training in the Specialized Adolescent Treatment Training for treatment service providers working with high-risk adolescents in the Caribbean region and on a global level
    -Training in the Universal Prevention Curriculum and Universal Treatment Curriculum on a hemispheric level


    Beneficiaries: 23 Member States: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominica, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, the Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago
    Of the 23 Member States: the national drug commissions and ministries of health, GO, NGO, and civil society that offer prevention and treatment services, and citizens of member states who suffer from the disease of addiction and violence associated with drugs

    Partnership and financing: US Department of State: Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL)

    Government of Canada: Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program (ACCBP)

    In-kind contributions from OAS Member States implementing PROCCER
    • Date:  11/10/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Information available in spanish
    • Date:  11/10/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Information available in spanish
    • Date:  10/5/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Civil Society Participation in the Framework of the Mechanism for Follow-Up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC)

    MESICIC is recognized as an international example of openness toward Civil Society (see:

    The importance of civil society participation in the MESICIC is outlined in the Report of Buenos Aires, the grounding document of the Mechanism, which states that “In order to obtain better input for its review, the Committee shall include in the provisions governing its operation an appropriate role for civil society organizations, taking into account the “Guidelines for the Participation of Civil Society Organizations in OAS Activities” [CP/RES. 759 (1217/99)] and the definition of civil society contained in AG/RES. 1661 (XXIX-O/99), in keeping with the domestic legislation of the State Party under review.”

    To that end, Chapter V of the Rules of Procedure and Other Provisions of the Committee of Experts of MESICIC defines the participation of civil society organizations within the activities of the Committee of Experts.

    One of these activities is the presentation of a "Shadow Report", that is, a document with specific and direct information related to the questions that are referred to in the questionnaire with respect to the implementation, by a State Party under review, of the provisions selected for review within the framework of a round and to the follow-up of recommendations formulated previously. Civil Society Organization cab present these documents within the same time period given to the State Party in responding to the MESICIC questionnaire.

    In addition, Civil society organizations and/or, inter alia, private sector organizations, professional associations, academics, or researchers are invited to participate in a meeting during the Mechanism's on-site visit to the country.

    - Participation of several Civil Society Organizations and/or, inter alia, private sector organizations, professional associations, academics, or researchers are invited to participate during the MESICIC On-site visits to Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia, carried out between September and October 2015.

    For instance, during the on-site visit to Peru, the participation of OSCs included the following: Anti-Corruption Working Group (GTCC), the Peruvian Press Council (Consejo de la Prensa Peruana), the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (IDEHPUCP), Centro Liber, the National Confederation of Private Business Organizations (CONFIEP), the National Society of Industries and the Chamber of Commerce of Lima.

    - In September 2015, the MESICIC Technical Secretariat and the Department of International Affairs of the Secretariat for External Relations distributed among OSCs registered from Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago (countries that compose the Second Group of States to be reviewed for the Fifth Round), their respective Country Questionnaire Regarding Follow-Up of the Implementation of the Recommendations Formulated and the Provisions Reviewed in the Second Round, and on the Convention Provisions Selected for the Fifth Round.

    The aforementioned countries and Registered OSCs have until December 9, 2015 to submit their respective responses to the Questionnaire.


    (Registered) Civil Society Organizations of the 31 Member States of MESICIC (Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela).
  • Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/8/2016    Paragraphs: -
    Through the Regional Public Goods Initiative, the IDB protects traditional Maya Chorti knowledge in Guatemala and Honduras, through climate change adaptation strategies, and biodiversity protection. The project also promotes the bi-national Traditional Knowledge Network based on the active participation of community leaders and their organizations with government institutions to protect Mayan cultural heritage. In 2015, the IDB organized the first indigenous peoples Regional Policy Dialogue with participation of government representatives and community leaders from ten countries. The dialogue highlighted the contributions of indigenous peoples to the social and environmental development of their countries.

    Women´s City is a new model of empowerment for women that integrates the provision of high quality services under one roof. Women´s City originated in El Salvador under the leadership of the Secretariat for Social Inclusion; currently, there are six Women´s City Centers operating in El Salvador and at least three more will open in coming years. Women´s City offers services for women survivors of violence, as well as to promote economic empowerment and better health outcomes, with a focus on sexual and reproductive health. Child care is offered for children while their mothers make use of Women´s City services. The IDB supported the expansion of Women´s City in El Salvador with two loans and is financing its adaptation in Honduras and the Dominican Republic.
  • Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
    • Reports
    • Date:  12/8/2017    Paragraphs: -
    ECLAC has continued offering the course on “Planificación participativa para el cambio estructural”, which, to date, has had 200 student participants. The purpose of the course is to share theoretical frameworks and case studies in the development of best practices in the region. It is also a methodological exercise on how to carry out a strategy of participation in the construction of public policies. A manual has also been published: “La planificación participativa para lograr un cambio estructural con igualdad: las estrategias de participación ciudadana en los procesos de planificación multi-escalar“.

    The Sixth Meeting of the Negotiating Committee of the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (Principle 10), was organized by ECLAC and the government of Brazil in March 2017. The Meeting was aimed towards reaching a regional agreement on rights of access to environmental information, participation and justice, enshrined in Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (Rio + 20).

    During the month of October 2017, the Preparatory Meeting of the Sixth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society of Latin America and the Caribbean was held at the ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile, in which representatives of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean began the process of discussing the new regional digital agenda, eLAC2020. Within the framework of this meeting, the commitments assumed in the current digital agenda, known as eLAC2018, were evaluated. The agenda considers the use of digital technologies as instruments of sustainable development, while delineating areas of action and objectives of the eLAC2020 agenda. It will be approved at the Sixth Ministerial Conference to be held in April 2018 in Colombia.
    • Date:  4/11/2017    Paragraphs: -
    The Sixth Meeting of the Negotiating Committee of the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (Principle 10), was organized by ECLAC and the government of Brazil in March 2017, toward reaching a regional agreement this year on rights of access to environmental information, participation and justice, enshrined in Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (Rio+20).
    • Date:  6/8/2016    Paragraphs: -
    ECLAC has continued to lecture the course of "Participatory Planning for Structural Change" with the participation 200 students to date, and aims to share theoretical and practical cases of best practices of development in the region, and carry out a methodological exercise on how to implement a strategy for citizen participation in the development of public policies. ECLAC has also published the manual on "Participatory Planning to achieve a Structural Change with equality: strategies for citizen participation in multi-scale planning processes ".
    • Date:  10/14/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Iniciativa: Curso sobre Planificación participativa para un cambio estructural con igualdad
    Esta iniciativa tiene el propósito de incorporar la dimensión de la participación ciudadana en los procesos de planificación en distintas escalas, y el objetivo de fortalecer las capacidades de agentes públicos, gubernamentales y no gubernamentales que tengan responsabilidades en el diseño y ejecución de esos procesos, bajo el paradigma del cambio estructural con igualdad.

    Actividades: El Curso fue organizado por el Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES-CEPAL), a través del Área de Gestión del Desarrollo Local y Regional.
    El curso se desarrolló durante una semana, con una dinámica en la que se utilizó una didáctica vinculada a la praxis, focalizando el desarrollo de la actividad en un marco teórico, en la presentación de casos relevantes y en el análisis-reflexión de la propia práctica del público asistente al curso.
    Tres ejes estructuraron al curso:
    Un primer eje referido a un marco conceptual sobre la planificación participativa en los procesos de desarrollo.
    Un segundo eje referido a casos de procesos de planificación participativa en la región.
    Un tercer y último eje, tcon relación al conocimiento de una metodología que contribuya a generar procesos de planificación participativa.


    Beneficiarios: Participantes, Policy makers.
  • Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
  • World Bank
  • Inter-American Institute for Cooperation of Agriculture (IICA)
  • Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)
  • Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)
  • Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
  • International Organization for Migrations (IOM)
  • International Labor Organization (ILO)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
    • Reports
    • Date:  11/5/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Initiative: IberJovenes (UNDP, OIJ, SEGIB)
    Regional programme focused on youth participation and empowerment. UNDP provides technical assistance and support for implementation along OIJ and SEGIB. It counts with the participation of 11 countries from the Ibero-American region. The programme poses four components: 1. Youth participation; 2. Youth empowerment and capacity development; 3. Youth mobility; 4. Support for youth entrepreneurship and social innovation. It is focused on youth from 15 to 29 years old, targeting specific actions on youth indigenous, afro-descendants; young women and LGTBI.

    Actividades: - Regional Forum of Intergenerational Dialogue. The regional dialogue will produce inputs ad policy recommendations for nurturing the upcoming XXV Ibero-American Summit on ¨Youth, Education and Entrepreneurship¨ to be held in December 2016
    - E-debates and production of policy analysis on youth living conditions
    - regional mapping of youth networks and organizations; regional mapping of training and empowerment demands from young social/ elected representatives and civil servants;
    - Training programme design and conduction also of mentorships
    - Mapping/ Regional analysis on financial mechanisms available for youth entrepreneurship and social innovation
    - Mapping/ Regional analysis on youth mobility programmes
    - Based on youth demands and regional comparative analyses, develop regional programming and technical support to national youth institutions.


    Beneficiaries: Ministries/ National Institutes of Youth, young elected representatives, civil servants
    Youth networks and organizations. Special emphasis on youth from 15 to 29 years old, targeting specific actions on youth indigenous, afro-descendants; young women and LGTBI

    Partnerships and Financing: UNDP RBLAC; Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB); Ibero-American Organization of Youth- OIJ; 11 National Governments; Spanish International Cooperation Agency- AECID
    • Date:  11/5/2015    Paragraphs: -
    UNDP in the LAC region has prioritized the promotion of an Agenda for Participation and Inclusion with a special focus on promoting the human rights of the most excluded and discriminated people: women, youth, Afrodescendants and indigenous peoples as agents of their own development. UNDP cooperates with governments to strengthen democratic governance by assisting public institutions to respond to citizens’ increasing demands and expectations. UNDP applies its convening power to create or strengthen spaces for dialogue that contribute to an increased respect for the human rights of all citizens. Policy advice and programme and technical assistance are provided on issues such as elections, transparency, local governance, youth, indigenous peoples and afrodescendants with a special focus in gender equality. UNDP also strengthens institutional and national stakeholders’ capacities to expand citizens’ participation in decision-making processes that concern them. UNDP systematically targets key obstacles contributing to the exclusion and discrimination against the most marginalized groups such indigenous peoples and afrodescendants.
    UNDP’s work with indigenous peoples is an integral part of its broader work towards sustainable human development and is thus guided and shaped by international human rights standards and principles and supported by UNDP policies and guidelines. Work and engagement with indigenous peoples has been a priority focus area within UNDP’s overall mission to mainstream a human rights-based approach into development policies, programmes and projects and in global efforts to promote non-discrimination and support marginalized peoples and groups.

    Activities: Some activities developed in 2015 by UNDP to promote participation and inclusion of indigenous peoples and afrodescendants in the region:
    • Develop a Sub-Regional Project on Indigenous Peoples and Afrodescendants for Central America.
    • UNDP, in partnership with the Global Steering Committee of the International Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Climate Change, is supporting a process of engagement and visibility of indigenous peoples’ voices in the lead-up to and during the COP 21, to take place in Paris in December 2015. A series of national policy dialogues will be taking place in LAC.
    • Cooperation and assistance to the Indigenous Parliament of America (PIA). This partnership enables to strengthen indigenous peoples’ representation and the positioning of indigenous issues in national parliaments and government agendas.
    • UNDP is implementing a Human Rights Project in cooperation with OHCHR in Honduras with the objective to strengthen the capacities of public institutions in implementing their international human rights obligations, with a special focus on Indigenous Peoples and Afrodescendant rights. A consultation process with indigenous peoples and Afrodescendant to voice their priorities in the formulation of a National Plan against Racism and Racial Discrimination 2014-2022 (approved in September 2015).
    • In Mexico, UNDP is supporting the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI) in four initiatives: 1) Programme for the improvement of indigenous production and productivity; 2) Programme of indigenous rights; 3) Programme for the support to indigenous education, and; 4) Programme of indigenous infrastructure.
    • UNDP in Mexico has been supporting the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation in improving access to electoral justice of indigenous peoples taking into account their traditional institutions.
    • In Peru, UNDP is supporting the Government in the implementation of the “Prevention of social conflicts in the use of natural resources” project. UNDP provides assistance to state institutions regulating the management of water and environmental assets in the establishment of a comprehensive framework for a human rights-based approach to sustainably managing natural resources, with special focus on the impact of extractive activities on indigenous peoples.
    • UNDP has also assisted Peru in the creation of several instruments and mechanisms to support the implementation of the Prior Consultation Law, such as the “Guide to Public Facilitators of Prior Consultation Processes”, the “Guide on the Identification of Indigenous Peoples” and the national system for conflict prevention and conflict management in the use of natural resources.
    • UNDP-REDD supports the formulation of a prior consultation draft bill in Honduras, the elaboration of a free, prior and informed consent protocol in Surinam, the creation and implementation of a grievance mechanism for REDD-related activities in Paraguay and Panama, and the institutional strengthening of indigenous organizations in Peru and Ecuador.
    • In Panama, UNDP has supported the consultation process (over 90 local consultations with all 7 indigenous peoples over a period of a year) and the formulation of the Integral Development Plan of the Indigenous Peoples (to be approved by Parliament).
    • In Uruguay, is working on affirmative actions for afrodescendant people to be part of the public agenda and policy-making, by, amongst others, promoting quotas to introduce more afrodescendants into the labour market.


    Beneficiaries: Governments, indigenous peoples at the community level and their organizations, afrodescendants and their organizations, NGOs,

    Partnerships and Financing: UNDP, multilateral and bilateral cooperation institutions, national governments.