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    Paragraphes Relatifs au Thème
    • Date:  2018-03-22    Paragraphes: -
    Environmental factors play an important role in increasing human vulnerability and driving migration and displacement. IOM is dedicated to supporting Latin American countries in their efforts to mitigate the risks of environmental and climate related stressors. In Argentina, attention was placed on capacity-building for disaster risk management in line with IOM’s strategy on migration, environment and climate change during 2017. In Peru, IOM joined the UN Evaluation and Disaster Coordination (UNDAC) team, in supporting of the Government of Peru, to assess the emergency caused by heavy rains, and mud- and landslides in several regions of the country in January of 2017. IOM deployed emergency staff in response to forest fires that have been affecting the central zone of Chile since mid-January, as part of the UN Evaluation and Disaster Coordination (UNDAC) team. In Bolivia, IOM also worked to raise awareness on migration and environmental practices and the relationship between migration and climate change. In this line, it was important to promote environmentally sound development in the country. IOM supported the Peruvian national government in including migration in national adaptation strategies on climate change. IOM provided special strengthening support to national stakeholders in El Salvador on the generation of information and evidence on human mobility and the displacement of vulnerable populations due to the effects of climate change.
    • Date:  2016-06-08    Paragraphes: -
    Information disponible en espagnol et anglais
  • Gestion des catastrophes
    Paragraphes Relatifs au Thème
    • Date:  2018-03-22    Paragraphes: -
    Environmental factors play an important role in increasing human vulnerability and driving migration and displacement. IOM is dedicated to supporting Latin American countries in their efforts to mitigate the risks of environmental and climate related stressors. In Argentina, attention was placed on capacity-building for disaster risk management in line with IOM’s strategy on migration, environment and climate change during 2017. In Peru, IOM joined the UN Evaluation and Disaster Coordination (UNDAC) team, in supporting of the Government of Peru, to assess the emergency caused by heavy rains, and mud- and landslides in several regions of the country in January of 2017. IOM deployed emergency staff in response to forest fires that have been affecting the central zone of Chile since mid-January, as part of the UN Evaluation and Disaster Coordination (UNDAC) team. In Bolivia, IOM also worked to raise awareness on migration and environmental practices and the relationship between migration and climate change. In this line, it was important to promote environmentally sound development in the country. IOM supported the Peruvian national government in including migration in national adaptation strategies on climate change. IOM provided special strengthening support to national stakeholders in El Salvador on the generation of information and evidence on human mobility and the displacement of vulnerable populations due to the effects of climate change.
    • Date:  2014-04-14    Paragraphes: 3, 4
    IOM plays an increasingly important role in Disaster Risk Management and Humanitarian Coordinated Response to displacement induced by natural disasters as global cluster lead for Camp Coordination and Camp.
    IOM in the Americas has been working on 1)Developing models and in data collection on the cost and benefits of migration including displacement in partnership with IDMC. 2) Learning lessons from program implementation to develop evidence based policies for policy-makers. 3)Different advocacy exercises, including through the UN, to develop Mobility Related Indicators for the Implementation of the UN ACTION PLAN on Disaster Risk Reduction.
    • Date:  2014-04-14    Paragraphes: 3
    IOM's Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) intervention in Colombia is comprehensive and includes projects that address all phases of the migration management cycle, from the reduction of migratory pressures on vulnerable populations to the long-term stabilization of communities displaced and otherwise affected by disasters.
    In order to support the capacities of the Colombian Government and civil society, IOM led several shelter coordination and management projects, training local authorities on the provision and management of temporary shelters, and distributed hygiene and sleeping kits to vulnerable families. IOM aimed at enhancing local and institutional preparedness, as well as directly managing the IOM has been working jointly with the National Ministry of Education on community stabilization through the improvement, reconstruction, relocation, rehabilitation and equipping of educational infrastructure in border regions, isolated areas or municipalities affected by natural disasters and conflict. These initiatives seek to reduce risk in some of the most vulnerable communities in the country.situation of populations displaced by the floods.

    In addition, in 2012, the Organization led the shelter coordination and management project for the assistance program implemented jointly with the UN System and the Colombian Government.
    IOM also supports the Colombian Government in the coordination and management of temporary shelters built to assist victims of the La Niña Phenomenon of 2010–2011. More info:
    • Date:  2011-06-21    Paragraphes: 61
    En Haití, con equipos de técnicos agrícolas y miembros de la comunidad, la OIM ha apoyado la construcción de 81.000 metros de paredes de piedra; la excavación de 90.000 metros de microcuencas; y la plantación de más de 800.000 árboles en las cuencas hidrográficas de Gonaïves, Saint Marc y Petit-Goave. El cultivo masivo de árboles y de especies de raíces profundas ayuda a reforzar barreras, retener el agua y fortalecer los suelos.
    Sources Connexes
    IOM's Website
  • Groupe de travail mixte des Sommets
  • Infrastructures et des Transports
  • Justice et État de droit
  • Migrations
    Paragraphes Relatifs au Thème
    • Date:  2018-03-16    Paragraphes: -
    IOM is committed to promoting the orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration
    and mobility of people in Latin America. This is represented in IOM’s objectives that include: advancing the socioeconomic well-being of migrants and society, effectively addressing the mobility dimensions of crises, and ensuring that migration takes place in a safe, orderly and dignified manner. Taken together, these objectives ensure that migration is governed in an integrated and holistic way, responding to the need to consider mobile categories of people and address their needs for assistance in the event of an emergency, building resilience of individuals and communities, as well as ensuring opportunities for the economic and social health of the State. In 2017, IOM designed a data and knowledge concept for the Latin America region that builds on its existing knowledge base, including the Latin American Programme of Technical Cooperation on Migration, the International Migration Inter-American Course, the South American Observatory on Migration, the flagship series of publications Cuadernos Migratorios and the Information Centre on Migration for Latin America (CIMAL). Establishing data collection and processing capacities at the regional level remains a priority for IOM in South America. Additionally, IOM developed a network of practitioners and individuals interested on migration issues in the region, adding an expert voice to its CIMAL knowledge base. In Panama, designed a comprehensive migration policy for the nation. This initiative supported the Government of Panama’s efforts to improve migration governance in the country.
    • Date:  2016-06-08    Paragraphes: -
    Information disponible en espagnol et anglais
    • Date:  2011-06-21    Paragraphes: 17
    A fin de contribuir al respeto de los derechos humanos de los trabajadores migrantes, expertos de la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) en derecho migratorio, junto con la Fundación para las Américas de la OEA, brindaron capacitación a miembros de organizaciones de la sociedad civil de Costa Rica, la República Dominicana, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua. La capacitación contribuyó a concienciar a la gente y desarrollar la capacidad local, así como a mejorar la asistencia a los trabajadores migrantes.

    Los programas de migración laboral de la OIM entre Colombia y España, así como entre Guatemala y Canadá han permitido la participación de miles de migrantes en esquemas legales que proporcionan sueldos justos y subsidios sociales. En los últimos siete años, la Oficina de la OIM en Guatemala, en colaboración con asociaciones de empleadores canadienses y ambos gobiernos, ha ayudado a unos 16.000 trabajadores migrantes a viajar a Canadá por una estancia promedio de seis meses al año. El programa de Colombia a España, inicialmente llevado a cabo con la Unión de Campesinos de Cataluña, así como con los gobiernos nacionales y locales, permitió que más de 3.800 colombianos pudieran viajar a España para trabajar en empresas agrícolas durante períodos de cuatro a ocho meses y regresar a sus comunidades de origen.
    Sources Connexes
    IOM's Website
  • OEA
  • Personnes âgées
  • Peuples autochtones
  • Questions de genre
  • Santé
    Paragraphes Relatifs au Thème
    • Date:  2016-06-08    Paragraphes: -
    Information disponible en espagnol et anglais
  • Sécurité
    Paragraphes Relatifs au Thème
    • Date:  2018-03-22    Paragraphes: -
    One of the main evidence gaps on migration issues in Central America relates to the limited knowledge available on the magnitude and characteristics of human trafficking undertaken by juvenile criminal gangs, mostly in prejudice of girls and children. IOM supported different initiatives implemented
    in Mexico to prevent and combat human trafficking, involving various sectors of the Government at the Federal and State levels, including the judicial sector, the Secretariat of Human Rights and Intersecretarial Commissions, the Secretariat for Foreign Relations and the Prosecutor’s Office. IOM also strengthened government agencies’ capacities in Nicaragua to prevent and combat violence against women, and in particular human trafficking. IOM also conducted work in South America to improve the regions ability to combat human trafficking. In Argentina, IOM worked closely with the National Committee against Human Trafficking to strengthen its capacity. Also, IOM provided technical assistance in designing and implementing migration management procedures to Ecuador’s Ministry of Interior and other institutions to improve border management and prevent human trafficking and migrant smuggling.
    • Date:  2011-06-21    Paragraphes: 70
    La OIM se ha asociado con la sociedad civil, los gobiernos y organizaciones internacionales, incluida la OEA, para combatir la trata de personas mediante la implementación de docenas de proyectos en las Américas. Estos esfuerzos se centran en la creación y fortalecimiento de la capacidad de los países para abordar más adecuadamente los distintos desafíos que plantea la trata de personas, con un enfoque cada vez más centrado en la víctima. La asistencia a los gobiernos ha incluido la formulación y fortalecimiento de legislación integral, y el establecimiento de la infraestructura necesaria, tales como instrumentos de financiamiento para el regreso de emergencia y asistencia para la reintegración de las víctimas de la trata.

    Los proyectos de la OIM en materia de lucha contra la trata de personas incluyen la realización de investigaciones, campañas de concienciación, y capacitación para jueces, policías y fiscales sobre técnicas de investigación e identificación de las víctimas. La OIM ha apoyado recientemente la creación y fortalecimiento de coaliciones nacionales contra la trata, redes de asistencia para las víctimas de la trata y de proveedores de servicios. El establecimiento de medidas integrales ha ayudado a llevar a cabo campañas informativas nacionales y regionales, respaldar líneas de ayuda y fortalecer la identificación de las víctimas para prevenir la trata de personas.
    Sources Connexes
    IOM's Website
  • Société civile
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  • Technologie