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  • Afro Descendants
  • Agriculture
    Paragraphs Related to the Theme
    • Date:  4/28/2014    Paragraphs: 9
    To improve the productivity and competitiveness of the agricultural sector (Innovation)
    IICA intends to promote technological, organizational and human innovation to enhance competitiveness, increase production and help improve the operation of agricultural markets in a socially and environmentally sustainable way. These efforts are focus on small and medium-scale agricultural producers, who have limited access to markets.

    1. Under the leadership of the project for managing innovation systems, executed under the aegis of the Forum for the Americas on Agricultural Research and Technology Development (FORAGRO), the stakeholders of the Hemispheric Agricultural Innovation System laid the foundations for improving the coordination of innovation processes and devised a new investment strategy for the Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology (FONTAGRO). 2. Under the Regional Program for Research and Innovation in Agricultural Value Chains (PRIICA-EU), Central American small-scale producers involved in 24 local public-private innovation consortia designed projects for the development and validation of technologies and strategic innovation plans.. 3. The Agricultural Innovation Network (Red SICTA-SDC), another project executed in Central America, benefited 28,600 smallholders by sharing 29 innovative technologies applicable to different links in the maize and bean chains. 4. With IICA’s support, the Initiative for Central America on Biotechnology and Biosafety (ICABB) was established and the Advisory Committee on Bio-inputs for Agricultural Use-CABUA) of Argentina was consolidated. 5. With IICA’s methodological support and assistance from the Technical Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission for Organic Agriculture (ICOA), Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia reached agreements and approved a regional proposal for the regulation of organic production. 6. At least 2400 members of the national innovation systems in the countries of the South American tropics now have access to the results of studies carried out by the research, development and innovation networks for cocoa, coffee, agro-energy, animal production, aquaculture, genetic resources (Tropigen), agricultural, forest and fishery systems and the Amazon Initiative. 7. In the Caribbean, IICA improved farmers’ access to technological advances, germplasm and production manuals for citrus, rice, potato and other roots and tubers by means of links established with the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), the National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA) of Uruguay, the International Potato Center (CIP) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). 8. Other innovations generated included: The bell pepper genetic material used by producers in western parts of Costa Rica’s Central Valley (UCR-INTA Costa Rica); pure physic nut oil was supplied to Ecuador’s Isla Floreana; and a low-cost forage with high nutritional content that does not require a specific climate (UNA Paraguay). 9. Strengthening of the Alliance of Agricultural Information Services SIDALC; the Network for the Management of Innovation in the Agrifood Sector (INNOVAGRO Network) and the Repository of resources for information management-IMARK

    Producers, officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, 28600 smallholders, +400 organizations and institutions related with research and education, local networks of agrifood chains, 400 professionals related with biotechnology & biosafety, among others.

    Partners and financing:
    FORAGRO, Regional Programs for Research and Innovation (PROCI), International Research Institutes, EMBRAPA, FAO, SDC, EU, UNEP-GEF, Governments of Souther Cone, Central America, Caribbean, USA, Canada, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, among others.
    • Date:  5/2/2013    Paragraphs: 9
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  11/5/2012    Paragraphs: 23, 9
    Central American Strategy for Rural Territorial Development (ECADERT)

    The Strategy includes the 7 Central American countries and Dominican Republic. Its initial duration goes from 2010 to 2030. It general objective is: "To promote social participatory management of area-based public policies that are equitable and inclusive, building consensus on projects for the future of rural territories, together with planning and investment processes guided by a strategic vision for the institutional, social, economic, cultural and environmental transformation of rural Central America, propelled by the social and institutional stakeholders of the territories, enhancing their cultural identity and their potential to achieve sustainable development." It was adopted and is implemented in the framework of the Central American Integration System.

    1) Coordination of the Regional Platform for Technical Support to the implementation of ECADERT, an inter-agency group that provides technical assistance at the regional and national levels.
    2) In terms of rural policies and institutional changes, IICA has:
    i. given support to the formulation of the agrifood policy and the transformation of IDA (the Institute of Agrarian Development) into INDER (Institute of Rural Development) in Costa Rica.
    ii. provided support to the “Belizean Rural Area-Based Development Strategy -BRADS” Policy.
    iii. given technical support to the Agricultural Ministry of Panama, Honduras and other countries with the implementation of ECADERT.
    3) In addition, the Institute has promoted the formulation of Strategic Plans in 10 prioritized territories in Central America and Dominican Republic, within the framework of the Regional Capacity-Building Program of ECADERT.
    4) IICA has coordinated the Regional Capacity-Building Program of ECADERT, including three Regional Courses, for Central America and Dominican Republic on Management of Rural Area-Based Development. It has also provided support to three national courses, in Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemamala.
    5) IICA is formulating a Strategic System for Social and Integrated Management of Rural Territories (SiGET). This modular system will comprise integrated participatory methodologies of prospective analysis and development strategies, a toolbox for the management of rural territorial development, and other methodologies and toolboxes to work topics like leadership, social inclusion, associativity, etc.
    6) The Institute has promoted and given technical support, in 5 territories of Central America and Dominican Republic, to the systematization of experiences of social management of the territorial rural development (1 in Panama, 3 in Costa Rica, and, 1 in Honduras). In addition, experts from IICA and partner institutions conducted a comparative analysis of lessons learned through the methodologies applied and the systematization of various area-based rural development processes, in Central America, Brazil and Spain.
    7) IICA took part in the design of the Regional Fund of ECADERT and evaluation of project proposals sent to participate in the call of the Fund to support initiatives of territories within the framework of ECADERT.
    8) Technical support to Nationals and Regional Commissions for the implementation of ECADERT
    9) Support to the national Territorial Action Groups– GAT s – in several countries and to the Regional Network of Central American and Dominican GATs.
    10) Mobilization of Brazilian technical cooperation to support the ECADERT process.

    Stakeholders of the public and private sector and civil society in Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and Dominican Republic.

    IICA, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), Consejo Agropecuario Centroamericano (CAC), la Unidad Regional de Asistencia Técnica (RUTA), la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO), y el Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE).
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 23, 24, 25
    IICA has implemented a hemispheric program on Agriculture and Food Security which cuts across all its programs on agriculture and rural development, with a strategy adapted to the specific situations and needs of the regions and countries, incorporating the objectives established by the Leaders. This program will support the Member States respond to these objectives.
    Among the results of our efforts includes the assistance IICA provided to Haiti following the January 2010 earthquake. Collaborating with other Member States and international organizations, IICA provided technical assistance, experts, and financial support to the Pro-Huerta Haiti multilateral cooperation project with the objective of achieving greater food security in Haiti. Some 15,000 Haitian families participate in the program – an increase of 50% in the number of families benefitting from the production of fresh foods in 2010. Through a generous donation from Brazil and the United States, IICA was also able to provide crucial assistance in Haiti in preparing agricultural land for planting, speeding up the process in several quake-hit areas, keeping farmers’ costs to a minimum, while increasing agricultural productivity and yields for certain crops, in order to alleviate food security concerns. This example demonstrates how the Institute collaborates with their member states to address food security in the case of disasters.

    IICA has also provided effective support to several other countries in implementing food security projects. In Central America IICA was instrumental in obtaining close to US$7million in funding from the European Union for the development of three cooperative research and technology dissemination projects in that region designed to contribute to food security. The EU also supported a study titled “Role of the Southern Cone as a World Food Reserve” featuring alternative scenarios and creating a shared vision of the future of research, technological development and innovation regarding agricultural challenges and opportunities in that region.

    In addition IICA also provided effective support to several countries in the implementation of food security projects such as Honduras, Bolivia and Venezuela. To complement these actions a System of Statistical Indicators for the Analysis of the Situation of Agriculture and the Rural Milieu was jointly developed by IICA, FAO and ECLAC. This system, which can be accessed via the Institute’s website at, provides Member States with up-to-date analyses of the food security situation in each country of the hemisphere.
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 24
    The Leaders stated in paragraph 24 of the Declaration that “We support the promotion of investment in agriculture, as well as the strengthening of our States’ institutional capacity, with a view to increasing and intensifying productive activities, particularly in the countries most affected by hunger”. In support of these double objectives, IICA provides continuous assistance to its Member States to formulate agricultural investment programs and institutional strengthening projects.

    To ensure that the Institute’s activities will have the greatest impact, it focuses its technical cooperation on the following modes of action:

    • Design, analysis and evaluation of public policies and strategies
    • Strengthening and modernization of institutions
    • Creation and development of capabilities
    • Knowledge management for agriculture and rural well-being, and
    • Support for the countries on specific issues and investment projects

    IICA is working in consultation with the authorities responsible for the sector in each country on defining IICA Country Strategies as the focus of its technical cooperation over the next four years. The strategies are, based on the national priorities that are related to, and dovetail with, the objectives for technical cooperation included in IICA’s 2010-2020 Strategic Plan.

    IICA has also established the “Agricultural Innovation Network in Central America” to assist the countries of the region in encouraging sustainable agricultural production. This project, with US$4.7 million in funding provided by the Government of Switzerland, is focused towards enhancing small producers’ productivity and participation in the market chains.

    IICA also assisted the government of Haiti to identify priority areas for investing in the rural sector and to formulate projects which were then included in Haiti´s Agricultural Sector Investment Plan. The resulting portfolio of projects totaled US$790 million and was endorsed by the international donors’ community.

    IICA’s efforts towards achieving a competitive agricultural sector have promoted strengthening national institutional capacities in important areas, such as animal and plant health, technological innovation and agribusiness. IICA has succeeded in developing instruments– international public goods – with this objective. One such tool, the “Performance, Vision, and Strategy (PVS)” instrument has played a key role in strengthening national plant and animal health and food safety services. This work was complemented with the improvement of national agricultural innovation and market information systems, support for the formulation and implementation of public policies to promote agroindustry, and various training courses.

    IICA was also active in promoting a value chain approach to enhance the competitiveness of the agrifood sector. This approach has been successfully applied in countries as diverse as Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 25
    The Leaders stated in Paragraph 25 of the Declaration that “a multidimensional and multisectoral approach to agriculture and rural life is a key factor for sustainable development and food security.” This underscores their conviction regarding the importance of repositioning agricultural and rural issues and priorities in national development strategies, and of making a commitment to strengthen, with IICA’s support, national, regional strategic actions, as appropriate.

    IICA has acknowledged the enormous complexity and scale of opportunities and challenges facing agriculture with regard to multidimensional and multisectoral approaches in its 2010-2010 Strategic Plan. The plan guides the Institute’s efforts in supporting Members States in enhancing agriculture’s contribution to productivity and competitiveness, development of rural territories, management of natural resources and climate change, and to food security.

    IICA also contributes to promoting regional rural development initiatives such as the implementation of the Central American Strategy for Rural Territorial Development (ECADERT) with resources from the Spain-Central American Integration System (SICA) Fund. Another example is the support IICA provides to the Andean Rural Development Forum to define its rural development strategy, through the Project on Territorial Development Models in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

    At the national level, IICA has contributed to the work carried out under the “Mujeres Ahorradoras en Acción” program of Colombia, which benefits 134,000 women by assisting them in their own development of diverse productive activities which allow these female heads of families to generate their own income.
    Related Resources
    Agriculture-related Indicators in the Americas
    IICA's Website
    The Outlook for Agriculture and Rural Development in the Americas - A Perspective on Latin America and the Caribbean 2013
  • Civil Society
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Democracy
  • Disaster Management
  • Education
    Paragraphs Related to the Theme
    • Date:  6/8/2016    Paragraphs: -
    IlCA provides technical cooperation for agriculture in hemispheric, regional, and national projects in accordance with the priorities identified by its Member States. Some of these cooperation activities, linked to the themes of the 7th Summit of the Americas, are:
    • Promotion of knowledge-intensive agriculture through networks, grants, and information systems. Of special importance is the approval of 301 grants to enable students to take master’s and doctoral degree courses under the program with Mexico’s National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), and the enrollment of 121 students in the master’s degree program in food security operated by the Open and Distance University of Mexico.
    • Date:  4/28/2014    Paragraphs: 4
    100 Scholarships Annually
    The Government of Mexico, aware of the need to contribute, along with IICA, to the strengthening of technical capacities in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in terms of giving high priority to agriculture, has agreed through CONACYT, to offer 100 scholarships per year to professionals in LAC who wish to undertake postgraduate programs in sustainable agriculture.

    Under IICA’s agreement with Mexico’s National Science and Technology Council (CONACYT) to provide scholarships for students of agriculture, by year’s end 98 professionals from 20 LAC countries were engaged in doctoral studies (21), master’s degree programs (73), and specialization courses (4) in Mexican higher education institutions. As many as 1153 applications were received, demonstrating the high demand for such opportunities in LAC.

    20 Latin American and Caribbean Countries. A total of 98 professionals were awarded

    Partners and financing:
    Mexico’s National Science and Technology Council (CONACYT)
  • Elderly Persons
  • Energy
    Paragraphs Related to the Theme
    • Date:  11/9/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Iniciativa: Diseño de planes de desarrollo en agricultura bajo riego en México y Costa Rica.
    1. En respuesta a una solicitud del Gobierno del estado de Nayarit, México, la Oficina del IICA en este país elaboró el plan para cultivar 1000 ha, como proyecto piloto, en el Distrito de Riego 043 en dicho estado, lo que permitirá la reducción de la importación de granos e incrementará la exportación de frutas y hortalizas. El objetivo de este plan piloto ha sido evaluar el potencial productivo y la rentabilidad del programa para el desarrollo de cultivos con condiciones agroecológicas similares, a fin de demostrar el potencial productivo y la rentabilidad de la aplicación de tecnologías, así como de cultivos alternativos que permiten la disponibilidad del riego.
    2. El IICA apoyó en Costa Rica al Servicio Nacional de Aguas Subterráneas, Riego y Avenamiento (SENARA) en la elaboración del Plan de Desarrollo Productivo en Ampliación del Canal Sur del Distrito de Riego Arenal Tempisque (DRAT), en la zona más seca del país, con el fin de identificar las principales limitantes y oportunidades para generar un desarrollo agro-productivo a través de la gestión eficiente del recurso hídrico.

    Actividades: 1.1 Visita de reconocimiento de la zona del proyecto
    1.2. Entrevistas con actores claves
    1.3. Elaboración de la propuesta del plan de negocios, integrado por un estudio de mercado, un plan de producción y la cartera de cultivos propuestos.
    1.4. Elaboración de un plan de organización y recursos humanos, un plan económico, un plan de ejecución y un plan de expansión.

    2.1. Visita de reconocimiento de la zona del proyecto
    2.2. Entrevistas con actores claves
    2.3. Elaboración de la propuesta del plan de negocios, integrado por un estudio de mercado, un plan de producción y la cartera de cultivos propuestos.
    2.4. Elaboración de un plan de organización y recursos humanos, un plan económico, un plan de ejecución y un plan de expansión.

    1. Productores de maíz en el Estado de Nayarit con mayores ingresos por aumento y diversificación de productos.
    2. Productores en zonas del Corredor Seco de Centroamérica.

    Socios y financiamiento: Gobierno del estado de Nayarit, SAGARPA, IICA, Gobierno de Costa Rica
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 45
    To assist Member States to meet this objective, and diversify their sources of renewable energy, IICA disseminates cutting-edge knowledge about second and third generation biofuels, in particular about the utilization of microalgae to produce biofuels.
    Related Resources
    IICA's Website
  • Environment
    Paragraphs Related to the Theme
    • Date:  6/8/2016    Paragraphs: -
    IlCA provides technical cooperation for agriculture in hemispheric, regional, and national projects in accordance with the priorities identified by its Member States. Some of these cooperation activities, linked to the themes of the 7th Summit of the Americas, are:


    • Promotion of technological and commercial innovations aimed at improving agro-ecological production, agroindustry, fish farming, beekeeping, and water resource management, and reducing food loss. The improvements adopted can be seen in products such as rice, vegetables, poultry, cacao, coffee, flowers, avocadoes, tomatoes, potatoes, and cassava.
    • Increase of public sector capabilities for integrated water resource management, the use of irrigation systems and water harvesting, waste management, and the implementation of measures to combat soil degradation.
    • Coordination of institutional efforts designed to achieve climate-smart agriculture, promoting capacity development within the ministries of environment and agriculture, the development of plans for climate change adaptation in agriculture, and the integration of the gender perspective to address the threat that climate change poses.
    • Date:  11/9/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Iniciativa: Producción de maíz con fertiriego en México
    El maíz es el cultivo más importante de México desde el punto de vista alimentario, industrial, político y social. Con el fin de conocer los beneficios del riego por goteo (cintilla) en maíz en términos de eficiencia, rentabilidad y sustentabilidad, apoyado con el sistema IRRIMODEL, se desarrolló un estudio en los terrenos del Campo Experimental del Valle del Fuerte del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestal, Agrícola y Pecuaria (INIFAP), para determinar el momento oportuno, requerimiento de riego en lámina neta y el tiempo de riego.

    Actividades: Desarrollo e implementación de nuevas metodologías de riego para un uso más eficiente del agua y su aplicación a nivel de productor.

    Beneficiarios: Productores de maíz del Estado de Sinaloa en México.

    Socios y financiamiento: Gobierno México, Estado de Sinaloa, IICA, INIFAP
    • Date:  11/9/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Iniciativa: Agricultura familiar y hortalizas bajo riego en Honduras
    Honduras ha sido tradicionalmente un importador de hortalizas frescas, especialmente desde Guatemala. Este rubro en el 2001 representó 8.7 millones de USD. La producción de hortalizas bajo riego tecnificado ha aumentado considerablemente la producción nacional, y en el 2013 las importaciones de hortalizas frescas solo llegaron a medio millón de USD.

    1. Identificación de tecnología para mejorar el uso del agua en invernadero.
    2. Aplicación de la tecnología y recopilación de lecciones aprendidas en ASOFAIL

    Beneficiarios: 120 productores de hortalizas bajo agricultura protegida.

    Socios y financiamiento: ASOFAIL COSUDE-Swiss contact y Cuenta del Milenio, la cadena de supermercados Wal-Mart y la Escuela Agrícola Panamericana Zamorano
    • Date:  11/9/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Iniciativa: Mejora de la eficiencia en canales de riego.
    La iniciativa pretende mejorar la conducción de agua en canales de riego y reducir la pérdida asociada a su transporte.

    1. Selección de territorios en Chile y Perú.
    2. Identificación de tecnologías.
    3. Aplicación de innovaciones.

    Beneficiarios: Pequeños productores dependientes de los sistemas de riego en canal Vecinal Grande La Chimba, Chile y productores en Perú que se estima es de alrededor de 3,500 productores.

    Socios y financiamiento: Gobiernos de Perú y Chile
    • Date:  11/9/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Proyecto Insignia: Competitividad y sustentabilidad de las cadenas agrícolas para la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo económico.
    Ampliar las capacidades de los actores de las cadenas agrícolas para mejorar su competitividad de forma sustentable e incluyente.

    1. Gestión de conocimiento en materia de cadenas de valor.
    2. Desarrollo de instrumentos de cooperación.
    3. Fortalecimiento de políticas e institucionalidad pública.
    4. Creación de capacidades para la gestión de cadenas agrícolas.

    Beneficiarios: Algunos ejemplos de las acciones en proceso incluyen:
    1. 20,000 productores de maíz y frijol en Centroamérica han implementado procesos innovativos de producción.
    2. 1000 productores de azúcar en Belice han mejorado la capacidad de producir azúcar.
    3. 1300 productores de Jamaca, San Cristóbal y Nieves, Belice y Paraguay adquieren conocimientos y buenas prácticas en producción.
    4. 150 participantes de 18 países capacitados para mejorar la agregación de valor a su producción agropecuaria.
    5. 3800 miembros del sector público y productores de 23 países entrenados en gestión de negocios, agregación de valor, manejo de riesgos y comercio internacional.

    Socios y financiamiento: Dentro de los principales socios se encontrar los Ministerios de Agricultura y Agencias de Cooperación Internacional de los países Miembros del IICA, la Unión Europea y diversas organizaciones de financiamiento para el desarrollo.
    • Date:  11/9/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Proyecto Insignia: Productividad y sustentabilidad de la agricultura familiar para la seguridad alimentaria y economía rural.
    Los agricultores familiares representan la gran mayoría de los productores agrícolas del hemisferio americano y su contribución es determinante para el hemisferio y el mundo. El proyecto se centra en fortalecer las capacidades productivas y asociativas de agricultores familiares de la región para vincularse mejor a los mercados, mejorar su ingreso y condiciones de vida.

    1. Gestión de conocimiento en materia de agricultura familiar.
    2. Desarrollo de instrumentos de cooperación.
    3. Fortalecimiento de políticas e institucionalidad pública.
    4. Creación de capacidades para fortalecer el desarrollo de la Agricultura familiar.

    Dentro de las acciones en proceso se destacan:
    1. Más de 940 oficiales y técnicos del sector público de 12 países del hemisferio, mejoraron sus capacidades para gestionar políticas públicas que favorezcan el desarrollo de la Agricultura Familiar.
    2. Mejorada la caracterización de la Agricultura Familiar en Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Perú y Colombia. 3. Se fortalecieron las asociaciones de Agricultores en Ecuador, Bolivia, Honduras y el Salvador.
    4. Se llevó a cabo la conferencia internacional en Políticas Públicas en América Latina y el Caribe: “Situación Actual y perspectivas (Santiago, Chile)”.
    5. Desarrollo de 9 Foros Internacionales de Desarrollo Territorial (Fortaleza, Brasil).

    Socios y financiamiento: Además de los Ministerios de Agricultura y unidades responsables de Desarrollo Rural de los países, se ha contado con la colaboración de IFAD, FAO, RIMISP, Red de Agricultura Familiar del América del sur entre otros.
    • Date:  11/9/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Proyecto Insignia: Resiliencia y gestión integral de riesgos en la agricultura
    Mejorar la capacidad adaptativa de la Agricultura ante el cambio climático, reducir los impactos de la actividad agrícola en el ambiente y mejorar la resiliencia de los sistemas agroalimentarios del hemisferio.

    1. Gestión de conocimiento en materia de adaptación y mitigación al cambio climático y el uso integral de los recursos naturales, especialmente agua.
    2. Desarrollo de instrumentos de cooperación.
    3. Fortalecimiento de políticas e institucionalidad pública.
    4. Creación de capacidades para fortalecer la capacidad de la agricultura para adaptarse al cambio climático, mejora la resiliencia de los sistemas agroalimentarios y reducir el impacto de la agricultura en el ambiente.

    Beneficiarios: En lo relacionado al Párrafo 3 de los Mandatos para la Acción a la fecha, se pueden enumerar, entre otros lo siguiente:
    1. Un atlas de innovaciones generadas en la gestión de recurso hídrico y manejos de suelos, que promuevan la resiliencia de pequeños y medianos agricultores organizados en Consorcios por cadenas de valor en Costa Rica.
    2. Un estudio sobre la situación actual de la agricultura de riego y la agricultura protegida en México 3. Estrategia desarrollada con relación a la conservación del suelo y la captación de agua para los agricultores en Granada, Santa Lucía y San Cristóbal y Nieves.
    4. Un estudio de Identificación de las áreas o ecosistemas de intervención en la temática de uso eficiente de agua en Honduras.
    Todo esto ha resultado en que al menos 20 países del continente han mejorado sus capacidades para enfrentar los retos del cambio climático, mejorar la resiliencia a los sistemas agroalimentarios y hacer un uso más eficiente del agua.

    Socios y financiamiento: Además de los Ministerios de Agricultura en los países, se ha contado con el apoyo del GIZ, EUROCLIMA, CIAT, Water Resource Institute, IDB, entre otros.
    • Date:  11/9/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Iniciativa: Apoyo al desarrollo de una legislacion nacional y acción territorial en Ecuador.
    Apoyo para la generación de una ley para la gestión de Recursos Hídricos con el objetivo de iniciar un espacio de diálogo y asistencia técnica a la Comisión de Soberanía Alimentaria, a través de especialistas internacionales y nacionales que retroalimenten la propuesta de ley de recursos hídricos en temas de interés prioritario.

    1. Desarrollar eventos técnicos especializados y jornadas de intercambio de información 2. Asesoría a la Comisión Especializada de la Asamblea para la reflexión sobre las principales inquietudes en torno a institucionalidad para el agua
    3. propuesta de Fondo para el Agua, desde la perspectiva de los actores institucionales involucrados

    Beneficiarios: Gobierno central y gobiernos locales con mejores intrumentos para la Gestión Integral del Recurso Hídrico.

    Socios y financiamiento: Gobierno del Ecuador
    • Date:  11/9/2015    Paragraphs: -
    Iniciativa: Marco Estratégico para la formulación del Plan Nacional de Riego y Drenaje para Honduras
    El Plan Nacional de Riego y Drenaje (PNRD) se considera como un instrumento clave para desarrollar las diferentes zonas rurales, intensificar la agricultura, promover la generación de empleo, mejorar e incrementar la seguridad alimentaria y reducir la vulnerabilidad mediante acciones preventivas y correctivas derivadas de estrategias efectivas para la adaptación y la mitigación ante la variabilidad climática que afecta recurrentemente a Honduras con sequías e inundaciones.

    1. Se colaboró con la Secretaría de Agricultura y con la de Energía, Recursos Naturales, Ambiente y Minas en la organización del seminario- taller “Agua para la Agricultura”.
    2. Continuar el proceso participativo para elaborar un perfil de proyecto orientado a la formulación del PNRD.
    3. Formular el PNRD a partir de los resultados en el evento, considerando que ha sido iniciado el proceso participativo para dicho propósito.

    Beneficiarios: El Gobierno de Honduras mojorará su capacidad para gestionar políticas y fortalecer la institucionalidad a través de planes y estrategias innovadoras.

    Socios y financiamiento: IICA, Gobierno de Honduras.
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 67
    IICA has implemented a cross-cutting program on “Agriculture, Natural Resource Management and Climate Change” supporting the development of public policies and strategies to improve the agriculture sector’s adaptation to and mitigation of the effects of climate change; to enhance sustainable agriculture and sustainable management of natural resources; and to share information on the relevance of climate change issues to agriculture and rural communities. Before the Cancun Climate Summit of (COP 16), IICA delivered to the Ministers a position paper regarding the potential adaptation of agriculture to climate change as well as to its mitigation.
    Related Resources
    IICA's Website
  • Gender Issues
  • Health
    Paragraphs Related to the Theme
    • Date:  6/8/2016    Paragraphs: -
    IlCA provides technical cooperation for agriculture in hemispheric, regional, and national projects in accordance with the priorities identified by its Member States. Some of these cooperation activities, linked to the themes of the 7th Summit of the Americas, are:
    • Agricultural health and food safety assurance in the Americas through the training of sanitary officials, the harmonization of processes to gain access to markets, the use of good agricultural and production practices, emergency response actions, and the management of risks, particularly those associated with climate change.
  • Human Rights
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Infrastructure and Transportation
  • Joint Summit Working Group
  • Justice and Rule of Law
  • Labor
  • Migration
  • OAS
  • Public and Private Cooperation
  • Public Management Improvement
  • Security
  • Social Development
    Paragraphs Related to the Theme
    • Date:  4/28/2014    Paragraphs: 2
    To strengthen agriculture´s contribution to the development of rural territories and to rural well-being
    IICA supported legal and regulatory innovations, established intersectoral arrangements and implemented institutional management models adapted to the specific needs of different rural territories. It also strengthened the management capabilities of more than 1100 leaders of public institutions, local governments and other organizations in 13 countries, using the area-based (territorial) approach.

    1. Under the project Innovative Policies for Rural Area-based Development in Latin America (PIDERAL-AECID), IICA developed technical frames of reference for the design of policies in Peru, Ecuador, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica that the countries can also use to articulate sectoral policies at the national and territorial (area) levels. 2. More than 1100 leaders of government agencies, local governments and territorial management organizations in Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and the eight countries of the Central Region took part in courses, training workshops and informational and induction activities. 3. With the support of several partner institutions, the Institute produced a series of international public goods and made them available to the countries via virtual forums and knowledge management networks in the form of electronic and printed publications. 4. In collaboration with the Executive Secretariat of the Central American Agricultural Council (SECAC), the Spain-SICA Fund, and the national commissions responsible for overseeing the implementation of ECADERT, IICA assisted the members of the Central American Integration System (SICA) with the execution of 23 investment projects in specific rural territories.

    1100 leaders of government agencies, local governments and territorial management organizations

    Partners and financing:
    Governments, AECID-Spain, SICA, SECAC
    • Date:  4/28/2014    Paragraphs: 2
    100 Scholarships Annually
    The Government of Mexico, aware of the need to contribute, along with IICA, to the strengthening of technical capacities in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in terms of giving high priority to agriculture, has agreed through CONACYT, to offer 100 scholarships per year to professionals in LAC who wish to undertake postgraduate programs in sustainable agriculture.

    Under IICA’s agreement with Mexico’s National Science and Technology Council (CONACYT) to provide scholarships for students of agriculture, by year’s end 98 professionals from 20 LAC countries were engaged in doctoral studies (21), master’s degree programs (73), and specialization courses (4) in Mexican higher education institutions. As many as 1153 applications were received, demonstrating the high demand for such opportunities in LAC.

    20 Latin American and Caribbean Countries. A total of 98 professionals were awarded

    Partners and financing:
    Mexico’s National Science and Technology Council (CONACYT)
    • Date:  4/28/2014    Paragraphs: 2
    To improve the productivity and competitiveness of the agricultural sector
    IICA intends to promote technological, organizational and human innovation to enhance competitiveness, increase production and help improve the operation of agricultural markets in a socially and environmentally sustainable way. These efforts are focus on small and medium-scale agricultural producers, who have limited access to markets.

    1. More than 30 instruments were validated as part of an IICA agribusiness toolbox, which strengthened the capabilities of 30 producers’ organizations in Ecuador, Paraguay and Guatemala; in addition, approximately 5000 agriculture sector stakeholders received training in business management, aggregation of value and promotion of exports, among other topics. 2. Thanks to the strengthening of the Institute’s links with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the Codex Alimentarius, its member countries were able to participate in virtual meetings, forums and committees in which plant health and food safety standards were discussed and approved. 3. Working with its strategic partners, IICA implemented projects to create two virtual schools for food and plant health inspectors in the Central and Southern regions. 4. The Institute supported field operations in Mexico aimed at maintaining the country’s phytosanitary status as an area free of the Mediterranean fruit fly; in Paraguay, efforts were aimed at restoring the country’s status as an area free from foot-and-mouth disease with vaccination; and in Central America, the focus was on combating coffee leaf rust. 5. The Market Information Organization of the Americas (MIOA), made up of 33 countries, was consolidated as a hemispheric network. Fourteen officials from the Caribbean region received training in the collection, analysis and dissemination of information on agricultural prices and markets. 6. Five Caribbean countries launched processes aimed at improving the competitiveness of priority agrifood chains after the support of IICA to strengthen their capabilities, promote dialogue, among others. 7. Promotion of changes in policies on agricultural insurance in Colombia, Haiti, Paraguay and Peru.

    55 officials from18 Latin American Countries. Producers organizations and stakeholders, Phitosanitary services, MIOA, and regional organizations like Standing Veterinary Committee, Plant Health Committee and the Central American Agricultural Council.

    Partners and financing:
    International Organizations: IPPC, OIE, Codex Alimentarius, PAHO, Governments of USA, Mexico, Canada, Ecuador, Paraguay, Central America and Caribbean.
    • Date:  4/28/2014    Paragraphs: 2
    To improve the productivity and competitiveness of the agricultural sector (Innovation)
    IICA intends to promote technological, organizational and human innovation to enhance competitiveness, increase production and help improve the operation of agricultural markets in a socially and environmentally sustainable way. These efforts are focus on small and medium-scale agricultural producers, who have limited access to markets.

    1. Under the leadership of the project for managing innovation systems, executed under the aegis of the Forum for the Americas on Agricultural Research and Technology Development (FORAGRO), the stakeholders of the Hemispheric Agricultural Innovation System laid the foundations for improving the coordination of innovation processes and devised a new investment strategy for the Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology (FONTAGRO). 2. Under the Regional Program for Research and Innovation in Agricultural Value Chains (PRIICA-EU), Central American small-scale producers involved in 24 local public-private innovation consortia designed projects for the development and validation of technologies and strategic innovation plans.. 3. The Agricultural Innovation Network (Red SICTA-SDC), another project executed in Central America, benefited 28,600 smallholders by sharing 29 innovative technologies applicable to different links in the maize and bean chains. 4. With IICA’s support, the Initiative for Central America on Biotechnology and Biosafety (ICABB) was established and the Advisory Committee on Bio-inputs for Agricultural Use-CABUA) of Argentina was consolidated. 5. With IICA’s methodological support and assistance from the Technical Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission for Organic Agriculture (ICOA), Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia reached agreements and approved a regional proposal for the regulation of organic production. 6. At least 2400 members of the national innovation systems in the countries of the South American tropics now have access to the results of studies carried out by the research, development and innovation networks for cocoa, coffee, agro-energy, animal production, aquaculture, genetic resources (Tropigen), agricultural, forest and fishery systems and the Amazon Initiative. 7. In the Caribbean, IICA improved farmers’ access to technological advances, germplasm and production manuals for citrus, rice, potato and other roots and tubers by means of links established with the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), the National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA) of Uruguay, the International Potato Center (CIP) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). 8. Other innovations generated included: The bell pepper genetic material used by producers in western parts of Costa Rica’s Central Valley (UCR-INTA Costa Rica); pure physic nut oil was supplied to Ecuador’s Isla Floreana; and a low-cost forage with high nutritional content that does not require a specific climate (UNA Paraguay). 9. Strengthening of the Alliance of Agricultural Information Services SIDALC; the Network for the Management of Innovation in the Agrifood Sector (INNOVAGRO Network) and the Repository of resources for information management-IMARK

    Producers, officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, 28600 smallholders, +400 organizations and institutions related with research and education, local networks of agrifood chains, 400 professionals related with biotechnology & biosafety, among others.

    Partners and financing:
    FORAGRO, Regional Programs for Research and Innovation (PROCI), International Research Institutes, EMBRAPA, FAO, SDC, EU, UNEP-GEF, Governments of Souther Cone, Central America, Caribbean, USA, Canada, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, among others.
    • Date:  5/2/2013    Paragraphs: 6
    Information available in Spanish
  • Summit Follow-up
    Paragraphs Related to the Theme
    • Date:  6/8/2016    Paragraphs: -
    IlCA provides technical cooperation for agriculture in hemispheric, regional, and national projects in accordance with the priorities identified by its Member States. Some of these cooperation activities, linked to the themes of the 7th Summit of the Americas, are:

    Hemispheric partnership for development

    • Meeting of Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas Mexico 2015 and follow-up to the commitments for joint action on sustainable agricultural productivity and rural inclusion
    • Assessment, design, and formulation of innovative policies and strategies for agricultural and rural development, aimed specifically at facilitating business activities and promoting innovation, participatory management, inclusion, and family farming.
    • Development and linking to markets, through the creation of committees for competitiveness; training in management, entrepreneurship, associative enterprises, and value added; and the operation of market information systems.
  • Sustainable Economic Growth
    Paragraphs Related to the Theme
    • Date:  4/28/2014    Paragraphs: 7
    To improve the productivity and competitiveness of the agricultural sector
    IICA intends to promote technological, organizational and human innovation to enhance competitiveness, increase production and help improve the operation of agricultural markets in a socially and environmentally sustainable way. These efforts are focus on small and medium-scale agricultural producers, who have limited access to markets.

    1. More than 30 instruments were validated as part of an IICA agribusiness toolbox, which strengthened the capabilities of 30 producers’ organizations in Ecuador, Paraguay and Guatemala; in addition, approximately 5000 agriculture sector stakeholders received training in business management, aggregation of value and promotion of exports, among other topics. 2. Thanks to the strengthening of the Institute’s links with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the Codex Alimentarius, its member countries were able to participate in virtual meetings, forums and committees in which plant health and food safety standards were discussed and approved. 3. Working with its strategic partners, IICA implemented projects to create two virtual schools for food and plant health inspectors in the Central and Southern regions. 4. The Institute supported field operations in Mexico aimed at maintaining the country’s phytosanitary status as an area free of the Mediterranean fruit fly; in Paraguay, efforts were aimed at restoring the country’s status as an area free from foot-and-mouth disease with vaccination; and in Central America, the focus was on combating coffee leaf rust. 5. The Market Information Organization of the Americas (MIOA), made up of 33 countries, was consolidated as a hemispheric network. Fourteen officials from the Caribbean region received training in the collection, analysis and dissemination of information on agricultural prices and markets. 6. Five Caribbean countries launched processes aimed at improving the competitiveness of priority agrifood chains after the support of IICA to strengthen their capabilities, promote dialogue, among others. 7. Promotion of changes in policies on agricultural insurance in Colombia, Haiti, Paraguay and Peru.

    55 officials from18 Latin American Countries. Producers organizations and stakeholders, Phitosanitary services, MIOA, and regional organizations like Standing Veterinary Committee, Plant Health Committee and the Central American Agricultural Council.

    Partners and financing:
    International Organizations: IPPC, OIE, Codex Alimentarius, PAHO, Governments of USA, Mexico, Canada, Ecuador, Paraguay, Central America and Caribbean.
    • Date:  5/2/2013    Paragraphs: 7
    Information available in Spanish
  • Technology
  • Trade
  • Youth and Childhood