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  • Afro - descendentes
  • Agricultura
    Parágrafos Relacionados ao Tema
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    • Data:  11/04/2012    Parágrafos: 23, 24, 25
    To strengthen regional food security, Suriname has implemented several (Telefood) projects with support of the FAO. In this regard, some capacity building activities were carried out in collaboration with international organizations. To support producers, applied research for agriculture, livestock-farming and fishery sector was used to promote efficiency and food safety. A high-integrated professional laboratory, established in 2010, burned down but is now being reconstructed.

    The Agricultural Credit Fund, with a revolving character, has been established in the interest of agricultural producers. Loans can be obtained against a low interest and smooth credit conditions, which guarantee sustainable investment in agriculture.

    National research with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Bank has been conducted to anticipate the developments in the rural sector and to provide adaptation and mitigation in the coastal area to the benefit of sustainable agriculture. Occupants not living in the coastal area were trained to cultivate their grounds sustainably.
  • Ambiente
    Parágrafos Relacionados ao Tema
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    • Data:  11/04/2012    Parágrafos: 58, 59, 63, 64
    Suriname ratified the UNFCCC on 14 October 1997 and the Kyoto Protocol on 25 September 2006. Suriname submitted her First National Communication to the UNFCCC in 2005 and is finalizing the Second National Communication.

    Suriname submitted the Project Idea Note in 2009, and is now finalizing the REDD Readiness Preparation Proposal. We are actively seeking nominations in the Ad hoc Adaptation Committee and the Standing Committee of the Green Fund as part of the GRULAC.

    A draft Environmental Law has to substitute the existing guidelines in order to keep our country in line with various international conventions such as the UNFCCC, the Commission on Biodiversity (CBD), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), and the United Commission on Sustainable Development. Furthermore, various environmental laws are being prepared regarding the mining sector and the indigenous people.

    The NAGOYA Protocol on access and benefit sharing is now being discussed to reach consensus among stakeholders. The Free Prior Informed Consultation is essential in a fair and equitable sharing of the benefits.

    1. Creating regulations related to access and the sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge is the next challenge.
    2. Establishing procedures on Free Prior Informed Consultation is a must in legislation related to indigenous people.
    3. Review of national legislation is currently in process and will also cover the submission of patents on inventions that include traditional knowledge.
  • Comércio
  • Cooperação pública e privada
  • Democracia
    Parágrafos Relacionados ao Tema
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    • Data:  11/04/2012    Parágrafos: 79
    Strengthening democratic governance
    The Decentralization and Local Government Strengthening Program (DLGP), which commenced in 2003 and is financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), is still going on.

    Even though local consultants were hired, the program is not expected to be finalized in 2014. The DLGP is being implemented in all districts.
  • Desenvolvimento Econômico Sustentável
    Parágrafos Relacionados ao Tema
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    • Data:  11/04/2012    Parágrafos: 7
    The prospect for economic growth for Suriname is estimated at an average of 6% annually. In order to improve the fiscal accounts, the currency was devalued by twenty percent in 2011. There is, however, a stable exchange rate, an increase in international reserves by thirty percent, a sharp reduction in the fiscal deficit and all outstanding arrears with external creditors have been cleared. As a result two leading ratings agencies, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch, upgraded Suriname in 2011.

    Currently, economic growth is primarily generated from the mining sector - approximately 94% of export value of goods – however, the diversification of other sectors such as agriculture and tourism are prioritized. The mining income itself is also targeted for diversification, namely through the export of oil and gold.

    Medium-term growth in Suriname is projected to be sustained at 4 - 5%, supported by large investments (almost 100% of GDP), which are expected in the gold, alumina and oil sectors in the near future.

    Suriname intends to establish a Sovereign Wealth Fund. A law, providing strict controls on how the funds will be saved, invested and used in times of need, will be submitted to parliament.

    The fiscal framework is also being strengthened, with the view to broaden our revenue base and improve public finance management and reporting. Transparency of government operations is a high priority and we are working with regional partners to strengthen statistical data systems in national accounts, public finance, balance of payments, and monetary statistics.

    Suriname has, together with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), developed a country strategy plan for the coming 5 years with financing secured of up to 10% of GDP. We are also engaging to attract needed technical assistance for pre-feasibility and feasibility studies and the design of the projects themselves, while adhering to international environmental standards. Cognizant of the low debt-to-GDP ratio, Suriname will borrow only where clear benefits are seen for growing the economy and investing in our physical and human capital.

    1. Strengthening and increasing the capacity of the agricultural and industry sectors.
    2. Acquiring Foreign Direct Investment, in particular for sustainable production in agriculture, industry and tourism.
    3. Lack of economies of scale in the domestic market, due to our small and open economy.
    4. Generating structural public savings.
    5. Increasing national private savings, including repatriating national savings abroad.
  • Desenvolvimento Social
    Parágrafos Relacionados ao Tema
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    • Data:  11/04/2012    Parágrafos: 8
    One of the greatest challenges for Suriname remains the achievement of an integrated sustainable poverty reduction. The following is being undertaken in advance of that goal.
    As stated in the MDG Progress Report 2009, in the past five years Suriname has implemented the Social Safety Net (SSN) reform. In the context of social protection and social development for the poor and vulnerable groups, the government offers a system of social services that includes a range of tangible and intangible features:
    - The medical assistance card; ensuring medical care for those that are not able to pay.
    - Increase of financial benefits such as retirement benefits, benefits for persons with disabilities, child benefits and general financial assistance as well as subsidies to social institutions, namely, orphanages, day-care institutions, retirement homes and residences for persons with disabilities.
    - Counseling programs for individuals and families with problems.
    - The social housing program.
    The government, furthermore, will expand and strengthen the corps of social workers, make available medical assistance cards to trauma victims and people in need of psychotherapeutic help, and improve access to services for citizens in all districts.

    Conditional Cash Transfer program (CCT)
    In 2012, the Conditional Cash Transfer program (CCT) was signed with the IDB, covering US$ 20 million for a period of 5 years. The first cash transfer will take place in the first quarter of 2013.

    Persons with a disability
    The government aims to promote social integration by focusing on: advocacy on legislation regarding access to public places, improving the quality of home care services, establishing a fund to initiate and implement vocational training, promoting and improving employment opportunities, improving the housing and health condition, creating sport and recreation opportunities, improving transport facilities, and formulating protocols with regard to provision of services.

    Projected children’s programs
    1. Introduce a counseling plan for abused, neglected and maltreated children in collaboration with private service providers.
    2. Promote and improve foster care for vulnerable children in children`s homes, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
    3. With a view to promoting early childhood development, decentralize and improve government daycare facilities as well as improve the quality of care in private daycare facilities, taking into account the legislation on daycare facilities.
    4. Promote and improve professional coaching for boys and girls aged 6 -16 years with behavioral problems.

    Projected programs for the elderly
    1. Improve the quality of home care facilities and home care services;
    2. Promote and decentralize recreation activities in collaboration with the private sector and community-based organizations.

    The government has launched a long term housing program for 10 years, focusing on decent and affordable housing for the low and lowest income groups, the elderly, persons with a disability and young families.
    The objective is to promote social housing and self build programs while addressing the special needs of the most vulnerable - persons with a disability and children.
    The construction of 18,000 new houses has been launched, with funding made available through private sector and public construction programs, such as the Low Income Shelter Program (LISP) and the Middle and Low Income Shelter Program (LMISP).

    1. Applicants are required to own a plot of land to serve as collateral at the time of application for the mortgage. People who are in need of decent housing but do not own a plot of land, therefore, do not meet the requirements.
    2. The housing problem in the interior, with its unique infrastructure and demographics, needs a different approach than housing in the coastal area. The government seeks to reach agreement and find solutions with traditional authorities and others through workshops and meetings.
    3. A commission is tasked with examining the problem of squatters and occupiers in different areas in and around the city of Paramaribo and finding solutions that are satisfactory to all parties. To that end, the Housing Research and Planning (HOP) division executed a study for recording and mapping the problems of squatters and occupiers in the occupied neighborhoods. Currently, the data of this project is being processed and analyzed, providing the government with a basis to address the problem.

    Water supply
    A project has been initiated for research and construction of the sanitary and drinking water supplies nationwide, carried out in communities where the need for utility facilities is not sufficiently present. The project is being funded by the European Union.
  • Direitos Humanos
  • Diversidade cultural
  • Educação
    Parágrafos Relacionados ao Tema
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    • Data:  11/04/2012    Parágrafos: 36, 37
    As Suriname considers education the key to the country’s economic growth, an adequately functioning educational system is seen as an effective mechanism to reduce poverty and minimize differences in income.

    In Suriname, compulsory education exists for children aged 7 - 12 years. New legislation is being prepared which, among others, will include the extension of the period of compulsory education to reach from 4 - 16 years of age.

    In 2010, a review of the curricula was completed and implemented in 2011. A Policy Plan for children has been in place since 2002 and includes the Early Childhood Development (ECD) policy and programs.

    Education in rural areas and the interior
    Actions taken to support education in the interior:
    1. In 2010, school buildings and houses for teachers have been renovated.
    2. Support has been extended for the early childhood development program for the interior “Leri for Life”. In this regard, the National Early Childhood Development Commission (ECD) has established district Focal Points to ensure the implementation of the governmental ECD Policy Plan.
    3. Training sessions for remedial teaching and agricultural education at the primary school level have been initiated (the KALBOBIS Project). The results of these programs are included in the Educational Implementation Plan for the Interior 2008- 2015.
    4. The second phase of the Child Friendly School project, with support from UNICEF, commenced in 2008 and includes the Water and Sanitation Facilities Project.
    5. An evaluation of the mother-tongue approach has been conducted. A comprehensive plan of action for education in the interior includes a special training program for teachers and computer training, while a distant learning program will be introduced in cooperation with the state owned telecommunication company, Telesur.

    1. The entire educational system is due for a reform in order to provide every Surinamese individual with access to high quality, flexible and affordable education, to meet national and international challenges in the economic, social and cultural areas, and to contribute to the development of the nation.
    2. Solving the complex problems of the Surinamese educational system will be a long-term process. The transformation of the curricula into a basic educational cycle, and reform of the teacher training system are part of a new educational development plan.
    3. To deal with the lack of quality and low internal efficiency of basic education, the existing 2-year pre-primary, 6-year primary and 4-year junior secondary education levels will undergo a transformation. This implies reorganizing school infrastructure, upgrading administrative staff and teachers, phasing out the different junior secondary streams and training teachers in the revised curricula.
    4. Suriname has a fairly good record of pupils who have finished primary school. However, reaching equality in gender remains a profound challenge.
    5. A more aggressive and assertive approach to illiteracy is crucial and, specifically, requires more decentralized programs.

    6. A National ICT Strategy in Education must be formulated, in order to use ICT as a tool to enhance the quality and access to education. Telesur, and the Anton the Kom University of Suriname are expected to play a major role in this effort.
  • Emprego
  • Energia
    Parágrafos Relacionados ao Tema
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    • Data:  11/04/2012    Parágrafos: 45, 48
    Suriname prepared guidelines for sound environmental practices in the energy sector and companies are now being certified. Awareness and training are continuously provided in the area of waste management.

    Suriname implemented promising projects in the hinterland of Suriname regarding energy security. Most projects were executed by the Foundation for the Development of the Interior (SFOB). The SFOB Program (2003-2007) provided more than nine villages with electricity and water facilities, directly resulting in eradication of poverty for maroons and indigenous peoples in the hinterland. Urban areas were also connected to the electrical grid, providing eradication of poverty and sustainable development for people in those communities.

    Granholo project
    The ongoing Granholo project is the second small hydropower project that has been conductedin the Tapanahony river. This project is being conducted in close collaboration with the University of Suriname and the Ministry of Natural Resources and the state-owned electrical company EBS.
  • Gestão de Desastres
  • Grupo de Trabalho Conjunto das Cúpulas
  • Infância e juventude
  • Infra-estrutura e Transporte
    Parágrafos Relacionados ao Tema
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    • Data:  11/04/2012    Parágrafos: -
    To achieve higher levels of business development and sustainable economic growth, Suriname will continue promotion of diversified activity in the transport sector.

    The International Transport Security and Safety Standards have been implemented in port management and by the Maritime Authority Suriname (MAS).

    Opening the hinterland through land, water and air transport, in order to eradicate extreme poverty, is being achieved by the introduction of affordable domestic airline tickets, and by improving bus connections.
  • Justiça e Estado de Direito
  • Melhora da Gestão Pública
  • Migração
  • OEA
  • Pessoas idosas
  • Povos Indígenas
  • Questões de Gênero
    Parágrafos Relacionados ao Tema
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    • Data:  11/04/2012    Parágrafos: 11
    Suriname initiated a number of activities in order to strengthen the National Gender Management System.
    The staff of the National Bureau for Gender Policy (NBG) and other relevant stakeholders have been trained in gender, gender analysis, gender mainstreaming, concepts of aid modalities, gender equality and gender budgeting, and in networking, lobbying and negotiation skills.

    The necessary legislation and public policies that promote respect for women’s rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as gender equality, equity and parity have not been passed yet during the reporting period.

    Notwithstanding, over the years women have made progress in political life and decision–making structures. In Suriname, indigenous people and maroons enjoy a form of autonomy within their communities. There are currently 1618 dignitaries, of which 657 women. There are no women in the positions of grand chief, tribal chief and head captain, but women appointed as captains and assistants of captains (basjas).

    The judiciary has been strengthened with female judges, consisting now of 9 male and 10 female judges. There are currently 6 female members of parliament.

    Gender in law
    As a result of preparatory work by the Foundation Ilse Henar Legal Aid Bureau for Women, in cooperation with the Ministry of Home Affairs, a draft law on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the workplace, was formulated and has been presented to Parliament on October 19, 2011.

    1. Lack of childcare during the day and evening.
    2. Lack of specific policies and programs from government and political parties to increase the number of women in political governing bodies.
    3. Due to the political culture within parties and the multi-ethnic aspects of the Surinamese society, the participation of women in politics is limited and differs per political party.
  • Saúde
    Parágrafos Relacionados ao Tema
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    • Data:  11/04/2012    Parágrafos: 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35
    A National Health Sector Plan 2012 – 2016 (NHSP) has been formulated for Suriname. Implementation of a program for Universal Health Insurance is being considered, which includes the Basic Package of Health Care services plan and the proposed Universal Health Insurance Law.
    Progress has been made to integrate vertical programs in the PHC, i.e. HIV services and capacity building to establish the chronic care model within the PHC delivery network. The physical infrastructure has also been upgraded through construction of new hospitals and primary care outpatient clinics.

    Achievements in human resources are furthermore:
    • New training programs (diabetes and HIV) at the Central School of Nursing have been implemented since 2007 to enhance chronic care competencies in PHC settings.
    • The numerous fixus has been expanded to 30 students per year at the University’s Faculty of Medical Sciences.
    • Public health professionals have been trained through cooperation between the Anton de Kom Universiteit and the Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.

    1. Overcoming fragmentation in the health system through coordination of the various public and private providers, institutions and health programs, as well as aligning different levels of care and financing mechanisms.
    2. Provide leadership and advocate intersectional collaboration to address environmental risks, gender inequality and other social factors, as well as creating an environment for healthy lifestyles.
    3. Re-evaluation of the health system to ensure maximum responsiveness and efficiency to prepare for and mitigate future threats.
    4. With respect to the persistent unequal access to comprehensive health care and health services, Suriname needs to conduct a Periodic National Health Accounts Study to enhance the information on the government’s expenditures.
    5. To ensure a balanced geographical distribution of the health workforce, effective deployment and retention measures, specific incentives and creative management strategies need to be developed and implemented.
    6. Address the increase in mobility of populations, especially those of the interior, and establish more interaction with migrated populations across borders.
    7. Apply advances in medical technology, creating opportunities to improve diagnostic and other services outside hospital settings.

    Maternal and infant health
    • Antenatal and post partum/postnatal care coverage are available to all pregnant women.
    • In the period 2000 – 2009, the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) has decreased from 153/100,000 live births to 122.5 /100,000 live births.
    • The national capacity in emergency obstetric care and the registration thereof, including maternal mortality case investigations, needs strengthening.
    • There are still discrepancies between the current Infant Mortality Rate and the MDG target for 2015, which is set at 7, as the baseline for 1990 was 21.1.
    • The Perinatal mortality (PMR) rate decreased from 35.8 in 2000 (351 deaths) to 32.1 in 2009 (321 deaths). Correspondingly, the number of stillbirths decreased from 240 (stillbirth rate: 23.9) in 2000 to 195 (stillbirth rate: 19.5) in 2009.
    • There was a decrease in the post-neonatal mortality rate (the number of deaths after 28 days but before one year per 1,000 live births); the rate decreased from 6.8 (67 deaths) in 2000 to 4.3 (42 deaths) in 2009.

    Similar to global and regional trends, Suriname is experiencing an increasing mortality attributable to NCDs, while mortality linked to infectious diseases show significant decreases. In 2009, 60.5% of all deaths among the ten leading causes of mortality were attributed to Non-Communicable Diseases, including chronic respiratory diseases.

    Drug abuse
    Suriname, informed by the National Anti- Drug Council and relevant stakeholders, implemented the National Drug Master Plan (NDMP) 2006 – 2010. The NDMP 2011 - 2015 was approved in 2011. The National Drug Prevention Plan 2011 - 2014 was also approved in 2011. The new board of the National Anti- Drugs Council 2012 - 2015 will be established soon.

    Achievements in reducing drug abuse and illicit drug abuse:
    • Studies in the field of drug prevention and drug use were completed and published.
    • Guidelines for residential addiction treatment were approved.
    • The Inter-American Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and the UN Convention against the Illicit Traffic in Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances were ratified.
    • Active participation in the OAS/CICAD Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism and compliance with its recommendations, to the extent possible.

    Suriname’s mixed cultural heritage extends into the food culture and is apparent in the extensive variety and blending of available foods from many cuisines. This leads to difficulty in determining the typical diet, nutritional intake and deficiencies. Data on nutrition and the health status of the Surinamese population is limited and out-dated.

    However, existing food supply data for Suriname indicate increased energy availability per capita over the past four decades (from 2000 kcal in 1961-1963 to ~2700 kcal in 2003-2005). This appears to be related to corresponding increases in fat and sugar availability and possibly reflects changing food consumption patterns.

    Nutrition Policies: confronting malnutrition and promoting helathy diets
    A specific bill provides all needy children with breakfast, allocating SRD 6 million for the period 2010 - 2011 and 10 million for the period 2011 - 2012. The project is being implemented at the national level, incorporating coastal and interior areas.

    Youth and sport are areas of priority for Suriname and as such a physical activity and national sports plan is being developed. In 2012, SRD 6 million has been allocated for a pilot project to support vulnerable communities in several districts, by setting up multifunctional sports centers. Furthermore, the Regional Sports Academy for the Caribbean has been launched in March 2012.

    Efforts at the NGO level are being undertaken to educate the population on healthy lifestyles and prevention of obesity. A Surinamese nutrition guideline has been developed for people with diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

    Overall, the percentage of malnourished children under the age of five is decreasing since 2000. WHO Child Growth Standards are incorporated in a new child health record, which includes growth, development skills and nutrition counselling. The results of this study indicate that more intensive training is needed for clinic staff.

    1. Not all clinics appear to be equipped or have sufficient capacity for care of children under age 5.
    2. A baseline assessment of the food that is available in 70 primary schools has been conducted in 2009, showing that a majority of schools sell high-fat foods and sugary drinks. For snacks, mainly fried foods are available, while only one school sold milk products.
    3. A manual to improve the food availability at kindergarten and primary schools has been developed and piloted in 2 schools. The pilot indicates that the nutrition value of food and drinks offered at schools needs to be improved.

    Commitment to international health regulations
    Suriname is implementing the IHR 2005 in order to prevent the international spread of diseases such as pandemic influenza, yellow fever, dengue, malaria and others, and is establishing the basic capacities needed for surveillance and response to events that could constitute public health emergencies of international concern.

    In 2002, the first national HIV/AIDS treatment protocol was developed, followed by several adjustments. Until 2002, treatment of HIV+ was very limited.
    Private efforts have been made to increase access to medicines through donations and establishment of a revolving fund for HAART in 2003, which enabled the start of public ARV treatment on a small scale.

    In 2004, Suriname’s Global Fund grant was approved, and resources became available to work towards the goal of universal access to ARV. Since 2005, ARV is provided free of charge to all eligible HIV+ persons, and interventions rapidly increased to appropriately assess, diagnose and guide PLHIV and AIDS patients, thus ensuring access to high quality HIV and AIDS care and treatment for all in Suriname.
    With increasing HIV screening of pregnant women, expansion of VCT sites, and introduction of free access to treatment in 2005, the number of persons diagnosed with HIV and eligible for treatment with ARV, more than tripled in 2007.

    During 2005 - 2007 the cumulative number of persons under ARV treatment increased from 350 in 2005 to 412 in 2006, to 729 in 2007. Considering the estimated number of people in need for ARV, in 2006 the estimated coverage of ARV treatment was 41%.

    The HIV response in Suriname is guided by the National Strategic Plan (NSP) for a multi sectorial approach of HIV/AIDS. The NSP 2009 - 2013 is currently in operation. The 5 priority areas are:
    1. National Coordination, Policy and Capacity building
    2. Prevention of further spread of HIV
    3. Treatment, Care and Support
    4. Reduction of stigma and discrimination of PLHIV
    5. Strategic Information for policy development and service provision

    Achievements in combating HIV/AIDS:
    - Strengthened coordination through establishment of a national multi-sectorial HIV Board in 2009, with Technical Working Groups on prevention, treatment and care.
    - Increased governmental budget for HIV/AIDS treatment and HIV/AIDS prophylaxis and treatment in the PMTCT program. In 2010, almost 70% were treated.
    - Establishment of the Center of Excellence on treatment and care in 2010.
    - Outcome achievements include access to early infant diagnosis, all treatment protocols revised, increased access to condoms, and implementation of the National Monitoring and Evaluation plan.
  • Seguimento de Cúpulas
  • Segurança
    Parágrafos Relacionados ao Tema
    • Relatórios
    • Data:  11/04/2012    Parágrafos: 69, 70, 72, 75, 17
    Suriname remains committed to policies strengthening public security.
    - An Anti-Terror Unit (ATE) was established, directly reporting to the Chief of Police. Training to the ATE was provided by international experts. This unit assisted with maintaining public order and tranquility at the V Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago.
    - Operation “The New Route” is aimed at suppressing crime in the broadest sense of the word and is being performed in the city of Paramaribo and surroundings, in cooperation with the military.
    - Introduction of special techniques in criminal investigation.
    - Security cameras along public roads and around bridges in Paramaribo have been installed.
    - Improvement in coordinating activities by replacing the JAP Team with the Drug Trafficking (BID Team) at the international airport.
    - Training of members of the BID Team by international instructors on a regular basis.
    - Training of staff of the Police Corps of Suriname to become instructors in dog training in Suriname.
    - Establishment of a training center for Drug Dogs in Suriname.

    Similar to other countries, Suriname faces certain security related threats and challenges which also include aspects of transnational organized crime, namely:
    1. Drug trafficking
    2. Trafficking in persons
    3. Trafficking in small arms and light weapons
    4. Illegal gold mining
    5. Maritime robbery, illegal fishing and smuggling of goods
    In response to these threats, Suriname has established institutions such as the Anti Terrorism Unit, Anti Narcotics Team and the Counter Terrorism Unit.

    Anti-personnel landmines
    Suriname signed and ratified the Mine Ban Treaty (Ottawa Convention) in 1997. The treaty entered into force on November 1, 2002.

    During the internal conflict in 1986 a number of landmines were placed within the national territory. In order to effectively implement the recommendation of the Ottawa Convention, an inter-departmental commission was established in March 2003 and an agreement with the OAS was signed in November 2004 to undertake cooperative action in removing the anti personnel landmines.

    As a result, close to 1000 landmines have been removed. The initial demining operation consisted of an international effort supported by, among others, the governments of Guyana and Brazil. Suriname has now been declared mine free by the OAS.
  • Sociedade Civil
  • Tecnologia
    Parágrafos Relacionados ao Tema
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    • Data:  11/04/2012    Parágrafos: 43
    Disparities in the information sector exist throughout Suriname. We will remove these disparities gradually by implementing e-projects and e-learning centers in cooperation with various organizations, such as the UNDP. As a result, government services will be accessible for citizens in the urban and rural areas.

    Granting more mobile providers access to the market, will help liberalize the telecom sector.

    The Suriname Guyana Submarine Cable was established. This joint venture between the two countries will be instrumental in further developing the ICT and telecom sectors in both countries.