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G E N E R A L      S E C R E T A R I A T




In exercise of the powers conferred upon him under articles 115 and 119 of the Charter and articles 4, 8, and 11 of the General Standards, and


That by resolution AG/RES. 561 (XI-0/81), the General Assembly authorized the Secretary General to modify the programs and structure of the General Secretariat, in order to adapt them to the present needs of the Organization, and

That it is appropriate to implement the modifications of the programs and structure of the General Secretariat in accordance with the "Plan of Action for Reorganizing the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States" (OEA/Ser.G/CP/doc. 1251/82 rev. 1), presented to the Permanent Council on April 12, 1982,


That in addition to the functions established in the Charter, the Assistant Secretary General, by delegation from the Secretary General, shall have the responsibilities and functions established in this Executive Order, and his office shall have the organizational structure described herein.


A. Office of the Assistant Secretary General.

B. Secretariat to the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, the Permanent Council, and Conferences (formed by merging the Office of the Secretariat of the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, the Permanent Council and the Office of Conference, Documents, and Language Services).

C. Permanent Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission of Women.

D. Office of the Inter-American Children's Institute.

E. Museum of Modern Art of Latin America.

F. Columbus Memorial Library.

An organizational chart of the units and areas under the responsibility of the Assistant Secretary General is appended to this Executive order and is a part thereof.



1. Responsibilities inherent to the Office of the Assistant Secretary General

Serves as the Secretary of the Permanent Council; serves as advisory officer to the Secretary General and acts as his delegate in all matters that he may entrust to him; and during the temporary absence or disability of the Secretary General, performs his functions (Article 121 of the Charter).

In the event that the office of the Secretary General shall become vacant, assumes duties thereof until the General Assembly elects a new Secretary General for a full term (Article 114 of the Charter).

2. Responsibilities as Secretary of the Permanent Council

a. Acts as Secretary of the Inter-American Committee on Peaceful Settlement (Article 8 of the Statutes of the Permanent Council in consonance with Article 83 of the Charter and Article 10 of the Committee's Statutes).

b. Acts as Secretary of the organs and committees of the Permanent Council (Article 8 of the Statutes of the Permanent Council).

c. Performs the functions of Secretary of the Permanent Council when it acts provisionally as an organ of consultation.

d. Acts as Secretary General of the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs when the Regulations of the Meeting so provide.

e. Acts as Secretary of the Preparatory Committee of the General Assembly. (Article 91 (c) of the Charter in consonance with Article 121).

f. Supervises the operations of the Museum of Modern Art of Latin America and the Columbus Memorial Library.

3. Responsibilities delegated by the Secretary General

a. Advises on matters concerning relations with the Inter-American Specialized Organizations. Presides over the following:

i. Classification and Promotion Review Board.

ii. Selection Committee for P-5 level posts.

iii. Publications Board.

b. Supervises the following offices and units of the General Secretariat:

i. Secretariat to the General Assembly, the meeting of Consultation, the Permanent Council, and Conferences.

ii. Permanent Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission of Women.

iii. Office of the Inter-American Children's Institute.

iv. Unit of Editorial and Research Services, which provides technical and advisory services to the departments and offices of the General Secretariat and to the Publications Board on all matters related to editorial policy, practice, and standards.


1. Responsibilities

a. To plan, direct, and coordinate the secretariat and support services required for the General Assembly, the Permanent Council, the Meeting of Consultation, and conferences in general.

b. To advise the General Assembly, the meeting of Consultation, the Permanent Council, their subsidiary bodies, and other organs on parliamentary questions and matters of procedure, and to coordinate the advisory services that are required of other departments and offices of the General Secretariat.

c. To advise the secretary General, through the Assistant

Secretary General, on methods and procedures to comply with directives from the organs of the Organization in matters concerning their conferences, meetings, and documents and to provide advice on administrative arrangements and services required.

d. To negotiate on behalf of the General Secretariat agreements with representatives of the government or institutions of the host country for conferences or meetings.

e. To prepare and administer the approved annual calendar of

conferences and meetings of the Organization.

f. To organize and coordinate secretariat services for the organs of the Organization and to make available to the other departments and offices of the General Secretariat for their proper implementation such resolutions and recommendations as are adopted by the organs.

g. To prepare draft agendas and coordinate the preparation and publication of documents by planning, directing, and arranging for printing and reproduction services as required.

2. Functions

a. Policy and Direction: Advises the Secretary General, the Assistant Secretary General, the organs of the Organization, and senior officers of the Secretariat on matters related to services for conferences and meetings, the establishment of uniform procedures for centralized services to the organs, and professional standards for such services.

b. Secretariat Services to the Organs: Coordinates, advises, and provides assistance in all the various stages of scheduling, preparing for, and holding the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, and meetings of the Permanent Council. Collaborates with other areas and units of the General Secretariat in implementating the directives issued by the governing bodies.

c. Conference Services: Advises, negotiates, and collaborates with the authorities of the host country on all matters related to the services, specialized conference staff, equipment, supplies, and facilities to be provided by the country and the contribution of the General Secretariat. Provides logistical and administrative support for the preparation and organization of conferences and meetings. Advises on the preparation of the preliminary draft annual calendar of conferences and meetings.

d. Language Services: Provides interpretation and translation services to the organs of the Organization. Coordinates the scheduling and provision of language services at headquarters and in the field. Administers and evaluates interpreting and translation tests and certifies the qualifications of language specialists.

e. Documents Services: Provides all services connected with the processing and issuance of documents, ensuring that they are properly registered, classified, reproduced, and distributed by the appropriate process, including word-processing, in accordance with professional standards. Administers and evaluates tests and certifies the qualifications of persons temporarily assigned to documents staff.

f. Operational Support: Provides technical guidance and services related to the programming, planning, coordination, direction, and execution of the operational activities for conferences. Prepares the draft program-budget and advises on the preparation of individual budgets for conferences and oversees their execution. Coordinates and maintains a centralized data bank on personnel qualified for assignment to conferences and meetings.


1. Responsibilities

a. Provides advisory services to the President, Executive Committee, and Assemblies of the Commission.

b. Advises the Secretary General, through the Assistant Secretary General, and other officers of the General Secretariat on policy in matters related to the administrative functions of the Commission.

c. Administers and executes the programs and projects adopted by the Commission to promote the civil, political, economic, and social rights of women, in accordance with the directives and guidelines issued by the Commission and its organs.

d. Maintains cooperative relations at the Secretariat level with inter-American and international organizations that deal with matters related to the objectives and purposes of the Commission.

e. Plans, directs, coordinates, supervises, and evaluates the technical, administrative and secretariat services required by the Commission and carries out the corresponding technical assistance projects.

2. Functions

a. Policy and Direction: Advises the Assistant Secretary General, the officers and governing bodies of the Commission, and senior officers of the General Secretariat on all matters related to policy and practice in carrying out the programs and projects of the Commission in consonance with the other programs of the Organization and in conformity with the internal rules and regulations of the General Secretariat.

b. Technical Assistance Projects: Organizes, coordinates, directs, and supervises the operations of the Commission's multinational and national projects, seminars, research and training centers. Provides administrative services in the selection of fellowship recipients.

c. Secretariat Services: Coordinates and organizes the preparation and follow-up of the Commission's Assemblies and the sessions of its Executive Committee, participates in them, acts as technical secretariat, and carries out the mandates emanating therefrom. Prepares and publishes studies and reports on the status of women and on the multinational projects, for presentation to the General Assembly of the OAS, the governments of the member states, and the United Nations. Prepares the draft program-budget for the Commission and submits it for approval by the Executive Committee.

d. Coordination: Maintains lines of coordination with the agencies of the United Nations and other public and private national and international organizations with interests similar to those of the Commission and with interests similar to those of the Commission and with all areas of the General Secretariat of the Organization.


1. Responsibilities

a. Provides advisory services to the Institute's Directing Council and the Pan American Child Congresses.

b. Advises the Secretary General, through the Assistant Secretary General, and other officers of the General Secretariat on policy in matters relating to the administrative functions of the Institute.

c. Administers and executes programs and projects to promote the study of problems related to motherhood, infancy, adolescence, and the family in accordance with the directives and guidelines issued by the Directing Council and the Congresses.

d. Maintains cooperative relations at the Secretariat level with inter-American and international organizations that deal with matters related to the objectives and purposes of the Institute.

e. Plans, directs, coordinates, supervises, and evaluates the administrative secretariat services required to attain the Institute's goals and carries out the corresponding technical projects.

2. Functions

a. Policy and Direction: Advises the Assistant Secretary General, the officers and governing bodies of the Institute and officers of the General Secretariat on all matters related to policy and practice in carrying out the programs and projects of the Institute in consonance with the other programs of the Organization and in conformity with the internal rules and regulations of the General Secretariat.

b. Technical Projects: Organizes, coordinates, directs and

supervises the operations of the Institute's projects, seminars, research and training centers.

c. Secretariat Services: Coordinates and organizes the preparation and follow-up of the Congresses and the sessions of the Directing Council, participates in them, acts as technical secretariat, and carries out the mandates emanating therefrom. Prepares and publishes studies and reports on research as to the nature and importance of problems affecting youth, for presentation to the General Assembly of the OAS, the governments of the member states, and the United Nations. Prepares the draft program-budget for the Institute and supervises its execution.

d. Coordination: Maintains lines of coordination with the agencies of the United Nations and other public and private national and international organizations with interests similar to those of the Institute, and with all areas of the General Secretariat of the Organization.


1. Responsibilities

a. Advises the Assistant Secretary General, and through him, the Secretary General and the Board of Trustees, and Acquisitions Committee of the Museum on the artistic works that should be included in the Museum's permanent collection and on how and when they should be exhibited.

b. Advises officials of the governments of member states on the selection and promotion of temporary exhibits of the works of artists of merit from the various countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

c. Determines policy and standards for the inclusion of art in the permanent collection and for all arrangements concerning temporary and touring exhibitions.

d. Collects, preserves, and exhibits works of art that are of aesthetic and historical interest to the member states and the public at large. Organizes temporary and touring exhibitions, lecture series, educational tours of the Museum, and film presentations.

e. Prepares and publishes catalogs and other material to facilitate and aid scholarly research on modern Latin American and Caribbean art.

f. Produces audiovisual materials on modern art and on current and historical cultural patterns in Latin America and the Caribbean.

2. Functions

a. Policy and Direction: Plans, directs, coordinates, and

supervises the Museum's activities. Participates in and provides advisory services to meetings of museum directors, associations, and artistic groups.

b. Exhibition: Selects, plans, and promotes temporary exhibitions of young artists, major exhibitions of artists who have already achieved international recognition, and touring group exhibits of Latin American and Caribbean artists to be shown in museums and cultural institutions in the region and elsewhere in the world.

c. Permanent Collection: Purchases works of art for the

collection. Registers and catalogs them and sees that they are properly maintained and preserved and duly insured. Plans and promotes exhibitions of the collection.

d. Audiovisual: Produces documentary films, video-cassettes, slides, and other visual materials on Latin American and Caribbean art, on the cultural heritage of individual member states, and on specific folk-life, cultural, and historical aspects of culture in the region. promotes the sale of these materials to schools, universities, and private individuals throughout the Hemisphere.

e. Publications: Prepares individual catalogs for all exhibitions and publishes a visual arts bulletin giving information on artistic endeavors in the region that is not available from other sources. Publishes individual monographs on the history of modern art in selected countries, which serve as reference works in the teaching of art.


1. Responsibilities

a. Advises the Assistant Secretary General and through him, the Secretary General and other officers of the General Secretariat on policy and practice for carrying out the Library's program of service to the Permanent Council and the General Secretariat.

b. Develops standards on all matters related to Library policy and ensures that the official OAS classification system is properly implemented.

c. Administers the Hip�lito Unanue Fund. Compiles printed and graphic material on all types of Latin American and Caribbean studies and programs of the Organization. Provides technical information and reference and records management services to the offices of the General Secretariat.

2. Functions

a. Policy and Direction: Advises the Assistant Secretary General, and through him, the Secretary General and offices and departments of the General Secretariat on all matters related to the Library program. Prepares the draft program-budget for the Library and is responsible for the administration of the Library and its archives. Supervises the depository library program in the member states and maintains liaison with libraries that are depositories of OAS publications.

b. Technical Services: Accessions, catalogs, and classifies material received for inclusion in the Library. Maintains the Leo S. Rowe Collection, the historical archives, and the OAS collection of rare books, maps, and postage stamps. Collects, compiles, and catalogs all official documents of the OAS; classifies the Secretar�a General Series; indexes the Official Records Series and the series of Technical Reports and Documents; and prepares and publishes the annual Lista General and Indice Anal�tico of the Official Records Series and the Catalog of Technical Reports and Documents of the OAS. Prepares Spanish and English indexes for the annual volume of resolutions of the Permanent Council and, upon request, for technical and informational publications.

c. Information and Reference Service: Maintains the reference collections an controls circulation. Prepares special bibliographies and monthly lists of the tables of contents of periodicals. Plans and recommends measures to achieve the greatest possible dissemination throughout the Hemisphere of the resources of the Library, including the establishment of an inter-American library network and the exchange of information on the resources available in various institutions. Is responsible for interlibrary loans, the search for bibliographical references through an electronic system, and maintenance of the photographic archives of the OAS.

d. Records Management Service: Maintains the central files of the OAS and establishes and oversees observance of the provisions for proper maintenance of all the official documents and records of the OAS. Provides necessary service for the administration of the Permanent Records Program and periodically revises and brings up to date the Records Management Handbook and the Records Retirement Schedule.


A. In all other Executive Orders or administrative issuances, the terms "Office of the Secretariat of the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, and the Permanent Council" and "Office of Conference, Documents, and Language Services" should be understood as referring to the Secretariat to the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, the Permanent Council, and Conferences.

B. This Executive Order supersedes all present norms, regulations and practices of the General Secretariat to the contrary and expressly repeals the following Executive Orders:

69-1 "Oficina de la Secretar�a de la Conferencia Interamericana, la Reuni�n de Consulta y el Consejo de la Organizaci�n"

69-9 "Change in the Organization of the General Secretariat"

72-2 "Establishment of the Advisory Committee on the Library Program of the General Secretariat"

75-14 "Establishment of the Office of Conference, Documents, and Language Services"

76-7 "Objectives, Characteristics, and Activities of the Museum of Modern Art"

78-4 "Changes to Executive Order No. 76-7 Regarding the Museum of Modern Art of Latin America"

80-2 "The Duties of the Assistant Secretary General"

81-3 "Columbus Memorial Library"


This Executive Order shall take effect on the date on which it is signed.



Alejandro Orfila
Secretary General



Date: November 5, 1982
Original: English


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