Multilateral Treaties

 B-5: GENERAL TREATY OF INTER-AMERICAN ARBITRATION                               

        ADOPTED AT: WASHINGTON, D.C., UNITED STATES                             

              DATE: 01/05/29

                    AND ARBITRATION                                             

                    INSTRUMENT AND RATIFICATIONS).                              

              TEXT: OAS, TREATY SERIES, NO. 16.                                 
                            ,           ,

   UN REGISTRATION:   /  /    No.         Vol.       

      OBSERVATIONS:     This Treaty has been superseded by the American Treaty  
                    on Pacific Settlement (Pact of Bogot ), 1948 (A-42).  Unless
                    both parties to a dispute have ratified the subsequent      
                    Treaty, however, this Treaty would be applicable.           
                        See also the Treaty on Compulsory Arbitration of Mexico,
                    1902 (A-9), and the Protocol of Progressive Arbitration     

Antigua y Barbuda - - - -
Argentina - - - -
Bahamas - - - -
Barbados - - - -
Belize - - - -
Bolivia 01/05/29 - - Yes
Brazil 01/05/29 12/15/31 01/25/32 RA -
Canada - - - -
Chile 01/05/29 12/30/29 02/27/30 RA Yes
Colombia 01/05/29 01/28/38 07/12/38 RA Yes
Costa Rica 01/05/29 - - Yes
Cuba 01/05/29 10/09/30 11/08/30 RA -
Dominica - - - -
Ecuador 01/05/29 06/24/37 11/03/37 RA Yes
El Salvador 01/05/29 10/30/29 12/28/29 RA Yes
Grenada - - - -
Guatemala 01/05/29 09/09/29 10/28/29 RA Yes
Guyana - - - -
Hait� 01/05/29 03/08/33 04/04/33 RA -
Honduras 01/05/29 11/30/36 02/09/37 RA Yes
Jamaica - - - -
M�xico 01/05/29 11/08/29 01/06/30 RA Yes
Nicaragua 01/05/29 07/09/30 06/15/32 RA -
Panam� 01/05/29 12/30/32 01/20/33 RA -
Paraguay 01/05/29 - - Yes
Per� 01/05/29 01/04/34 05/23/34 RA -
Dominican Republic 01/05/29 07/26/29 09/17/29 RA Yes
St. Kitts & Nevis - - - -
St. Lucia - - - -
St. Vincent & Grenadines - - - -
Suriname - - - -
Trinidad & Tobago - - - -
United States 01/05/29 04/16/35 04/16/35 RA Yes
Uruguay 01/05/29 - - Yes
Venezuela 01/05/29 07/23/32 09/01/32 RA Yes
     (Reservations made at the time of signature)                             
     The Delegation of Bolivia in accordance with the doctrine                
and policy invariably maintained by Bolivia in the field of                   
international jurisprudence, gives full adherence to and signs                
the General Treaty of Inter-American Arbitration which the                    
Republics of America are to sanction, formulating the following               
express reservations:                                                         
     First:There may be excepted from the provisions of the                   
present agreement, questions arising from acts occurring or                   
conventions concluded before the said treaty goes into effect,                
as well as those which, in conformity with international law,                 
are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the state.                            
     Second:It is also understood that, for the submission                    
to arbitration of a territorial controversy or dispute, the                   
zone to which the said arbitration is to apply must be                        
previously determined in the arbitral agreement.                              
	(Reservations made at the time of signature)                             
     First:The obligations which the Republic of Colombia                     
may contract thereby refer to the differences which may arise                 
from acts subsequent to the ratification of the Convention.                   
     Second:  Except in the case of a denial of justice, the                  
arbitration provided for in this convention is not applicable                 
to the questions which may have arisen or which may arise                     
between a citizen, an association or a corporation of one of                  
the parties and the other contracting state when the judges or                
courts of the latter state are, in accordance with its                        
legislation, competent to settle the controversy.
	(Reservations made at the time of ratification)                  
With the reservations made at the time of signature.                              

Costa Rica:                                                              
     (Reservations made at the time of signature)                             
(a)  The obligations contracted under this Treaty do not                      
annul, abrogate, or restrict the arbitration conventions which                
are now in force between Costa Rica and another or others of                  
the high contracting parties and do not involve arbitration,                  
disavowal, or renewed discussion of questions which may have                  
already been settled by arbitral awards.                                      
(b)  The obligations contracted under this Treaty do not                      
involve the arbitration of judgments handed down by the courts                
of Costa Rica in civil cases which may be submitted to them and               
with regard to which the interested parties have recognized the               
jurisdiction of said courts.                                                  
	(Reservation made at the time of signature)                      
     Chile does not accept obligatory arbitration for                         
questions which have their origin in situations or acts                       
antedating the present treaty nor does it accept obligatory                   
arbitration for those questions which, being under the                        
exclusive competency of the national jurisdiction, the                        
interested parties claim the right to withdraw from the                       
cognizance of the established judicial authorities, unless said               
authorities decline to pass judgment on any action or exception               
which any natural or juridical foreign person may present to                  
them in the form established by the laws of the country.
	(Reservation made at the time of ratification)                   
      With the reservation made at the time of signature.                      
	(Reservations made at the time of signature)                     
     The Delegation of Ecuador, pursuant to instructions of its               
Government, reserves from the jurisdiction of the obligatory                  
arbitration agreed upon in the present Treaty:                                
     1.   Questions at present governed by conventions or                     
treaties now in effect;                                                       
     2.   Those which may arise from previous causes or may                   
result from acts preceding the signature of this treaty;                      
     3.Pecuniary claims of foreigners who may not have                        
previously exhausted all legal remedies before the courts of                  
justice of the country, it being understood that such is the                  
interpretation and the extent of the application which the                    
Government of Ecuador has always given to the Buenos Aires                    
Convention of August 11, 1910.
	(Reservations made at the time of ratification)                  
     With the purpose of seeking the most adequate means of                   
generalizing and making effective the American instruments of                 
peace, the Republic of Ecuador abandons the First and Second                  
Reservations made by the representative of Ecuador upon signing               
the  said  General  Treaty of  Inter-American  Arbitration,  in               
the said General Treaty of Inter-American Arbitration, in the                 
said General Treaty of Inter-American Arbitration, in                         
accordance with Article 1 of the Protocol of Progressive                      
Arbitration of January 5, 1929; which reservations were made in               
this manner:                                                                  
     The Delegation of Ecuador, pursuant to instructions of its               
Government, reserves from the jurisdiction of the obligatory                  
arbitration agreed upon in the present Treaty:                                
     1.Questions at present governed by conventions or                        
treaties now in effect;                                                       
     2.Those which may arise from previous causes or may                      
result from acts preceding the signature of this Treaty.                      
     The Republic of Ecuador upon ratifying the present Treaty                
maintains in effect the Third Reservation made by the                         
Plenipotentiary, Mr. Gonzalo Zaldumbide, the text of which                    
reads as follows:                                                             
     3.Pecuniary  claims  of  foreigners  who  may  not have                  
previously exhausted all legal remedies before the courts of                  
justice of the country, it being understood that such is the                  
interpretation and the extent of the application which the                    
Government of Ecuador has always given to the Buenos Aires                    
Convention of August 11, 1910.                                                              
El Salvador:                                                     
             (Reservations made at the time of signature)                     
     The Delegation of El Salvador to the Conference on                       
Conciliation and Arbitration assembled in Washington accepts                  
and signs the General Treaty of Inter-American Arbitration                    
concluded this day by said Conference, with the following                     
reservations or restrictions:                                                 
     1.           After the words of paragraph 1 of Article 1 reading:        
"under treaty or otherwise", the following words are to be                    
added:  "subsequent to the present Convention".  The article                  
continues without any other modification.                                     
     2.           Paragraph  (a)  of  Article  2  is  accepted  by  the       
Delegation without the final words which read:  "and are not                  
controlled by international law," which should be considered as               
     3.This Treaty does not include controversies or                          
differences with regard to points or questions which, according               
to the Political Constitution of El Salvador, must not be                     
submitted to arbitration, and                                                 
     4.           Pecuniary claims against the nation shall be decided        
by its judges and courts, since they have jurisdiction thereof,               
and recourse shall be had to international arbitration only in                
the cases provided in the Constitution and laws of El Salvador,               
that is in cases of denial of justice or unusual delay in the                 
administration thereof.
	(Reservations made at the time of ratification)                  
             With the reservations made at the time of signature.                                                       
	(Reservations made at the time of signature)                             
     1.    In order to submit to arbitration any questions                    
relating to the boundaries of the nation, the approval of the                 
Legislative Assembly must first be given, in each case, in                    
conformity with the Constitution of the Republic.                             
     2.           The provisions of the present Convention do not alter       
or modify the conventions and treaties previously entered into                
by the Republic of Guatemala.
	(Reservations made at the time of ratification)                  
             With the reservations made at the time of signature.                                                 
	(Reservation made at the time of signature)                              
     The Delegation of Honduras, in signing the present Treaty,               
formulates an express reservation making it a matter of record                
that the provisions thereof shall not be applicable to pending                
international questions or controversies or to those which may                
arise in the future relative to acts prior to the date on which               
the said Treaty goes into effect.
	(Reservation made at the time of ratification)                   
             With the reservation made at the time of signature.                                             
	(Reservation made at the time of signature)                      
     Mexico makes the reservation that differences, which fall                
under the jurisdiction of the courts, shall not form a subject                
of the procedure provided for by the Convention, except in case               
of denial of justice, until after the judgment passed by the                  
competent national authority has been placed in the class of                  
res judicata.
	(Reservation made at the time of ratification)                   
             With the reservation made at the time of signature.                                                                  
             (Reservation made at the time of signature)                      
     I sign this treaty with the reservation that Paraguay                    
excludes from its application questions which directly or                     
indirectly affect the integrity of the national territory and                 
are not merely questions of frontiers or boundaries.                          
Dominican Republic:                                              
	(Reservation made at the time of signature)                      
     The Dominican Republic, in signing the General Treaty of                 
Inter-American Arbitration, does so with the understanding that               
controversies relating to questions which are under the                       
jurisdiction of its courts shall not be referred to arbitral                  
jurisdiction except in accordance with the principles of                      
international law.
	(Reservation made at the time of ratification)                   
     With the reservation made at the time of signature.                                                            
             (Reservation made at the time of signature)                      
     I vote in favor of the Treaty of Arbitration, with the                   
reservation formulated by the Delegation of Uruguay at the                    
Fifth Pan American Conference, favoring broad arbitration; and                
with the understanding that arbitration will be resorted to                   
only in case of denial of justice, when the national tribunals                
have jurisdiction, according to the legislation of their own                  
	(Reservations made at the time of signature)                     
     First:There shall be excepted from this Treaty those                     
matters which, according to the Constitution or the laws of                   
Venezuela, are under the jurisdiction of its courts; and                      
especially those matters relating to pecuniary claims of                      
foreigners.  In such matters arbitration shall not be resorted                
to except when legal remedies having been exhausted by the                    
claimant it shall appear that there has been a denial of                      
     Second:There shall also be excepted those matters                        
controlled by international agreements now in force.
	(Reservations made at the time of ratification)                  
    With the reservations made at the time of signature.
	Denunciation: 09/08/81                                                                  
United States:                                                           
             (Reservation made at the time of ratification)                   
     This Government ratified the Treaty "with the                            
understanding, made a part of such ratification, that the                     
special agreement in each case shall be made only by the                      
President, and then only by and with the advice and consent of                
the Senate, provided two thirds of the Senators present                       
Text of the Treaty [only in spanish]