Organization of American States Department of<br />Human Development
Announcement Title From Until Results
Green Jobs for Sustainable Development: Concepts And Practices 2/28/2021 4/5/2021
Grid connected and stand-alone photovoltaic systems 1/26/2021 3/8/2021
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages: Motivating Students Through Gamification and Other Activities - U. Oregon 7/26/2019 9/18/2019
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages for Students with Disabilities - U. Oregon 7/26/2019 9/18/2019
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) - U.Oregon 7/26/2019 9/18/2019
Motivating Students Through Gamification and Other Classroom Activities - U. Oregon 7/27/2018 9/28/2018
English Language Teacher Training: TESOL Methods for STEM Primary & Secondary Levels - U. Oregon 7/27/2018 9/28/2018
English Language Teacher Training: Special Education in TEFL Contexts - U. Oregon 7/27/2018 9/28/2018
Cultural & Heritage Tourism - UC Caribbean 7/26/2018 8/21/2018
Grid Connected and Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems - UPV 7/26/2018 10/19/2018
Masters Certificate Program In Results-Based Monitoring And Evaluation, And Information Systems - ULaval / Idea 7/20/2018 8/24/2018 View
Sustainability Practices for Tourism Leaders - Portal 5/30/2018 10/5/2018
OEA-FONDO VERDE 12/18/2017 2/28/2018
OAS - Alma College Scholarship Program 9/19/2017 11/3/2017
Sustainable Cities / Belize - OAS-DSD 8/22/2017 11/7/2017 View
Certificate in University and College Administration (CUCA) 3/29/2017 9/17/2017 View
Trade and Environmental Seminar 3/23/2017 6/26/2017
Spectrum Management: Using the Latest Generation Tools 3/17/2017 9/23/2017
Promoting Innovation: Licensing Academy in Intellectual Property and Technology Commercialization 2/24/2017 4/21/2017
International Law Course 2/17/2017 5/19/2017
Telecom/ICT Policy and Regulation 1/31/2017 7/24/2017
Introduction to the Rule of Law 1/25/2017 3/6/2017
Data Security and ISO Standards 27001 & 27002 7/25/2016 10/5/2016
Designing and Planning HSPA and 4G Mobile Broadband Networks 7/15/2016 9/23/2016
Fundamentals of IT Service Management with ISO 20000 7/15/2016 9/30/2016
Competition Policy for Telecommunications 4/25/2016 6/30/2016
Disaster Communications Management 4/24/2016 9/1/2016
XLIII Course on International Law 4/11/2016 7/8/2016
Promoting Innovation: Licensing Academy in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer 3/14/2016 4/25/2016
Trade and Environment Seminar 3/9/2016 5/20/2016
Competition Policy for Telecommunications 4/15/2015 6/12/2015
Disaster Communication Management 4/7/2015 8/28/2015
Seminario sobre Comercio y Medio Ambiente 3/3/2015 5/15/2015
Promoting Innovation: Intellectual Property and Technology Commercialization Licensing Academy 3/2/2015 5/22/2015
XLII Course on International Law "The Current Inter-American Legal Agenda" 1/29/2015 4/24/2015
Satellite Communications 3/28/2014 9/5/2014
Disaster Communications Management 3/28/2014 9/19/2014
Competition Policy for Telecommunications 3/28/2014 6/13/2014
The Rule of Law and Best Practices in Telecommunication Regulation 3/27/2014 5/9/2014
Trade and Environment Seminar 2014 3/13/2014 5/9/2014
Promoting Innovation: Licensing Academy in Intellectual Property and Technology Commercialization 3/5/2014 5/2/2014
- Curso Online de Análisis de redes de agua con EPANET 2/28/2014 9/30/2014
Sustainable Cities 2/7/2014 10/23/2014
Spectrum Management in the Civil Sector 1/31/2014 3/7/2014
XLI Curso de Derecho Internacional / XLI Course on International Law 12/12/2013 4/30/2014
Curso Online de Análisis de redes de agua con EPANET 2/6/2013 8/16/2013
Promoting Innovation: Intellectual Property and Technology Commercialization Licensing Academy 1/24/2013 4/5/2013
XL Curso de Derecho Internacional / XL Course on International Law 12/17/2012 4/12/2013
International Trade, Investments and Labour Markets: Towards Policy Coherence 7/6/2012 9/28/2012
Green Jobs learning forum 6/1/2012 12/3/2012
Innovations in Public Employment Programmes 5/7/2012 8/31/2012
Green Jobs: linking climate change and the world of work 5/7/2012 6/8/2012
Graduate Certificate in Project Management 5/2/2012 8/3/2012 View
Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship for Growth Ventures 5/2/2012 8/3/2012 View
Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship for New Ventures 5/2/2012 8/3/2012 View
"Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers with Web 2.0 Tools and 21st Century Skills" 4/19/2012 9/7/2012
Curso Online de Análisis de redes de agua con EPANET 3/26/2012 9/14/2012
Disaster Communications Management 2/28/2012 9/7/2012 View
Regulatory and Privatization Issues in Telecommunications 2/27/2012 6/8/2012 View
Mini MBA in Telecommunications 2/14/2012 6/1/2012
Telecommunications Regulation Essentials 2/14/2012 8/3/2012
Promoting Innovation: Intellectual Property and Technology Commercialization Licensing Academy 2/10/2012 5/4/2012
Trade and Environment Seminar 2/1/2012 4/20/2012 View
XXXIX Curso de Deerecho Internacional / XXXIX Course of International Law 1/29/2012 5/15/2012 View
Disaster Communications Management 7/5/2011 9/23/2011
e-Government for Development: Strategies and Policies 4/26/2011 8/19/2011 View
Qualidade da Educação Básica – Português, Edição 6 3/28/2011 7/22/2011 View
Quality in Basic Education - 6th edition 3/28/2011 7/29/2011
IMT (3G/4G) Mobile Broadband 3/16/2011 6/24/2011
Seminar in Competition Policy for Telecommunications & Regulatory and Privatization Issues in Telecommunications 3/1/2011 6/17/2011
Mini MBA in Telecommunications 2/28/2011 6/3/2011
Telecom Regulation Essentials 2/25/2011 8/19/2011
Connaissances essentielles en réglementation des télécoms 2/25/2011 4/6/2011
Mini MBA en Telecommunications 2/25/2011 4/13/2011
New Technologies for the Development of Geoservices for Planning Purposes in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean 2/24/2011 6/17/2011
Radio Frequency Spectrum Management 1/6/2011 3/4/2011
XXXVIII Curso de Derecho Internacional: Derecho Internacional y Democracia / XXXVIII Course of International Law: International Law and Democracy 12/9/2010 4/30/2011
Tuning to the New Technological changes in the Radio / En Sintonía con los Nuevos Cambios Tecnológicos en la Radio 8/23/2010 10/22/2010
Telemedicine and Distance Learning Synopsis and Applications 7/27/2010 9/17/2010
e-Government for Development: Strategies and Policies 7/27/2010 10/1/2010
Governance as Leadership: Reframing the Work on Nonprofit Boards 7/7/2010 11/19/2010
Disaster Communications Management 7/2/2010 9/17/2010
IMT (3G/4G) Mobile Broadband and Mobile TV 6/11/2010 7/23/2010
Strategic Hospitality Management 6/11/2010 9/30/2010
Executive Leadership 6/11/2010 9/30/2010
Nonprofit Financial Stewardship: Concepts and Techniques for Strategic Management 6/7/2010 8/13/2010
Beca CIDH Unidad de Defensores y Defensoras de Derechos Humanos 10-11 / Human Rights Defenders Unit IACHR Scholarship 10-11 -Rómulo Gallegos- 5/18/2010 7/15/2010
Beca CIDH Rómulo Gallegos 10-11 / Rómulo Gallegos IACHR Scholarship 10-11 4/22/2010 6/23/2010
ICT Policymaking and Cyber Security 4/1/2010 6/4/2010
English Teacher as a Second Language 3/22/2010 5/12/2010
Teacher Education for 21st Century 3/5/2010 8/31/2010
XXXVII Course on International Law. International Law and Contemporary Global Transformations 2/1/2010 4/30/2010
Seminar in Competition Policy for Telecommunications & Regulatory and Privatization Issues in Telecommunications 1/26/2010 5/14/2010
Spectrum Management in the Civil Sector 1/19/2010 3/12/2010
Academic Development for Social Conflict Transformation: Linking Theory and Practice to Strengthen Democracy in the Latin American Region 1/15/2010 3/15/2010
Radio Frequency Spectrum Management 12/22/2009 2/26/2010
Inter-American Workshop on the role of the arts and communications media in promoting democratic values and practices among children and youth 9/24/2009 12/12/2009
La Reinvención del Periodista. Respuesta al Reto de la Nueva Cultura Digital 9/16/2009 10/30/2009
Disaster Communications Management 7/22/2009 9/13/2009
Beca CIDH-"Rómulo Gallegos" 09-10 / "Rómulo Gallegos" IACHR 09-10 6/18/2009 7/18/2009
Internet Protocols and Services 6/12/2009 8/7/2009
Quality in Basic Education (Special Caribbean Edition) 6/9/2009 8/3/2009
Training for the Use of the Global Portal of Telecommunications for Indigenous People 5/28/2009 7/3/2009
Second Inter-American Electoral Training Seminar 5/28/2009 7/20/2009
Indicadores de la calidad ambiental 5/27/2009 9/25/2009
Elaboración de indicadores de productos, resultados, efectos e impactos 5/27/2009 9/11/2009
Policies & Regulation of Information and Communications Technologies 5/22/2009 7/3/2009
Competion Policy for Teleccomunications & Regulatory & Privatization Policies 5/20/2009 6/26/2009
Information Technology Policy Regulation 4/21/2009 6/5/2009 View
Digital Signature: Technical & Legal Issues / Firma Digital: Cuestiones Técnicas & Legales 3/20/2009 5/15/2009
Rómulo Gallegos IACHR Fellowship for Indigenous People / Beca CIDH Pueblos Indígenas 2/19/2009 4/30/2009
Conflict Analysis and Resolution: Building Capacity for Democratic Change in the Americas 2/18/2009 4/30/2009
Beca Relatoría sobre los Derechos de las Mujeres / Scholarship Rapporteurship on the Rights of Women 2/3/2009 5/1/2009
XXXVI Curso de Derecho International / XXXVI course on International Law 2/2/2009 4/30/2009
Spectrum Management in the Civil Sector 12/21/2008 3/13/2009
Radio Frequency Spectrum Management 12/19/2008 2/27/2009
Urban Environmental Security 12/8/2008 3/16/2009
Human Security and Climate Change 12/8/2008 4/14/2009
2009 Blackout of Analog TV: Begining of the Digital Era 9/30/2008 10/29/2008 View
Executive Development Program 8/20/2008 9/4/2008 View
Disaster Prediction and Warning 8/20/2008 9/18/2008 View
Applying 21st Century ICT in Emerging Markets 8/7/2008 9/5/2008 View
IMT (3G/4G) Mobile Broadband & Mobile TV 8/7/2008 9/12/2008 View
Managing Investment Disputes 8/5/2008 10/15/2008 View
Regional Preparatory Conference (Latin America and Caribbean) “From Literacy to Lifelong Learning: 7/9/2008 8/8/2008 View
Romulo Gallegos Scholarships 6/25/2008 7/25/2008
Digital Signature: Technical and Legal Issues 6/5/2008 8/15/2008 View
Academic Research and the Practice of Conflict Resolution, Enlarging the Field 6/4/2008 6/6/2008 View
International Course on Environmental Impact Assesment (EIA) and Environmental Strategic Assesment (ESA) for Wetlands Management 6/3/2008 10/17/2008 View
Telecommunications Regulations in a Dynamic and Competitive Environment 5/30/2008 6/27/2008 View
xxxv Curso de Derecho Internacional 5/29/2008 5/31/2008 View
Diseño de Implementación de Redes IP 5/12/2008 10/3/2008 View
Educación a Distancia, fundamentos y Metodología para Llevarla a la Práctica 5/6/2008 7/31/2008 View
Ingeniería de Redes por Internet 4/29/2008 6/13/2008
Information Technology Policy Regulation 4/23/2008 6/30/2008 View
E-Goverment for Development: Strategies and Policies 3/12/2008 5/9/2008 View
Science, Media and Society 3/4/2008 8/29/2008 View
OAS Hemispheric Course for the Evaluation of Policies and National Programs in Citizenship Education 1/9/2008 6/2/2008 View