OAS-Governement of China Scholarship Program
After you have completed and submitted the China Scholarship Council's scholarship application, complete and submit this form and upload the following supporting documents listed below in the space provided in this form.
You are required to upload the following documents where indicated in the online application form. Please note that all supporting documents must first be combined into ONE PDF document before it can be uploaded in the application form. The application system does not allow for more than one document to be uploaded, hence the aforementioned request. Please be guided accordingly.
Step 1: Submit the following supporting documents
I. Copy of highest diploma obtained (notarized):
If applicants are university students or already employed, they shall also provide proof of enrolment from current institution or employment verification documents. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.
II. Transcripts:
Applicants for undergraduate studies are required to provide a notarized copy of high school transcripts. Applicants for the other categories of studies also need to provide relevant notarized transcripts from previous degrees obtained. Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized in Chinese or English translations.
III. A study or research plan:
The study plan must be drafted in Chinese or in English (No less than 200 words for undergraduates, no less than 500 words for other categories of applicants as indicated in section 1 on page 1). Detailed research plan (additional paper can be attached) is required for graduate studies applicants or scholars for advanced studies (No less than 800 words for post graduate students).
IV. Two letters of recommendation:
The letters must be written in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors or current or previous employers. Applicants who apply while currently pursuing studies in China for master or doctoral degree studies must submit the Admission Notice or Invitation Letter issued by the desired university.
· Applicants for music programs are requested to submit one CD recording of the applicants’ own work.
· Applicants for fine arts programs must submit one CD recording of the applicants’ own work (including two sketches, two color paintings and two other works).
· Applicants under the age of 18 should submit valid documents of their legal guardians in China.
V. Copy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (issued by the Chinese quarantine authority and only for those whose period of study in China is more than six months) completed in English. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital and a sealed photograph of the applicant will be considered invalid. The medical examination results are valid for 6 months. All applicants are kindly requested to take this factor into consideration when determining when to take the medical examination.
Note: Please include the copies of Physical Examination Report and Blood Examination Report in the package and keep the original reports with you for later use when you go to China and register at the university.
VI. The copy of pre-admission Letter from designated Chinese university (if available);
VII. Applicants with valid HSK Certificate should include among the supporting documents submitted.
VIII. You are required to write and include two essays in the OAS scholarship application form. The essays should be written in English. Each essay should have a minimum of 800 characters (not words) and a maximum of 2900 characters, including spaces.
Essay 1: Describe how acquiring this academic degree will directly impact and enhance your professional skills in your current job position or future career.
Essay 2: Explain how you intend to apply the acquired knowledge and experience in the specific field of study that you will pursue to the development of your country or region.
This online application must be completed and submitted by March 1, 2017.
Step 2: Send via courier 2 of each document requested in the application package to the following address by March 15, 2017:
Organization of American States
Department of Human Development, Education and Employment
Att.: OAS-China Scholarships
1889 F Street, N.W., 7th floor
Washington, DC 20006
Please click Continue button below to begin the application.