Organization of American States Department of<br />Human Development
Data Security and ISO Standards 27001 & 27002



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OAS ProfessionalDevelopment Scholarship Program

Data Security and ISO Standards 27001 & 27002[1]



1. Institution that offers the course: InstitutoNacional de Investigación y Capacitación de Telecomunicaciones (NationalTelecommunication Research and Training Institute)(INICTEL-UNI) through the distance learning platform INICTEL-VIRTUAL (


2. Coordinator of the course: Regional TrainingCenter of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL): National Telecommunication Research andTraining Institute of the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (National University of Engineering) (INICTEL-UNI).Coordinator: Eng.Isabel Guadalupe Sifuentes: Phone: (51-1) 626-1400 Extension: 7201, E-mail: [email protected]


3. Startand end dates of the course: October 5 to November 11, 2016


4. Modality of the course: Distance


5. Course duration: Five (5) weeks.


6. Language of instruction: English


7. Course Objectives:

GeneralObjective:To acquire the necessary knowledge to understand theoperation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS) and propose thedesign of an implementation project.

Specific Objectives:

·        To acquire basic concepts andknowledge about Information Security management and related internationalstandards.

·        To know about experiences, sostudents have references on how to design an Information Security Governancestructure in their organization.

·        To acquire the necessary knowledgeto design an ISMS implementation plan.

·        To understand the importance ofmonitoring an ISMS.

·        To understand the need to review theISMS and acquire basic knowledge to plan audits.

Objectivesto be achieved by pursuing this course: The participant will acquire thenecessary knowledge to understand the operation of an Information SecurityManagement System (ISMS) and propose the design of an ISMS implementationproject.

8. CourseContent:

Week 1 Introduction

§  Introductionto Information Security.

§  ISO27000 family (Information Security Standards).

Week 2 Governance

§  Establishmentof the Information Security Committee.

§  Draftingof an Information Security Policy.

§  Howto coordinate with the Information Security Committee?

§  Definitionof the ISMS scope (process selection)

Week 3 Planning

§  AssetManagement

§  RiskManagement

§  ImplementationWork Plan

§  Awarenessand Training Plan

§  Summary- Practical Case

Week 4 Monitoring

§  IncidentManagement

§  IndicatorManagement

§  InformationSecurity Management Follow-up

Week 5 Review

§  InternalAudit Management

§  ExternalAudit Management

9.       Course Methodology:

The course will be 100% deliveredonline asynchronously through the INICTEL-UNI virtual training platform. Eachstudent is expected to participate by reading the material, make writtencontributions to discussions, forums and activities, and the tests to bedefined by the professor. These techniques will ensure the necessary timeflexibility for the participants to be able to organize themselves in the waythat best suits them.


All activities will be evaluatedbased on a 20-point grade; to pass the course the minimum score is 70%,equivalent to 14 points.

  • Participation in forums: 20% of total grade.
  • Handing activities/assignments: 50% of total grade.
  • Course evaluations: 30% of total course grade

10.   Eligibilityrequirements::

a)      Be a citizen or permanent resident of an OAS member state [2] Except Peru since it is the course venue.(Residents must send a copy of their visa.)

b)   Participant profile: Professionaland technicians, as well as managers, heads of department, and staff working inInformation Technology, Project Management, Planning, Management Systems, ISOor similar, Security officers, Project managers, Administrators, Lawyers, IT professionals and technicians, Informationsecurity professionals

c)     Submitthe completed application before the deadline established by the respectiveNational Liaison Office (ONE)[3]. Candidates are responsiblefor checking this date with their respective ONE. 

Please Note: If you were awarded an OAS ProfessionalDevelopment Scholarship in the past twelve (12) months or if you currently holdan OAS Scholarship for Academic Studies, you are NOT eligible to apply foranother Professional Development Scholarship.

11.  Criteria:OAS scholarships are awarded in accordance with thecriteria established in the Manual of Procedures and Scholarships.[4]

12.   Scholarship Benefits: The OAS/CITEL and the Instituto Nacional de Investigación yCapacitación de Telecomunicaciones of the Universidad Nacional deIngeniería (INICTEL-UNI) will cover tuition costs for selected candidates.




13.   Certification: TheOAS/CITEL and the National Telecommunication Research and Training Institute ofthe National University of Engineering (INICTEL-UNI) will award a certificateto all participants (available in electronic form) on the completion andapproval of the course.

14.   Responsibilityof the Selected Candidates:

  • The selected candidates must confirmtheir acceptance to the Department of Human Development, Education andEmployment through the representation of the General Secretariat of the OAS intheir own country and ONE, in such a way that the OA Scan make the necessary arrangements or nominate an alternate candidate if a student refuses the scholarship.
  • After being selected, the candidatesmust accept the scholarship by confirming their availability for the course tothe Department of Human Development, Education and Employment during theestablished period and under the conditions of study that will be givenafterwards.
  • The selected candidates must formally accept the ProfessionalDevelopment scholarship by completing and signing the "ScholarshipAcceptance Form" that the Department of Human Development, Education andEmployment will send to your e-mail address. The DHDEE shall make the necessaryarrangements only after it has received this form duly signed.
  • If the selected candidate resigns, cancels or terminates scholarship after the program/course has started without presenting enough evidence as to the cause to the GS/OAS,     she/he must refund to the GS/OAS all expenses incurred for him/her.
  • In case the selected candidate has accepted the scholarship but cannot attend the course due to justifiable reasons, he/she must notify immediately the Department of Human Development, Education and Employment so it can decide the actions to be taken.
  • Both access to the equipment(computer) and the costs of communications (access to the Internet and e-mail)shall be covered by the student
  • Computer: Internet access: They must have access to the network from their workplace or home. Minimum acceptable modem speed is 28.8 kbps. Browser: The browser you use is very important. The e-learning platform requires a browser that allows using Java and Java Script. These options must be enabled in your browser. Technical assistance will begiven from the course.

15. Submissionof applications:

  1.  After reading the course information fully, click "Continuar/Continue" at the end of the page.
  2. Fill out the application form.
  3. After filling out the application form, click "Enviar/Send” at the end of page 5.
  4. A copy of the application form will be automatically sent to your email address.
  5. Print and sign the application form sent to your email.

    Submit the signed form and the documents stipulated in the announcement, along with the official OAS documents, that you will find in the following link: to the National Liaison office of your country:



Any questions regarding submission of applications for this courseshould be sent to: [email protected]

[1] The GeneralSecretariat of the Organization of American States (“GS/OAS”) reserves theright to cancel this scholarship announcement at any time. Moreover, the OAS,GS/OAS, and its personnel are not liable for any actions taken in reliance onor otherwise based upon information in this announcement.

[3] The deadlinefor presentation of applications to the (ONE) differs from country to countryand should therefore be confirmed with the relevant ONE in the applicant'scountry of origin orpermanent residence.

[4] Pursuant to Article 4.2 of the Manual of Procedures for Scholarshipsand Training Programs, OASscholarships shall be granted on the basis of the following criteria: the objectivesand priorities established in the OASStrategic Plan for Partnership forDevelopment; the training priorities of the member states; the merits andoverall credentials of the candidate, including his/her academic andprofessional background; the financial need of the candidate; and An extensiveand equitable geographic distribution for the benefit of all member states thattakes into account the greater needs of the smaller and relatively lessdeveloped economies.


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