Organization of American States Department of<br />Human Development
OAS-Grupo Coimbra de Universidades Brasileiras (GCUB) Scholarship Program 2016





This Application Form must be completed online in its entirety before you exit the site or before you submit it. The information entered cannot be saved to continue in future sessions.

Before you start, please make sure you have all the following required documents, scanned and stored up in one (1) single PDF file of no more than 5MB (the system will not accept files that are over this size).

a. Copy of official identification document (citizenship document, passport, national identification document, etc.)

b. Curriculum Vitae (Resumé) (Maximum 5 pages. It is not necessary to attach supporting certificates)

c. Transcripts of grades (academic records) of all completed courses during undergraduate and Master’s studies (if applicable);

d. Diploma* or certificate of completion of studies, for Bachelor’s or Master’s (if applicable);

* If your diploma is being issued, you may attach a certificate issued by the university certifying the fulfillment of all academic requirements, including the approval of graduation projects, if applicable.


e. Two (2) letters of recommendation preferably on institutional letterhead, with University seal, and duly signed before being scanned. These letters must include the contact information of the person that recommends. Those who recommend should preferably be university professors or other people of renowned expertise.

f. Three (3) Essays with the following specifications:

- Font type: Times New Roman, No.12

- Line spacing: 1.5 cm

- Top, bottom, left, and right margins: 2.5 cm

- Language: English, Spanish, French or Portuguese

Essay 1: Academic expectations and interests, professional expectations and prospects upon return to the country of origin (maximum 2 pages)

Essay 2: For each of the Master’s and/or Doctoral programs chosen in the application, justify the choice of each program and of each university, present the main research topic during the studies, layout and justify the research topic, present the bibliography or literature review, and present the methodology, timeline and bibliographical references (maximum 8 pages).

Text 3: Letter of commitment (maximum 1 page) describing each of the following aspects:

a) Source(s) of funding and a plan to pay for the expenses not covered by this scholarship (i.e. airfare, international medical insurance, additional subsistence expenses, visa fees, etc.). 

b) Ability to relocate to Brazil before the expected start date of the program and to reside there for the length of program of study (2 or 4 years)


Any Document not included in your PDF file, cannot be added by the OAS/GCUB after you submit your application, and will be considered incomplete. If you still need to make changes in your application form after having submitted it, you must start a new one. Please try as much as possible to submit your complete application once.

The OAS will not be responsible for any possible technical problem in trying to submit applications during the last week before the deadline, August 21st, 2016 until 11:59pm (Washington, D.C. time). We strongly recommend you to apply in advance.

Before you begin, please read again the Scholarship Announcement and the FQAs and Frequent Mistakes sections to clarify questions about the application process.

For other questions regarding this scholarship opportunity, please email [email protected].

If you have read all instructions and are prepared to fill out and complete the application form from beginning to end, please click on the "Continue" button below.