OEA-IE 2016 (Tabla No. 2)
OAS Scholarship Opportunities - IE
Virtual and on site programs TABLE # 2
The application must be filled out completely before or leaving this web site and before submitting the application.
The information you enter can be saved while working on it during this session. However, the information cannot be saved to continue in another session.
Keep in mind that the application will ask you to write two essays in English. Each essay must have a minimum of 800 characters (not words) and a maximum of 2900 characters (including spaces).
Essay 1: Describe how the program you are pursuing will directly impact your career; improve your professional skills in your current job or future job.
Essay 2: The OAS scholarships requires scholars to return or remain in their country of citizenship or permanent residence after completion of their studies for a minimum of the period equal to the time funded for their studies. Please indicate on a 5-year plan, how you intend to apply the acquired knowledge and experience in order to help develop your country and region. Also, please indicate the reasons for applying to this scholarship, financial need and how you will cover the additional costs not included in this scholarship.
Before you begin, make sure you have all the required documents scanned and grouped into one (1) single PDF file no larger than 5MB. The following documents are required to send the scholarship application successfully:
1. Scanned ID copy (for example, your citizenship document, passport, national identity card, driving license, etc.)
2. Acceptance letter to the program of studies to which you are applying or provide any proof that you have completed the admission process (you could replace this requirement with the confirmation number of the application, application’s ID number, or email confirmation sent by the university ratifying that your application was received successfully. However, please remember that even though you can apply in this way, to be considered in the selection process for the scholarship you must receive final admission to the program you are pursuing).
3. Curriculum Vitae (no more than 4 pages long).
4. Diploma(s) of concluded higher education studies (bachelor’s, masters, PhD) that certify you complied with all academic requirements for graduation. In case you have not yet received your diploma and yet you have finished all your requirements for graduation, a certification letter from the University may be accepted.
5. Document/Certificate demonstrating proficiency in the language of study, if applicable.
Note that the OAS will only consider complete applications. If you do not submit all the required documents, your application will be considered ineligible.
Once you complete and submit this online application, you will receive an email confirming your registration and containing your PDF application form attached.
Scholarship applicants must complete the Scholarship Application Form before April 1st, 2016 for all programs in Table #2, until 11:59 pm (local time in Washington DC).
Remember to forward this email confirmation and PDF application form to the following IE address: [email protected]
If you need to make changes in your application form after submitting it you must fill out a new one.
If you are ready to complete the application form from beginning to end,
click on the "Continue" button located below.