Organization of American States Department of<br />Human Development
OAS - DiploHack Student Challenge



To apply for the OAS - DiploHack Student Challenge, each team must fill out this OAS-DiploHack online application form and attach ALL required supporting documentation listed below. Each team applying to the OAS DiploHack Student Challenge is required to submit the following supporting documents:

1. An application letter (max. 1.5 pages) outlining:

    The five (5) team members being proposed to participate in the OAS DiploHack Student Challenge and the skills each member will bring to the team; and 
     How the combination of the team skills will contribute to the event.

2. A short essay (max. 3 pages) on the following topic:
    “What are the principal policy challenges posed by the malicious use of ICT to the Americas and how might the OAS best address them?”

3. A one-page CV for each of the five (5) team members and the team mentor (6 CVs in total).

4. A Government issued ID of each student and mentor – e.g.scan of photo of passport page that contains the applicant’s full name, date of birth, and country of citizenship.

5. Proof of English Proficiency, if applicable, of each student and mentor – students and mentors whose native language is not English, it will be required to submit:
     A confirmation letter certified by your university indicating a high level of proficiency in English (written, oral and comprehension) as well as any relevant course work in English (for students) 
    or as an English professor (for mentors) in the last two years. Relevant coursework includes classes taken in high school, English institutes, etc.

     Applicants who have taken the TOEFL or Cambridge exams are encouraged to submit their scores as proof of English proficiency (not mandatory).

6. Proof of Additional Funds of each student and mentor – proof that the team has sufficient funds to cover remaining expenses not covered under the benefits by including one, or a
    combination, of the following documents with your application:

    A sponsor letter from current university.
    If the University will sponsor the team (students and mentor), one sponsor letter which includes the names of
    the students and mentor should be provided.

The Essay
    The essay must be well-structured and should include proper citation of all sources and references. It should be prepared by the students with guidance from the team mentor. Students 
    are not expected to be experts on digital / cyber security (although knowledge of these areas will certainly be of benefit).

    The objective of the exercise is to promote critical thinking among the participating teams and for students to deepen their knowledge on issues relating to digital/cyber security and related 
     policy, and be open to learning new topics and skills. In this regard, when approaching the essay, students are encouraged to take the following approach:

  • Spend time thinking about/de-coding the essay title.
  • Plan the essay and how to approach the different elements that need to be addressed.
  • Research the subject.
  • Consider how you want to structure the essay.
  • Develop the argument and introduce counter-arguments, where relevant.
  • Make use of relevant evidence and be sure to cite sources.
  • Ensure coherence in writing style and presentation.

All documents must be in English or officially translated to English by a certified translator.

ALL the required documents must be combined into one (1) single PDF file (no larger than 5MB). The application system does not allow for more than one document to be uploaded.

The Dean of the university or her/his designated representative should submit the application, on the university letterhead, duly dated and stamped.


Please click continue below to begin the application.