
Entrevista Robert Muggah - GloboNews

Igarapé Institute

  • 8 March 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1231
Nesta entrevista, a GloboNews fala com Robert Muggah (diretor do Instituto Igarapé) sobre o aumento da violência na América Latina e especialmente no Brasil. A desigualdade, o acesso a drogas e armas deixam a vasta população jovem da américa latina nas mãos de gangues e uma atmosfera propensa ao crime e à violência. Esta situação deteriora-se ainda mais quando a resposta das instituições governamentais é centrada em medidas corecitivas, como os programas "mano dura" no Brasil e na Colômbia. É necessário envolver toda a sociedade e reformular as estratégias policiais que os latino-americanos usam. Em vez de dividir territórios e isolar comunidades inseguras do resto da cidade, os modelos de planejamento urbano e inclusão social devem pensar em espaços compartilhados em que as mulheres e as populações jovens possam interagir de forma segura e saudável

Let's treat violence like a contagious disease

Gary Slutkin

  • 2 February 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1307
In our approach to understanding reality, sometimes it is forgotten the fact that human beings act exactly as other types of life do on earth. Like viruses and bacteria, crime and violence follow the same dynamics and recognizable patterns that only experts on the matter could identify. Gary Slutkin brought all of his knowledge on epidemiology from his experiences on battling cholera, tuberculosis and AIDS in Africa to apply them in Chicago during the 90’s. By isolating individuals “infected” by violence (violent offenders) from society and treating them on reconciliation and reinsertion to society, the outbreak of violence in Chicago was able to be stopped. The effectiveness of the medical approach has been demonstrated over and over again when high infectious diseases are contained and eliminated, from SARS in the 2000's to the latest outbreak of Ebola in 2014, experts were able to keep societies safe from the diseases. If we treat violence like the disease that it is, we could be looking at the end of its outbreak.