
How to protect fast-growing cities from failing

Robert Muggah

  • 24 enero 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 1449
  • 0 Comentarios

The urbanization of the world is an evident and seemingly unstoppable trend in the 21st century societies. However, the growth of cities varies in acceleration corresponding to their geographical location: while cities on the northern hemisphere took centuries to house millions of citizens, the cities of the southern hemisphere accomplished that task in less than 50 years. Without the capabilities needed to administer such a vast quantity of demands, the governments of those cities see how their young population is lost to violence and crime. Learning how to include segregated communities into the dynamics of the cities via urban transformation, planning and culture, offers an opportunity to lower the rates of violence in the Southern Hemisphere. Also, understanding the data that the hyper-connected and intelligent cities offer is a valuable asset to governmental agencies looking for tools to create efficient and legitimate policies for crime and violence reduction.