
World Economic Forum: How Smart Tech Helps Cities Fight Terrorism and Crime

World Economic Forum: How Smart Tech Helps Cities Fight Terrorism and Crime

In this article, the co-founder of the Igarape Institute, Robert Muggah, writes about innovation in approaches for agile security to prevent crime and extremism. He states that the most successful cities in preventing both are investing in new technology, strengthening policing and community outreach, improving intelligence gathering, and using data to improve decision-making. Muggah argues that crime, radicalization and terrorism tend to cluster in time, space and specific population groups. Improvement in technology has facilitated data analysis, correlations, and causes of crime and terrorism.

E-Lecture on "Sport, violence and crime prevention"

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

  • 22 marzo 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 1197
  • 0 Comentarios
E-Lecture on "Sport, violence and crime prevention"
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime experts analyze in this E-lecture the impact of sports and sports events on citizens’ behavior. In economic, social and environmental conditions that lead to segregation and poverty sports work as a tool for integration and socialization, teaching those who take part of the game values such as humility, fair play and self-control. Sports events have also a positive impact on vulnerable communities as they can provide opportunities of employment and social cohesion through the encouragement of communal pride and camaraderie. Still, those same events can lead to violent situations due to the psychological effects of masses in individuals. It is necessary then a policing approach that focuses both on prevention and reaction, on transparency and inter-agency cooperation.

Why open a school? To close a prison

Nadia Lopez

  • 6 febrero 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 1335
  • 0 Comentarios
Opening schools in segregated an unequal regions is not just an investment to educate children. It is also about empowering communities, letting them achieve their dreams and escape the fear of violence and crime. By letting citizens out of the education system we are leaving their communities vulnerable to criminal organizations, low expectatives and a vicious spiral of poverty. Criminals are not born, but rather the result of a toxic atmosphere were future seems only like a dream. Nadia Lopez empowered low income communities in New York City through education and showing them the world, helping them create dreams they could fight for.