
InSight Crime: Argentina Crime Survey is Another Step Toward Transparency

Written by Tristan Clavel

InSight Crime: Argentina Crime Survey is Another Step Toward Transparency

Argentina's first official report on crime victimization in years represents an initial step toward enhancing transparency around security issues, but it is still too early to tell what is driving the trends outlined by the study.

BIDtv: A New Leaf for Youth in Belize

BIDtv: A New Leaf for Youth in Belize

This IDB project in Belize mitigates risk factors that trigger criminal behavior with a focus on vulnerable groups such as youth, women, indigenous populations and Afro-descendants.

ESP: Rio ganha aplicativo para alertar sobre onde há tiroteios e crimes

Por Estado de São Paulo

ESP: Rio ganha aplicativo para alertar sobre onde há tiroteios e crimes

Para ajudar  a população a reduzir os riscos, um grupo de cidadãos, de forma voluntária, criou nas redes sociais o aplicativo Onde Tem Tiroteio, conhecido como OTT, que alerta em tempo real os lugares onde estão ocorrendo confrontos, assaltos e arrastões.