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Contributions to Ending Violence against Children

Advocacy for Child Rights and Protection in Latin American and the Caribbean (2014-2016) / World Vision

  • 30 enero 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 1692
  • 0 Comentarios
Contributions to Ending Violence against Children

The present report examines the cases of success of World Vision where advocacy led by the NGO paved the way to relevant changes in Latin American States’ legislations. In broad terms, more than 147’000.000 children of the region were impacted positively by these changes. Violent acts against children such as corporal punishment, bullying, child marriage, human trafficking, child labor and sexual violence were penalized and advances were made towards the application of those laws. An improvement of the conventions and codes’ enforcement methods was also an objective for the Organization. A total of 14 Countries were benefited by the support of World Vision: Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru.

Global Plan of Action to prevent interpersonal violence

Global Plan of Action to prevent interpersonal violence

The global plan of action is a technical document informed by evidence, best practices and existing WHO technical guidance. It offers a set of practical actions that Member States may take to strengthen health system and intersectoral actions to prevent and respond to interpersonal violence in general, and against women and girls, and against children, in particular. The plan also outlines Actions that the WHO Secretariat is expected to carry out in support of Member States.

Predicting and Preventing Shootings among At-Risk Youth

Predicting and Preventing Shootings among At-Risk Youth

The authors of this paper worked with Chicago Public Schools to build a predictive model of violent victimization, which became one of the inputs determining which students would be included in the Youth Advocate Program (YAP). In this paper, we report on the construction of that predictive model, as well as preliminary findings regarding the YAP mentoring intervention.

Understanding Violence

Created by Emory University

Understanding Violence

Violence is a leading cause of death, disability and health care use worldwide. Violence is a complex problem and can only be understood and reduced though a multidisciplinary approach. This course introduces you to experts who study different forms of violence and we will discuss the various causes of violence. You will also learn about efforts to reduce violence and engage in a day of compassion.


Siete estrategias para poner fin a la violencia contra los niños y las niñas

Siete estrategias para poner fin a la violencia contra los niños y las niñas

La comprensión y la prevención de la violencia contra todos los niños y las niñas desde que nacen hasta los 18 años de edad están avanzando rápidamente. Aunque es necesario hacer una inversión mayor para aumentar nuestros conocimientos acerca de la mejor manera de prevenir esa violencia, ya contamos con la evidencia suficiente para que podamos acabar con ella y reemplazarla con entornos seguros, estables y enriquecedores donde los niños y las niñas puedan desarrollarse plenamente.