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A Mobile Information System Based on Crowd-Sensed and Official Crime Data for Finding Safe Routes: A Case Study of Mexico City

A Mobile Information System Based on Crowd-Sensed and Official Crime Data for Finding Safe Routes: A Case Study of Mexico City

In this paper, an approach to provide estimations defined by crime rates for generating safe routes in mobile devices is proposed. It consists of integrating crowd-sensed and official crime data with a mobile application. The novelty is a hybrid approach based on semantic processing to retrieve relevant data from unstructured data sources and a classifier algorithm to collect relevant crime data from official government reports with a mobile application.

Impact Evaluation of USAID’s Community-Based Crime and Violence Prevention Approach in Central America

Impact Evaluation of USAID’s Community-Based Crime and Violence Prevention Approach in Central America

This evaluation is part of a broader effort to determine the effectiveness of community-based crime prevention, in contrast to the traditionally more common law enforcement, or mano dura (“iron fist”), approach to addressing the widespread crime and violence permeating Central America. The crime prevention approach attempts to address the root causes of crime, rather than deal with crime after it has become endemic. 

Trafficking in Persons Report 2017

Trafficking in Persons Report 2017

This annual report from the U.S. Department of State profiles each country's efforts, or lack thereof, to combat human trafficking. It also provides country-specific as well as regional and international recommendations to increase accountability and protect victims. 

Latinoamérica puede bajar el homicidio en un 50 por ciento en 10 años ¿Cómo hacerlo?

Latinoamérica puede bajar el homicidio en un 50 por ciento en 10 años ¿Cómo hacerlo?

Las consecuencias de la violencia son graves y duraderas. De acuerdo a las estimaciones más recientes del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) la violencia y el crimen le cuestan a América Latina el 3,5 por ciento del PIB que se produce en la región. Reducir la violencia no sólo es necesario sino posible.

Homicides in Guatemala: The Challenge and Lessons of Disaggregating Gang-Related and Drug Trafficking-Related Murders

Homicides in Guatemala: The Challenge and Lessons of Disaggregating Gang-Related and Drug Trafficking-Related Murders

Discerning the motives and actors behind the scourge of homicides in the Northern Triangle region is too often left to high level officials who routinely attribute the vast majority of homicides to drug trafficking organizations and street gangs without necessarily assessing the data. While that is the politically expedient answer, it seems to be too easily accepted. 
