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Latin America can reduce homicide by 50 percent in 10 years

Instinto de Vida - Igarape Institute

  • 9 febrero 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 2041
  • 0 Comentarios
Latin America can reduce homicide by 50 percent in 10 years

"Preventing and reducing violence is not only necessary, it is achievable. There are many examples of successful efforts to lower lethal violence. Declines of between 10-15 percent per year have been documented around the world, including in Latin America. The Instinct for Life campaign has set a goal of reducing the homicide rates of seven countries by 50 percent over the next 10 years. To achieve this goal this would require7 percent annual declines in the most violence-affected countries, states and cities. If successful, it could save as many as 365,000 lives."

Strengthening Child Protection

Evaluation of a systemic approach in Latin America and the Caribbean

  • 30 enero 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 1908
  • 0 Comentarios
Strengthening Child Protection

The present report evaluates the results of World Vision’s strategy for violence against children in five countries of Latin America: Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Peru. The data shows all aspects of children and adolescents’ lives: from their experiences at home and school to the broad atmosphere of their communities. Changes in attitudes, perceptions, norms and laws are seen to be the key driving factors for the creation of safe spaces where children and adolescents can fully and freely develop. Taking into account that violence against children is a structural-caused phenomenon, all of the members of society have a share of responsibility in the issue, including children themselves. World Vision programs look for the empowerment of children to maximize their capacities of leadership and productivity, providing the tools for the future adults to be agents of change. In the meantime, families, government institutions, faith congregations and local communities must work together to enforce laws that prevent violence to happen and to modify the behavior of grown adults.

Contributions to Ending Violence against Children

Advocacy for Child Rights and Protection in Latin American and the Caribbean (2014-2016) / World Vision

  • 30 enero 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 1711
  • 0 Comentarios
Contributions to Ending Violence against Children

The present report examines the cases of success of World Vision where advocacy led by the NGO paved the way to relevant changes in Latin American States’ legislations. In broad terms, more than 147’000.000 children of the region were impacted positively by these changes. Violent acts against children such as corporal punishment, bullying, child marriage, human trafficking, child labor and sexual violence were penalized and advances were made towards the application of those laws. An improvement of the conventions and codes’ enforcement methods was also an objective for the Organization. A total of 14 Countries were benefited by the support of World Vision: Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru.

Declaración sobre el Femicidio

  • 29 enero 2018
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 1783
  • 0 Comentarios
Declaración sobre el Femicidio

Declaración sobre el Femicidio 

Aprobada en la Cuarta Reunión del Comité de Expertas/os
(CEVI), celebrada el 15 de agosto de 2008

13–15 de agosto de 2008
Washington, D.C.


Public Perceptions in Latin America / IPSOS-World Vision

  • 29 enero 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 2465
  • 0 Comentarios

“VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN & CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEMS” is a report presented by IPSON and the NGO World Vision on the public perceptions of child violence in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its objective is to assess and measure public opinion and awareness to violence against children, as well as to identify the main sources of information adults use to inform themselves on the topic. In general, the report helps both the organizations (public and private) and the civil society to understand their own perceptions of causes and consequences of child violence. Overall, it shows that the region is less sensitive to violence against children that prior years. This could be the result of the mix of various myths and misconceptions adults have on the threats to children. The fact that public institutions are discredited and not trusted as guarantors of children’s rights plays also a role in the reduced interest of the region to this topic.
