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Nuevas iniciativas en México para mejorar la seguridad pública y la prevención de la delincuencia juvenil

La Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC) y el Municipio de Querétaro firmaron un acuerdo de colaboración para implementar las iniciativas durante el período 2022-2024

  • 25 agosto 2022
  • Ingresado por: Mariano Vales
  • Visto: 550
  • 0 Comentarios

Las iniciativas beneficiarán a más de 6,000 jóvenes y 600 familias a través de dos programas de UNODC:

  • Juega Vive, que utiliza el deporte para formar juventudes resilientes a los riesgos de la delincuencia y el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, y
  • Construyendo Familias, que propicia la crianza positiva, la comunicación asertiva y los lazos afectivos para impulsar el desarrollo integral de la niñez y crear espacios seguros libres de violenci

Este convenio de colaboración entre UNODC y el Municipio de Querétaro se enmarca también en el programa “Somos Querétaro, Contigo Prevenimos”, una iniciativa de prevención universal del consumo temprano de drogas y alcohol y de la la violencia familiar y juvenil, también impulsada por UNODC a nivel municipal.

Hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity: an overview of global trends and prevention modalities

Executive summary by the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime about hate crimes that targets individuals based on their actual or perceived race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, origin, social status and political affiliation

  • 6 abril 2021
  • Ingresado por: Anna Uchoa
  • Visto: 3250
  • 0 Comentarios
Hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity: an overview of global trends and prevention modalities

HATE CRIME: an evolving concept

This report aims to bridge this significant gap in existing research: what is actually known about hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity? Empirical research on this type of crime is limited, mostly due to the lack of statistical data from criminal justice systems, which limits understanding of the phenomenon. The hurdles encountered when reporting hate crimes, such as the lack of community trust in justice systems or the prejudices held by official authorities, represent major obstacles to establishing a comprehensive overview of the violence and discrimination experienced by sexual and gender minority communities. This lack of recognition demonstrates the importance of anchoring the report in the realities experienced by LGBTQ+ people. Initial research revealed that hate crimes against LGBTQ+ people were not sufficiently documented in order to conduct an adequate literature review. As a result, the focus shifted from all forms of hate crimes to two specific types of victimization: those based on gender identity and on sexual orientation

Protocolo de Actuación en Situaciones de Bullying

Protocolo publicado por el Ministerio de Educación Pública de Costa Rica y UNICEF dirigido a educadores sobre el concepto de bullying, como se manifiesta, sus consecuencias, y las rutas de actuación

  • 1 abril 2021
  • Ingresado por: Anna Uchoa
  • Visto: 2014
  • 0 Comentarios
Protocolo de Actuación en Situaciones de Bullying

El bullying es una realidad que sufren niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes en todo el mundo. Afecta su bienestar, su desarrollo y el ejercicio de sus derechos y responsabilidades.

Atender las situaciones de bullying en el ambiente educativo, exige un esfuerzo coordinado y articulado de asignación de tiempo, recursos, tareas y responsabilidades de todas y todos los actores de la comunidad educativa e instituciones responsables de la atención de la población infanto-juvenil. Para lo que se necesita una ruta de procedimientos.


Behind the numbers: ending school violence and bullying

School-related violence is an infringement of children’s and adolescents’ rights to education and well-being. No country can achieve inclusive and equitable quality education for all if learners experience violence and bullying in school

  • 24 marzo 2021
  • Ingresado por: Anna Uchoa
  • Visto: 1698
  • 0 Comentarios
Behind the numbers: ending school violence and bullying

This UNESCO publication provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of global and regional prevalence and trends related to school-related violence and examines the nature and impact of school violence and bullying. It reviews national responses, focusing on countries that have seen positive trends in prevalence and identifies factors that have contributed to an effective response to school violence and bullying.

Exploited and Prosecuted: When Victims of Human Trafficking Commit Crimes

UNODC releases new publication "Female victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation as defendants: A case law analysis"

  • 21 diciembre 2020
  • Ingresado por: Anna Uchoa
  • Visto: 1226
  • 0 Comentarios
Exploited and Prosecuted: When Victims of Human Trafficking Commit Crimes

Women and girls, who are often themselves victims of human trafficking and are sexually exploited by criminal gangs, are being prosecuted and convicted for human trafficking-related crimes, according to a new UNODC publication., Female victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation as defendants: A case law analysis

These victims often have no alternative but to obey an order. Some hope to limit their own exploitation or escape poverty by playing a role in the criminal process.

Yet at the same time, the traffickers use the women and girls as a shield to protect themselves from being punished for their crimes.

These are the findings of a new UNODC study which aims to shed light on this alarming trend. The publication highlights the complexities faced by victims of human trafficking, with a view to assist the authorities and victim support services that handle such cases.

Source: Textt by UNODC, 2020
