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Understanding Violence

Created by Emory University

Understanding Violence

Violence is a leading cause of death, disability and health care use worldwide. Violence is a complex problem and can only be understood and reduced though a multidisciplinary approach. This course introduces you to experts who study different forms of violence and we will discuss the various causes of violence. You will also learn about efforts to reduce violence and engage in a day of compassion.


Nuevas y viejas formas de violencia

Nuevas y viejas formas de violencia

En esta edición, se abordarán los rostros y modalidades específicos que adquiere la violencia en las sociedades contemporáneas, contemplando sus nuevas y viejas formas de expresión, deteniéndonos en los principales aspectos de los debates teóricos-conceptuales; al tiempo que podamos analizar las diferentes iniciativas y propuestas de alcance regional, nacional y municipal en miras a alcanzar un sistema eficiente de reducción y prevención de factores de riesgo y situaciones de violencia.

UNODC Manual sobre la lucha contra el tráfico ilícito de migrantes

UNODC Manual sobre la lucha contra el tráfico ilícito de migrantes

El Manual tiene por objeto brindar orientación, presentar prácticas prometedoras y recomendar recursos en determinadas esferas temáticas. Cabe esperar que inspire y ayude a los responsables de las políticas, los funcionarios policiales, los jueces, los fiscales, los encargados de prestar servicios a las víctimas y los miembros de la sociedad civil en su colaboración con el empeño mundial por combatir el tráfico ilícito de migrantes. 

UNODC Toolkit to Combat Smuggling of Migrants

UNODC Toolkit to Combat Smuggling of Migrants

This Toolkit has been designed to assist countries to implement the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. Specifically, the Toolkit is intended to provide guidance, showcase promising practices and recommend resources in thematic areas addressed in the separate tools.

Labor and Sex Trafficking Among Homeless Youth: A Ten-City Study Executive Summary

Labor and Sex Trafficking Among Homeless Youth: A Ten-City Study Executive Summary

People who are homeless, lack a support system, or are desperate for work are susceptible to the promises of people who would exploit them for labor and for sex. Recently, homeless youth providers in the United States and Canada have become aware that their clients are particularly at risk of trafficking, and research has begun to uncover the extent and contours of the problem within that community.
