

Los temas a discusión en este portal ya han sido analizados por múltiples actores. En este repositorio la SG/OEA reúne algunos de ellos, como una contribución más a la discusión. Este repositorio tiene dos secciones: En la de Políticas integraremos información sobre políticas relevantes a los temas a debate que estén siendo implementadas por los Estados Miembros, Estados Observadores y otros Estados del mundo. En la de Estudios incluiremos análisis, informes y reportes publicados por instituciones académicas, centros de pensamiento, organizaciones internacionales y multilaterales, organizaciones no gubernamentales y entes privados, todos ellos de reconocido prestigio, que sean relevantes para la conversación. La OEA publicará estos artículos e informes en su idioma original.

UNDP in Latin America and the Caribbean’s Response to COVID Crisis (by country)

  • 31 diciembre 2021

This tool enables users to view the actions carried out by the UNDP in order to support each member state of the region in their fight against the COVID-19 crisis.

UNDP: The COVID-19 Detect & Protect Challenge

  • 2 septiembre 2020

This extraordinary global situation demands a global response. As an answer, the United Nations Development Programme and Hackster.io are joining forces with the world’s brightest technology companies. We are calling on hardware and software developers, product designers, scientists, hackers, makers, and innovators to come together to work for those who will be hardest hit by this pandemic. 

UNDP: The Fast and the Curious

  • 2 septiembre 2020

Whether it’s climate change, plummeting biodiversity rates, or unchecked consumption and waste, we already face unprecedented planetary challenges.
Now, the coronavirus COVID-19 has added an extra, deadly layer of complexity to the paths we must forge.
And we have a very limited time left in which to make the big changes that will create a sustainable and just future.
Now more than ever, there are no one-size-fits-all answers; new ways of thinking are needed.

e-Discussion on Women’s Leadership in the COVID-19 Response

  • 2 septiembre 2020

Women are hardest hit by the current COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. Beyond the direct effect of the infection by the coronavirus, women’s health and safety are at greater risk as increased prevalence of domestic violence and abuse is reported and sexual and reproductive health services are reduced. In this time of unprecedented crisis, women also face an increased burden of care and subsequent risk of getting sick because they represent the majority of front-line healthcare workers and caregivers in homes and communities globally. This is all in addition to the disproportionate indirect impact of the pandemic on women’s livelihoods everywhere. With the majority of women working in the informal economy, they often lack health insurance and social security, putting them further at risk. 

SAS- Summit Talks

  • 26 mayo 2020

This webinar falls under the cooperation initiatives being pursued by the Summits of the Americas Secretariat within the framework of implementation of the Mechanism for Follow-up and Implementation of the Lima Commitment, with the participating states, Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG) entities, and civil society and social actors.

Global Humanitarian Response Plan Covid-19

  • 30 abril 2020

UN Global Humanitarian Response Plan

UNDP partners with Heart17 to fight COVID-19

  • 21 abril 2020

Heart17 collaboration brings companies together with the United Nations to share life-saving information

Bringing the power of global innovation to tackle COVID-19

  • 15 abril 2020

UNDP and Hackster, the largest online open-source hardware community, have mobilized some of the biggest names in the technology world, with support from Amazon Web Services, Arduino, Arm, Avnet, Edge Impulse, Google, Microsoft, NVIDIA, NVP, Nordic Semiconductor, Soracom, and The Things Industries. In partnership, we are launching the COVID-19 Detect & Protect Challenge.

UNDP and Hackster.io partner to launch a global innovation challenge to tackle COVID-19

  • 14 abril 2020

The fight against COVID-19 is at a crucial tipping point, so the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Hackster.io, an Avnet company and the largest online open-source technology hardware community, are taking action. The two organizations have partnered to launch the COVID-19 Detect and Protect Challenge to create open-source technology that developing countries can leverage in the fight against this global pandemic.

Supporting Peru’s indigenous people in the fight against COVID-19

  • 13 abril 2020

The impact of COVID-19 could accentuate already existing inequalities in countries like Peru. For this reason, although this country is still only at the initial stage of the emergency, it is necessary to look towards the indigenous world as soon as possible. This includes the communities that live closest to the cities, those living in isolation and those who have had initial contact.  

Human Rights Due Diligence and COVID-19: Rapid Self-Assessment for Business

  • 10 abril 2020

With the global spread of COVID-19, businesses are facing bankruptcy at an unprecedented scale, resulting in job losses for millions. In this context, confidence in the durability of the global economy, and by extension the norms and institutions that support it, are being tested like never before. How businesses respond to the crisis—especially those firms who receive state support to continue operations—will shape public attitudes towards the private sector for years to come.

SAS - Reunión de Altas Autoridades del GTCC, reunión virtual para abordar sus esfuerzos frente a la pandemia y discutir una respuesta coordinada y conjunta en apoyo a las necesidades y actuales accion

  • 5 abril 2020

El Secretario General de la OEA, en calidad de Presidente del Grupo de Trabajo Conjunto de Cumbres (GTCC), y en coordinación con la OPS, convocó el viernes 3 de abril de 2020 a las altas autoridades de las organizaciones internacionales y regionales que conforman el GTCC, a una reunión virtual para abordar sus esfuerzos frente a la pandemia y discutir una respuesta coordinada y conjunta en apoyo a las necesidades y actuales acciones de los Estados Miembros, así como en el marco de su proceso de recuperación. Los miembros del GTCC acordaron reunirse periódicamente para asegurar una coordinación continua y actualizar la información compartida que muestre un panorama de las acciones de la comunidad interamericana en apoyo a los países de la región. Ver comunicado. Desde la Secretaría de Cumbres, como Secretaría Técnica del Proceso de Cumbres, y del GTCC, se prepara la realización y el seguimiento de las referidas reuniones de las altas autoridades del GTCC.  Además de la OEA y la OPS, integran el GTCC el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), la OPS, el Banco Mundial, el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA),  el Banco de Desarrollo de América  Latina (CAF), el Banco de Desarrollo del Caribe (CDB), el Banco Centroamericano para la Integración Económica (CABEI), la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) y la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE).

SAS -Reuniones de Altas Autoridades del GTCC

  • 3 abril 2020

Las Altas Autoridades de las organizaciones que conforman el Grupo de Trabajo Conjunto de Cumbres se reunieron virtualmente a fin de coordinar los esfuerzos para brindar apoyo en las áreas de preparación, mitigación y recuperación de la crisis. La reunión fue convocada por el Presidente del GTCC, el Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), Sr. Luis Almagro.

Series of COVID-19 Policy Papers

  • 31 marzo 2020

A reflection on how best to respond to this crisis and its economic and social effects. The series includes a regional analysis and documents analyzing the socio-economic impact of the crisis at the country level

350 talents and facilitators hacked for Covid-19 and 31 new solutions came out of it

  • 30 marzo 2020

The hacks are global digital hackathons designed to collectively address some of the challenges humanity is facing due to the spread and effect of the Covid-19 virus.

Coronavirus pandemic is an invitation to tackle uncertainty with innovation and creativity

  • 19 marzo 2020

The COVID-19 crisis continues to be an unprecedented challenge for today’s world. It’s pushing the boundaries of the public sector in responding to the socio-economic fallout, of civil society in building and maintaining solidarity and of the private sector in transitioning to new business models.