

Los temas a discusión en este portal ya han sido analizados por múltiples actores. En este repositorio la SG/OEA reúne algunos de ellos, como una contribución más a la discusión. Este repositorio tiene dos secciones: En la de Políticas integraremos información sobre políticas relevantes a los temas a debate que estén siendo implementadas por los Estados Miembros, Estados Observadores y otros Estados del mundo. En la de Estudios incluiremos análisis, informes y reportes publicados por instituciones académicas, centros de pensamiento, organizaciones internacionales y multilaterales, organizaciones no gubernamentales y entes privados, todos ellos de reconocido prestigio, que sean relevantes para la conversación. La OEA publicará estos artículos e informes en su idioma original.

Ciclo de webinarios: Trata de personas en tiempos de COVID-19

  • 30 julio 2020

Ciclo de webinarios: Trata de personas en tiempos de COVID-19

Secretaría General de la OEA y sociedad civil venezolana presentan propuestas para mejorar situación de migrantes y refugiados venezolanos durante crisis del COVID-19

  • 23 julio 2020

El documento es producto de trece reuniones sostenidas entre la Oficina de la Secretaría General para la Crisis de Migrantes y Refugiados Venezolanos y la Coalición por Venezuela, conformada por 63 organizaciones de la sociedad civil que brindan asistencia a venezolanos en 23 países de la región.

“La situación de migrantes y refugiados venezolanos representa uno de los más grandes desafíos durante la pandemia por COVID-19, toda vez que ha supuesto el incremento de la dificultad para ejercicio pleno de sus derechos, tales como: acceso a la salud, a la educación, el derecho a la vida, a la vivienda, a la alimentación, al trabajo y la salvaguarda de los medios de vida,” señala el documento en la introducción.

Cities policy responses

  • 23 julio 2020

This note was developed by the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CFE) in collaboration with the OECD Working Party for Urban Policy and the OECD Champion Mayors Initiative for Inclusive Growth. It is an update of the version released on 27 March, which expands the examples of measures taken by cities to respond to COVID-19 and provides analysis on issues related to the economic impact, density, resilience and collaboration with national governments. Short and medium term responses provided by cities are clustered around six categories: i) social distancing; ii) workplace and commuting; iii) vulnerable groups; iv) local service delivery; v) support to business; and vi) communication, awareness raising and digital tools. The note also includes new information on how cities are progressively exiting the lockdown and on lessons learned in terms of density, mobility and digitalisation. It concludes with action-oriented guidance to build back better cities, building on previous work on urban resilience. Annex A provides more detailed information on the inventoried city initiatives. Annex B maps efforts from selected organisations and city networks to collect city responses and foster knowledge and experience sharing. This is a working and living document, whose next version will be released by the end of June

Medidas de política y acciones del sector agroalimentario frente al COVID -19

  • 20 julio 2020

En este espacio mantendremos actualizadas las medidas que están tomando los países para: 1)  mitigar los efectos del COVID-19 sobre el sector alimentario, y 2) medidas de preparación para acelerar la recuperación y continuidad de la actividad agroalimentaria luego de que se contenga la propagación del virus.

SME policy responses

  • 15 julio 2020

This note discusses how SMEs are affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic, reports on early evidence and estimates about the impact, and provides an inventory of country responses to foster SME resilience. Given the rapid pace of developments, the overview of country responses is not comprehensive and in some cases includes intended policy responses that are still a work in progress, or simply at the stage of public announcements. This overview will be updated periodically

SAS - Nodos Nacionales Anticorrupción

  • 12 julio 2020

Desde la Secretaría de Cumbres se promoverá con los Nodos Nacionales Anticorrupción que se vienen estableciendo con sociedad civil y actores sociales como seguimiento al “Compromiso de Lima: Gobernabilidad Democrática frente a la Corrupción”, el abordaje y la reflexión sobre la pandemia y el monitoreo de recursos destinados a enfrentar la misma. Los nodos serán autogestionados y desde la Secretaría de Cumbres se les ofrecerá espacios virtuales y facilitará diálogos con participación gubernamental, entidades del GTCC, y se canalizarán sus contribuciones a los Estados.

The territorial impact of COVID-19

  • 16 junio 2020

This paper is developed by the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CFE). It focuses on the territorial dimension of the COVID-19 crisis and the importance of the integrated response to the crisis across levels of government. The first draft of this note takes into account the developments of the crisis as of 3April2020.1It will support the work on the crisis and impact of COVID-19 of the OECD Regional Development Policy Committee. The note is a living document that will be regularly updated in the coming weeks. An updated version will be released in May

COVID-19 and international trade: Issues and actions

  • 12 junio 2020

In an unprecedented global health crisis, trade is essential to save lives and livelihoods; and international co-operation is needed to keep trade flowing. In the midst of significant uncertainty, there are four things we can do: 1)boost confidence in trade and global markets by improving transparency about trade-related policy actions and intentions; 2)keep supply chains flowing, especially for essentials such as health supplies and food; 3)avoid making things worse, through unnecessary export restrictions and other trade barriers; and 4)even in the midst of the crisis, think beyond the immediate. Government support today needs to be delivered in a way that ensures it serves the public interest, not vested interests, and avoids becoming tomorrow’s market distortions. OECD is working with other IOs to support governments through timely and objective evidence and analysis to inform policy choices

COVID-19 Response Fund

  • 11 junio 2020

Fund created to help fight the pandemic and support WHO and partners

The initial impact of containment measures on economic activity

  • 10 junio 2020

The increasing spread of the coronavirus across countries has prompted many governments to introduce unprecedented measures to contain the epidemic. These are priority measures that are imposed by a sanitary situation, which leave little room for other options as health should remain the primary concern. These measures have led to many businesses being shut down temporarily, widespread restrictions on travel and mobility, financial market turmoil, an erosion of confidence and heighted uncertainty. In a rapidly changing environment, it is extremely difficult to quantify the exact magnitude of the impact of these measures on GDP growth, but is clear that they imply sharp contractions in the level of output, household spending, corporate investment and international trade. This note provides illustrative estimates of the initial direct impact of shutdowns, based on an analysis of sectoral output and consumption patterns across countries and an assumption of common effects within each sector and spending category in all countries.

OECD Investment Policy Responses to COVID 19

  • 4 junio 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has led, in addition to dramatic health implications for people around the globe, to an almost immediate and profound economic up heaval in many economies. The health and economic crises have governments scrambling for responses to limit the damage and impact on their societies and economies. This note considers the implications and challenges for international investment and offers initial responses from the OECD investment policy community as economies around the world address the crisis and prepare for the recovery.

OEA lanza Guía de acción política para enfrentar la pandemia del COVID-19 bajo principios democráticos

  • 2 junio 2020

La Secretaría General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) publicó “La Carta Democrática Interamericana: Guía de acción política para enfrentar la pandemia del COVID-19”. La Guía busca promover la funcionalidad y vigencia de los principios democráticos como elementos indispensables y eficaces para avanzar en medio de los retos originados por la pandemia, especialmente en la nueva fase de recuperación económica y progresivo restablecimiento social. La Guía se basa en el concepto de que la pandemia exige seguir insistiendo en los mecanismos democráticos como la forma más adecuada para abordar la emergencia y sus consecuencias.

COVID-19: Tourism policy responses

  • 2 junio 2020

This note has been prepared by the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CFE) for discussion by the OECD Tourism Committee1. The Tourism Committee analyses and monitors policies and structural changes affecting the development of domestic and international tourism. It also serves as an important repository of tourism policy responses in times of crisis

OAS Calls for Participation in its Portal for Consultations, Forums and Repository on the World During and After the Pandemic

  • 1 junio 2020

The Portal is designed to be a  forum in which to propose ideas and initiatives that can later become real projects to be implemented, as well a place to listen to opinions, debates and reflections, in order to improve the service provided to citizens. To this end, the OAS General Secretariat is organizing a series of webinars and virtual round tables on COVID-19 and the four pillars of the OAS: democracy, human rights, multidimensional security and integral development.

Coronavirus and Education

  • 1 junio 2020

Coronavirus: What are our experts saying

CIIF Emergency Relief Grant Call

  • 31 mayo 2020

In light of the loss of revenue by CI practitioners due to the effects of COVID-19, CDB has allocated USD 50,000 for the Music sub-sector and USD 50,000 for the Festivals and Carnivals sub-sector for CIIF Emergency Relief Grants. This grant is targeted at CI entrepreneurs who can demonstrate loss of income for music, festival and carnival events that have been cancelled as a result of COVID-19.

SAS- Summit Talks

  • 26 mayo 2020

This webinar falls under the cooperation initiatives being pursued by the Summits of the Americas Secretariat within the framework of implementation of the Mechanism for Follow-up and Implementation of the Lima Commitment, with the participating states, Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG) entities, and civil society and social actors.

El tipo de cambio, el sector agroalimentario y el COVID-19

  • 25 mayo 2020

En este blog mantendremos registro de la evolución de los tipos de cambio y sus efectos sobre el sector agroalimentario. 

Tax and fiscal policy: Strengthening confidence and resilience

  • 19 mayo 2020

This report focuses on how tax policy can aid governments in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. The report finds that governments have taken decisive action to contain and mitigate the spread of the virus and to limit the adverse impacts on their citizens and their economies. Through various measures, countries are helping businesses stay afloat, supporting households and helping preserve employment. This readiness to act helps boost confidence. However, further action, with broader and stronger measures, is needed. Policies will need to be adapted to the evolving health and economic challenges. Containment measures may only be removed gradually, so recovery may be uneven. Where recovery is weak, fiscal action can strengthen it. In this context, multilateral collaboration will be vital for recovery and to strengthen the global economy’s resilience to future shocks. The report finds that specific support will be necessary for developing countries, including through international coordination, financial support and adaptation of tax rules that benefit all countries. Public finances will eventually need to be restored. All options should be explored, including revamping old tools, introducing new ones, and bolstering ongoing efforts to address the international tax challenges posed by the digitalisation of the economy. Tax and Fiscal Policy in Response to the Coronavirus Crisis: Strengthening Confidence and Resilience

Tax and Fiscal Policy in Response to the Coronavirus Crisis: Strengthening Confidence and Resilience

  • 19 mayo 2020

This report takes stock of the emergency tax and fiscal policy measures introduced by countries worldwide in response to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. It discusses how tax and fiscal policy can cushion the impact of continued containment and mitigation policies and subsequently support economic recovery. It also outlines the major policy reforms that will be needed to prepare for restoration of public finances.
