

Los temas a discusión en este portal ya han sido analizados por múltiples actores. En este repositorio la SG/OEA reúne algunos de ellos, como una contribución más a la discusión. Este repositorio tiene dos secciones: En la de Políticas integraremos información sobre políticas relevantes a los temas a debate que estén siendo implementadas por los Estados Miembros, Estados Observadores y otros Estados del mundo. En la de Estudios incluiremos análisis, informes y reportes publicados por instituciones académicas, centros de pensamiento, organizaciones internacionales y multilaterales, organizaciones no gubernamentales y entes privados, todos ellos de reconocido prestigio, que sean relevantes para la conversación. La OEA publicará estos artículos e informes en su idioma original.

The impact of COVID-19 on education - Insights from Education at a Glance 2020/ OECD

  • 29 septiembre 2020

The lockdowns in response to COVID-19 have interrupted conventional schooling with nationwide school closures in most OECD and partner countries, the majority lasting at least 10 weeks. While the educational community have made concerted efforts to maintain learning continuity during this period, children and students have had to rely more on their own resources to continue learning remotely through the Internet, television or radio. Teachers also had to adapt to new pedagogical concepts and modes of delivery of teaching, for which they may not have been trained. In particular, learners in the most marginalised groups, who don’t have access to digital learning resources or lack the resilience and engagement to learn on their own, are at risk of falling behind.

G20 Labour and Employment Ministers/ G20

  • 29 septiembre 2020

We, the Labour and Employment Ministers of the G20 members and invited countries, met virtually on the 10th September 2020, to discuss recent global economic and labor market developments and to advance our work towards ‘Empowering People’ and ‘Realizing Opportunities of the 21st Century for All.’ This year, COVID-19 has brought an unprecedented global challenge with significant human costs. Fighting and overcoming the pandemic remains our highest and overriding priority. We recognize the importance of protecting and promoting decent jobs for all, especially for women and youth, within our domestic and global labor markets. We support comprehensive, robust and adaptive social protection systems and we are committed to tackling inequalities, including gender inequalities. We acknowledge the value of bringing together technology and a human-centered approach including by using Behavioral Insights in employment policymaking..

Country policy responses/ ILO

  • 29 septiembre 2020

Countries are taking unprecedented measures to combat the spread of the disease, while ameliorating its pernicious effect on the economy and labour market.

Find out the policies implemented by governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and the ILO in 188 countries and territories.

Two metres or one: what is the evidence for physical distancing in COVID-19?/BMJ

  • 29 septiembre 2020

Physical distancing is an important part of measures to control covid-19, but exactly how far away and for how long contact is safe in different contexts is unclear. Rules that stipulate a single specific physical distance (1 or 2 metres) between individuals to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing covid-19, are based on an outdated, dichotomous notion of respiratory droplet size. This overlooks the physics of respiratory emissions, where droplets of all sizes are trapped and moved by the exhaled moist and hot turbulent gas cloud that keeps them concentrated as it carries them over metres in a few seconds.12 After the cloud slows sufficiently, ventilation, specific patterns of airflow, and type of activity become important. Viral load of the emitter, duration of exposure, and susceptibility of an individual to infection are also important.

Apuntes técnicos sobre la sostenibilidad de la deuda pública en Centroamérica/ CEPAL

  • 29 septiembre 2020

En este documento se presenta una propuesta de estimación y análisis comparado de la sostenibilidad de la deuda pública para los países de Centroamérica para el período 2018-2023. Se pone especial énfasis en las trayectorias de deuda y en los factores internos y externos que pueden modificar dichas sendas, incluyendo el efecto de la pandemia por COVID-19. El objetivo es estimar las posibles trayectorias de la deuda pública en el largo plazo, y evidenciar los riesgos existentes, de acuerdo con supuestos económicos probables, dadas las condiciones de cada país.

WHO - Boost for Global Response to COVID-19 as Economies Worldwide Formally Sign up to COVAX Facility

  • 21 septiembre 2020

64 higher income economies have joined the COVAX Facility, a global initiative that brings together governments and manufacturers to ensure eventual COVID-19 vaccines reach those in greatest need, whoever they are and wherever they live. These 64 economies include commitments from 35 economies as well as the European Commission which will procure doses on behalf of 27 EU member states plus Norway and Iceland.

Conseguir 2000 millones de vacunas contra el COVID-19 para fines de 2021, el objetivo de la OMS

  • 21 septiembre 2020

El proyecto multisectorial para garantizar la compra y distribución equitativa de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 cuando éstas existan cuenta ya con 156 países, informa la agencia sanitaria mundial. También adelanta que cada persona necesitaría dos dosis de la inmunización.

IDB Supports Jamaica’s Prevention and Management of Non-Communicable Diseases Program

  • 21 septiembre 2020

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a programmatic policy-based loan of $100 million to support the strengthening of Jamaica’s health systems to better prevent and manage the care of non-communicable diseases.

The main objective of this program is to contribute to the improvement of the health of Jamaica’s population by bolstering comprehensive policies for the reduction of Non-Communicable (Chronic) Diseases (NCDs) risk factors.  It also aims to improve access to an upgraded and integrated primary and secondary health network in prioritized areas, with an emphasis on chronic disease management. The idea is to provide more efficient and higher quality care.

Keep health workers safe to keep patients safe: WHO

  • 17 septiembre 2020

“The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded all of us of the vital role health workers play to relieve suffering and save lives,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “No country, hospital or clinic can keep its patients safe unless it keeps its health workers safe. WHO’s Health Worker Safety Charter is a step towards ensuring that health workers have the safe working conditions, the training, the pay and the respect they deserve.”

OECD - Global development efforts should increase focus on fragile states in light of COVID-19 crisis

  • 17 septiembre 2020

States of Fragility 2020 finds that progress on several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – including the crucial Goal 16 relating to peace, justice and strong institutions – has stagnated or declined in fragile locations in recent years. The coronavirus crisis is hurting incomes and stability in already poor and vulnerable countries, as well as health and education – two key building blocks of sustainable development in fragile states.

PAHO - Despite large numbers of cases, countless people not yet exposed remain vulnerable to COVID-19 infection in the Americas

  • 16 septiembre 2020

Reopening societies before health systems are ready “would risk a handful of cases in one area becoming a full-blown outbreak,” PAHO Director Carissa F. Etienne said today. “As leaders across the world face pressure to resume social and public life, it’s important that they avoid making decisions in a vacuum. Data about the virus’s spread and the state of health systems and services must guide each country’s plans to reopen, including the mix of preventive measures that should remain in place to keep people safe,” she told a media briefing today.

OECD - Building Confidence Crucial Amid an Uncertain Economic Recovery

  • 16 septiembre 2020

If the threat from COVID-19 fades more quickly than expected, improved business and consumer confidence could boost global activity sharply in 2021. But a stronger resurgence of the virus, or more stringent lockdowns could cut 2-3 percentage points from global growth in 2021, with even higher unemployment and a prolonged period of weak investment.

Presenting the Interim Economic Outlook, covering G20 economies, OECD Chief Economist Laurence Boone said: “The world is facing an acute health crisis and the most dramatic economic slowdown since the Second World War. The end is not yet in sight but there is still much policymakers can do to help build confidence.”

WHO’s three messages for UN75

  • 15 septiembre 2020

As the world comes together at an unprecedented virtual session of the 75th UN General Assembly (UNGA), WHO has three messages to share. The first is about equitable access to COVID-19 tools. At UNGA, WHO will call on world leaders to support the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT)-Accelerator, a unique international collaboration to fast-track the development, production and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines globally, while strengthening health systems.

UNICEF - La reapertura de las escuelas debe ser prioritaria una vez levantadas las restricciones debidas al COVID-19

  • 15 septiembre 2020

El 25% de los países aún no tiene fecha para el regreso a la escuela con los efectos negativos que los cierres prolongados causados por la pandemia implican para la educación. Las agencias dedicadas a la salud, los niños y la educación urgen a los gobiernos a dar prioridad a la reapertura escolar invirtiendo en medidas de seguridad y protección sanitaria.

Grupo de Trabajo Conjunto de Cumbres apuesta a reducir los riesgos de corrupción durante la crisis del COVID-19

  • 14 septiembre 2020

Los líderes de los organismos multilaterales que forman el Grupo de Trabajo Conjunto de Cumbres (GTCC) destacaron hoy que el trabajo conjunto es prioritario para fortalecer medidas de integridad, transparencia, rendición de cuentas, así como la fiscalización de los presupuestos dirigidos a atender la pandemia del COVID-19.

El BCIE, TaiwanICDF y la DFC suscriben carta de interés para promover el crecimiento económico de la región centroamericana durante y después de la Emergencia del COVID-19

  • 14 septiembre 2020

En el marco de un diálogo estratégico, el Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE), el Fondo de Cooperación y Desarrollo Internacional (TaiwanICDF) y  la US Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo Internacional (DFC) anunciaron hoy la firma de una carta de interés para cooperar y dar soporte a los países de la región centroamericana en el marco de los retos que deben enfrentar como consecuencia de los efectos del COVID-19.

En particular, El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras han luchado durante mucho tiempo contra las barreras que impiden el desarrollo económico y la prosperidad, lo que ha incrementado los desafíos como la pobreza, la violencia y la migración ilegal en la región, sumándose ahora la pérdida significativa de empleos en los diferentes sectores de las economías sobre todo en las MIPYMEs.

OECD - More Can be Done to Ensure a Green Recovery from COVID-19 Crisis

  • 14 septiembre 2020

Many countries are making “green” recovery measures a central part of stimulus packages to drive sustainable, inclusive, resilient economic growth and improve well-being in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. However some countries are also implementing measures that risk having a negative environmental impact and locking in unsustainable growth, according to new OECD analysis discussed by member country ministers today. New OECD analysis, Making the Green Recovery Work for Jobs, Income and Growth, indicates that OECD member governments have committed USD 312 billion of public resources to a green recovery, according to a preliminary estimate that will be refined in the coming months. However, a number of other measures within broader recovery packages are going into “non-green” spending such as fossil fuel investments.

Directora de OPS cita acciones necesarias para combatir el impacto de pandemia COVID-19 en conferencia CAF

  • 11 septiembre 2020

La Directora de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), Carissa F. Etienne, dijo que “se requiere acción en todos los niveles”, desde las comunidades locales hasta el nivel nacional, y desde el nivel regional al global, para combatir una triple crisis en la Región: una crisis de salud, una crisis social y una crisis económica.

“Es solo a través de una acción concertada y colectiva que podemos enfrentar la COVID-19, suprimir su transmisión y recuperar el camino del desarrollo sostenible”, afirmó Etienne en una conferencia del Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina - CAF.

ONU - COVID-19: Las medidas de protección social son cortoplacistas y no evitarán la extensión de la pobreza

  • 11 septiembre 2020

Pese a los 589.000 millones de dólares dedicados a protección social en 113 países, las iniciativas de protección social no impedirán el aumento de la pobreza, alerta un experto de las Naciones Unidas en derechos humanos, que indica que muchas personas han quedado excluidas de ellas e insta a un replanteamiento global.

Los desafíos para fortalecer la democracia en América Latina en tiempos de pandemia, eje del tercer día de la 24 Conferencia CAF

  • 11 septiembre 2020

Confianza, tecnología, recuperación económica, protección social, seguridad y equilibrio de poderes son los principales retos que tiene la región para que la democracia no salga tan afectada por el impacto de la pandemia, que seguirá presente en las próximas elecciones en diversos países. La contienda electoral en Estados Unidos y sus efectos en América Latina también se abordó en la tercera jornada de la 24 Conferencia Anual CAF.
