

Los temas a discusión en este portal ya han sido analizados por múltiples actores. En este repositorio la SG/OEA reúne algunos de ellos, como una contribución más a la discusión. Este repositorio tiene dos secciones: En la de Políticas integraremos información sobre políticas relevantes a los temas a debate que estén siendo implementadas por los Estados Miembros, Estados Observadores y otros Estados del mundo. En la de Estudios incluiremos análisis, informes y reportes publicados por instituciones académicas, centros de pensamiento, organizaciones internacionales y multilaterales, organizaciones no gubernamentales y entes privados, todos ellos de reconocido prestigio, que sean relevantes para la conversación. La OEA publicará estos artículos e informes en su idioma original.

ILO/UNICEF - COVID-19 May Push Millions More Children into Child Labour

  • 12 junio 2020

Millions more children risk being pushed into child labour as a result of the COVID-19 crisis , which could lead to the first rise in child labour after 20 years of progress, according to a new brief from the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF.

According to COVID-19 and child labour: A time of crisis, a time to act, child labour decreased by 94 million since 2000, but that gain is now at risk.

Child Labour Gains Since 2000 ‘Could be Wiped out by COVID’, UN Warns

  • 12 junio 2020

Existing global estimates indicate that 152 million children are being put to work, but the figure is due to be updated next year, once the wider impact of coronavirus lockdown precautions become clearer.

“As the pandemic wreaks havoc on family incomes, without support, many could resort to child labour”, said Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO), marking the World Day Against Child Labour.

ILO - Covid-19 Prevention Mitigation Measures: Ten Action Points for Trade Unions

  • 10 junio 2020

Across the globe, Governments are now confronted with the major challenge of putting in place appropriate exit strategies to come out of COVID-19 pandemic. What is the role of trade unions during lockdowns, shutdowns and re-opening? Learn more here...

Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean

  • 31 mayo 2020

Estimates point to a decline in global gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020 that will be the largest in decades (by 2%) and to significant contractions in the volume of global trade (by between 13% and 32%).The drop in economic activity, particularly in China, the United States and Europe, is hurting trade volumes and prices in Latin America and the Caribbean, especially for commodities. Some key production sectors in countries of the region form part of global value chains in which the United States and China are fundamental. In addition, many countries will be severely affected by reduced remittances from migrants and the decline in tourism. The deterioration in global financial conditions has increased volatility in the region to record levels, and there have been massive capital outflows from emerging markets, most currencies have depreciated against the dollar and sovereign risk has risen sharply (ECLAC, 2020c).

The COVID-19 Response: Getting Gender Equality Right for a Better Future for Women at Work

  • 31 mayo 2020

Of the 740 million women working in the informal economy,11 42 per cent are found in the abovementioned high-risk sectors, compared to 32 per cent of men.12 Lockdowns and curfews, compounded by limited, if any, access to social protection provisions – including health care, income and food support, and maternity protection – worsen their social and economic situation. For instance, women homeworkers who produce for global supply chains are particularly affected by COVID-19, as their incomes depend heavily on now suspended orders from high-income countries.13 In this context, when gender intersects with other personal characteristics, such as ethnicity, nationality, age, disability or HIV status, there is a risk that both gender disparities and intra-women inequalities will widen further.

SAS- Summit Talks

  • 26 mayo 2020

This webinar falls under the cooperation initiatives being pursued by the Summits of the Americas Secretariat within the framework of implementation of the Mechanism for Follow-up and Implementation of the Lima Commitment, with the participating states, Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG) entities, and civil society and social actors.

Greening the Transport Sector in the post COVID-19 Recovery Could Create up to 15 Million Jobs Worldwide/ ILO

  • 22 mayo 2020

Investment in transforming the transport sector could create millions of new jobs and help countries move to greener, healthier economies, says report from the International Labour Organization and the UN Economic Commission for Europe.

The study finds that 10 million additional jobs could be created worldwide - 2.9 million in the UNECE region - if 50 per cent of all vehicles manufactured were electric. In addition, almost 5 million new jobs could be created worldwide - 2.5 million in the UNECE region - if UNECE countries doubled investment in public transport.

ILO - Small Matters More Now Than Ever Before

  • 20 mayo 2020

I have many friends who run their own small businesses, in Europe, Australia, and Asia. They include dental clinics, restaurants, small travel agencies, and manufacturing businesses. All have been forced to close.

Small businesses are incredibly important, both socially and economically. In 2019 the ILO published a report, Small Matters which showed that small economic units with up to 49 employees account for approximately 70 per cent of global employment. Their contribution to GDP is significant. So small really does matter.

Apoyo de la OIT a los empleadores durante la crisis de la COVID-19

  • 20 mayo 2020

La crisis de la COVID-19 ha ejercido una enorme presión sobre los empleadores y las empresas del sector privado, que luchan por sobrevivir y seguir ofreciendo trabajo decente. Deborah France Massin, directora de la Oficina de Actividades para los Empleadores, explica cómo ha estado ayudando con servicios y herramientas y al garantizar que el punto de vista de las empresas esté representado ante los responsables de la toma de decisiones.

Bridging the Skills Gap for Informal Economy Workers – How Can Skills and Lifelong Learning Help Mitigate the Consequences of the Crises?

  • 19 mayo 2020

Promoting the employability and income opportunities of people working in the informal economy is highly critical for inclusive societies, and more so in times of crisis. Innovations to facilitate outreach, the recognition of prior learning or digital solutions are highly needed, requiring new financing models and partnerships with employers and workers’ organizations.

Contagion or Starvation, the Dilemma Facing Informal Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic/ILO

  • 6 mayo 2020
Contagion or Starvation, the Dilemma Facing Informal Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic/ILO

With most informal workers having no other means of support, they face an almost unsolvable dilemma: to die from hunger or from the virus, the briefing says. This has been exacerbated by disruptions in food supplies, which has particularly affected those in the informal economy.

New Normal? Better Normal!

  • 1 mayo 2020
New Normal? Better Normal!

The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare in the cruelest way, the extraordinary precariousness and injustices of our world of work, says ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder.

Protect Workers Both now and after Lockdowns Ease, Says ILO

  • 28 abril 2020

The International Labour Organization warns that without adequate safeguards for returning workers there could be a second wave of the virus.

Discussion: Continuing online learning and skills development in times of the COVID-19 crisis

  • 17 abril 2020

This discussion invites government representatives, employers’ and workers’ organizations, education and training providers, NGOs, and individuals, among others, to share and discuss how to maintain continued learning and skills building for students and workers in times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic which we all now face. It also aims to explore relevant and timely innovative practices in distance and online education and training.

Which policies can help small businesses withstand COVID-19

  • 16 abril 2020

Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and their employees are an essential part of the social and economic fabric of daily life worldwide. This vital role is now under threat from the unprecedented effects of COVID-19. We face the real prospect that a global recession becomes a depression.

ILO Monitor

  • 7 abril 2020

COVID-19 and the world of work. Second edition Updated estimates and analysis

SAS - Reunión de Altas Autoridades del GTCC, reunión virtual para abordar sus esfuerzos frente a la pandemia y discutir una respuesta coordinada y conjunta en apoyo a las necesidades y actuales accion

  • 5 abril 2020

El Secretario General de la OEA, en calidad de Presidente del Grupo de Trabajo Conjunto de Cumbres (GTCC), y en coordinación con la OPS, convocó el viernes 3 de abril de 2020 a las altas autoridades de las organizaciones internacionales y regionales que conforman el GTCC, a una reunión virtual para abordar sus esfuerzos frente a la pandemia y discutir una respuesta coordinada y conjunta en apoyo a las necesidades y actuales acciones de los Estados Miembros, así como en el marco de su proceso de recuperación. Los miembros del GTCC acordaron reunirse periódicamente para asegurar una coordinación continua y actualizar la información compartida que muestre un panorama de las acciones de la comunidad interamericana en apoyo a los países de la región. Ver comunicado. Desde la Secretaría de Cumbres, como Secretaría Técnica del Proceso de Cumbres, y del GTCC, se prepara la realización y el seguimiento de las referidas reuniones de las altas autoridades del GTCC.  Además de la OEA y la OPS, integran el GTCC el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), la OPS, el Banco Mundial, el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA),  el Banco de Desarrollo de América  Latina (CAF), el Banco de Desarrollo del Caribe (CDB), el Banco Centroamericano para la Integración Económica (CABEI), la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) y la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE).

SAS -Reuniones de Altas Autoridades del GTCC

  • 3 abril 2020

Las Altas Autoridades de las organizaciones que conforman el Grupo de Trabajo Conjunto de Cumbres se reunieron virtualmente a fin de coordinar los esfuerzos para brindar apoyo en las áreas de preparación, mitigación y recuperación de la crisis. La reunión fue convocada por el Presidente del GTCC, el Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), Sr. Luis Almagro.