

Los temas a discusión en este portal ya han sido analizados por múltiples actores. En este repositorio la SG/OEA reúne algunos de ellos, como una contribución más a la discusión. Este repositorio tiene dos secciones: En la de Políticas integraremos información sobre políticas relevantes a los temas a debate que estén siendo implementadas por los Estados Miembros, Estados Observadores y otros Estados del mundo. En la de Estudios incluiremos análisis, informes y reportes publicados por instituciones académicas, centros de pensamiento, organizaciones internacionales y multilaterales, organizaciones no gubernamentales y entes privados, todos ellos de reconocido prestigio, que sean relevantes para la conversación. La OEA publicará estos artículos e informes en su idioma original.

COVID-19: Tourism policy responses

  • 2 junio 2020

This note has been prepared by the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CFE) for discussion by the OECD Tourism Committee1. The Tourism Committee analyses and monitors policies and structural changes affecting the development of domestic and international tourism. It also serves as an important repository of tourism policy responses in times of crisis

Central and South America now ‘Intense Zones’ for COVID-19 Transmission

  • 1 junio 2020

“I would certainly characterize that Central and South America in particular have very much become the intense zones of transmission for this virus as we speak, and I don’t believe that we have reached the peak in that transmission. And at this point, I cannot predict when we will”, he said.

The biggest rise in caseloads can be found in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Haiti, Argentina and Bolivia.

“While the numbers are not exponential, in some countries we are seeing a progressive increase in cases on a daily basis”, said Dr. Ryan.

“And countries are having to work very hard to both understand the scale of infection, but also health systems are beginning to come under pressure across the region.”

Coronavirus and Education

  • 1 junio 2020

Coronavirus: What are our experts saying

CIIF Emergency Relief Grant Call

  • 31 mayo 2020

In light of the loss of revenue by CI practitioners due to the effects of COVID-19, CDB has allocated USD 50,000 for the Music sub-sector and USD 50,000 for the Festivals and Carnivals sub-sector for CIIF Emergency Relief Grants. This grant is targeted at CI entrepreneurs who can demonstrate loss of income for music, festival and carnival events that have been cancelled as a result of COVID-19.

Handwashing is Saving Lives - but for too many People, it Remains a Luxury

  • 28 mayo 2020

It has taken a global pandemic to raise the world’s awareness of the importance of handwashing and access to clean water – basic services that more than 2 billion people in the world still lack.

Humble handwashing has gone mainstream because it is the first defence against COVID-19. It literally saves lives. But, the simple act of handwashing is unachievable for far too many people. For the more than one-in-three on the planet who lack basic water access, handwashing is not just a lifesaver, it is a privilege.

UN Seeks to Build Transport and Trade Resilience in Wake of COVID-19

  • 28 mayo 2020

The project launched this month will implement UN solutions, standards, guidelines, metrics, tools and methodologies to help developing countries build transport, trade and logistics resilience in the wake of COVID-19.

It seeks to equip governments in developing and least developed countries to adapt to new post-COVID-19 conditions by tapping into UN expertise, standards, tools and guidance, while considering their specific and local conditions.

A Second Wave Could Lead to a 'Public Outcry' for Digital Tracing - Government and Business Leaders on Managing the Coronavirus Crisis

  • 28 mayo 2020

"We’ve pulled back on some of the digital tracing because of our concerns with privacy…. But that’s because the disease is receding. My guess is that if the disease continues to go forward, we’ll try as fast as we can to get voluntary compliance with these apps - but if we hit a second wave, my guess is that there will be public outcry calling for the use of broader digital tracing", said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during a virtual meeting of the Forum's COVID-19 Action Platform on 27 May

BID aprueba crédito para enfrentar la pandemia del COVID-19 en El Salvador

  • 28 mayo 2020

Crédito de apoyo presupuestario de us$250 millones contribuirá a financiar los esfuerzos del país para hacer frente a los efectos sanitarios y económicos de la pandemia del covid-19.

El crédito también contempla compromisos de las autoridades para reducir el déficit fiscal, focalizar la inversión pública en áreas de alta relevancia para la reactivación económica y mantener una economía competitiva y transparente, una vez que se supere la emergencia sanitaria.

WORLD BANK – We’re Moving to the Next Stage’

  • 27 mayo 2020

Over the past three months, the World Bank Group has mounted the fastest crisis response in its history. We are now financing emergency operations in over 100 countries – home to 70% of the global population.

In this virtual interview, David Malpass, President of the World Bank Group, discussed the path ahead for developing countries. What will a robust and resilient recovery look like? How can we promote economic growth, support the poorest, and sustain businesses and jobs?

Cooperativismo y asociatividad son vitales para fortalecer aportes de la agricultura familiar al abastecimiento de alimentos

  • 27 mayo 2020

Fernández y Ramos explicaron que, durante la pandemia, a nivel agroalimentario la crisis se ha dado más por la demanda de productos que por la oferta, debido a los cambios en los hábitos de los consumidores. Estos pueden ser originados por falta o disminución de ingresos y por el aislamiento social, que modificó las formas de abastecimiento.

COVID-19: A ‘New and Deadly Threat’ for Civilians Caught up in Violence

  • 27 mayo 2020

“COVID-19 is not only spreading sickness and death; it is pushing people into poverty and hunger,” he explained, adding that in some cases, “it is reversing decades of development progress”.

Meanwhile, as access to services is curtailed and repressive measures are adopted by some nations, protecting the most vulnerable, particularly in conflict zones, has become even more difficult.

UNCDF and UNDP Join Forces to Improve Flow of Remittances and Counter Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19

  • 26 mayo 2020

“The hardship of COVID-19 felt by migrants in the form of lost wages and employment – often without government safety nets – is a large part of this crisis in remittances. The decline also results from a host of issues caused by the coronavirus that impact the services migrants use to send money home – including the restrictions placed on remittance services providers and their agents. The loss of this crucial financing lifeline is devastating for both the migrant households and receiving countries,” said Judith Karl, Executive Secretary for UNCDF. “UNCDF, together with UNDP, is committed to supporting the Member State-led call to action and to ensuring that every measure is available to facilitate migrants in sending remittances home.”

COVID-19: UNDP Urges Swift Action to Address Violence Against Women and Girls During Pandemic

  • 26 mayo 2020

Guidance from UNDP, Gender-based violence and COVID-19, also recommends developing new protocols to provide support via phone or online platforms rather than in person, expanding immediate response services in order to save lives, and most ensuring that steps to prevent gender-based violence are in every COVID-19 response plan and budget.

5 Reasons Costa Rica is Winning Plaudits for Fighting COVID-19: a Resident Coordinator’s blog

  • 26 mayo 2020

The data and facts are extremely promising: Costa Rica has the lowest COVID-19 case fatality rate in the region, and the country currently has more recovered cases than active cases. There is no registered community transmission, and daily infections have fallen significantly (they have remained below 10 cases in recent weeks). At the beginning of May, there were less than half a dozen infected patients in Intensive Care Units throughout the whole country.

How has Costa Rica achieved these impressive results? Here are five key reasons.

Fourteen Days in Limbo: What Happens to Returning Migrant Workers During The COVID-19 Crisis

  • 26 mayo 2020

IOM is able to provide vital assistance to these vulnerable returnees with support from the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration financed by the European Union, in the framework of the Migrant Resource and Response Mechanism supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, the United States Department of State, and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France.

Se firma el primer tramo por US100.0 millones para MIPYME hondureña afectada por el COVID-19

  • 26 mayo 2020

“Es una primera parte de 300 millones de dólares que ofrece este financiamiento, este esquema permitirá a los emprendedores del país hacerle frente al momento difícil que vive el país por efecto del coronavirus”, además “es una herramienta con la que las MIPYMES podrán resolver problemas financieros, evitar despidos de su personal y mantener sus negocios”, explica el Presidente Ejecutivo del BCIE, Dr. Dante Mossi.

Rescuing SMEs from the COVID Storm: What’s Next?

  • 26 mayo 2020

As countries continue to scale up and adjust eligibility criteria of current support measures, there are concerns about how to reach those SMEs that have missed the boat and ensure the support actually goes to the businesses that need it the most. Concerning loans, the big elephant in the room remains how to manage future SME debt, not only to avoid the pre-mature closure of viable SMEs, but also since a further deterioration of SMEs’ financial situation could have systemic effects on the banking sectors as a whole. Although some countries have pledged unlimited support, it seems difficult to maintain the breadth of current support much longer without compromising the sustainability of public debt.

El tipo de cambio, el sector agroalimentario y el COVID-19

  • 25 mayo 2020

En este blog mantendremos registro de la evolución de los tipos de cambio y sus efectos sobre el sector agroalimentario. 

Pandemia del COVID-19 pone en riesgo la integralidad de la Agenda 2030 debido al dispar avance de los ODS, advierte Alicia Bárcena

  • 22 mayo 2020

“Hemos analizado el avance de 72 series estadísticas de los indicadores de los 17 ODS para la región: 4 alcanzaron la meta; 15 van en la tendencia correcta; 8 necesitan más intervención de políticas públicas; 13 requieren una fuerte intervención de políticas públicas; 27 están estancadas y 5 en retroceso”, afirmó hoy Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL).

Agregó que la pandemia del COVID-19 visibilizó los problemas estructurales del modelo económico y las carencias del sistema de protección social y brechas del régimen de bienestar, confirmando la necesidad de repensar el desarrollo y formular respuestas para un mundo post COVID.

Transparencia e integridad para la emergencia del COVID-19

  • 21 mayo 2020

La crisis del COVID-19 plantea el desafío de asegurar que los gobiernos atiendan las necesidades de la emergencia con eficiencia, transparencia e integridad. Los desastres naturales, las crisis humanitarias o epidemias generan la necesidad de desembolsar recursos de forma extremadamente rápida. En este contexto, hay mayores riesgos de que los recursos públicos sean utilizados indebidamente.
