

Los temas a discusión en este portal ya han sido analizados por múltiples actores. En este repositorio la SG/OEA reúne algunos de ellos, como una contribución más a la discusión. Este repositorio tiene dos secciones: En la de Políticas integraremos información sobre políticas relevantes a los temas a debate que estén siendo implementadas por los Estados Miembros, Estados Observadores y otros Estados del mundo. En la de Estudios incluiremos análisis, informes y reportes publicados por instituciones académicas, centros de pensamiento, organizaciones internacionales y multilaterales, organizaciones no gubernamentales y entes privados, todos ellos de reconocido prestigio, que sean relevantes para la conversación. La OEA publicará estos artículos e informes en su idioma original.

UNDP - In Latin America, COVID-19 Infections Surge as Virtually Every Country Faces Recession

  • 14 julio 2020

In the current state of emergency, governments should prioritize transparent public information campaigns, plan strategies that involve marginalized groups in urban areas and indigenous communities, guarantee access to clean water, soap, food, income, and other essential items, ensure internet connectivity, use spaces other than hospitals to isolate COVID-19 patients, and design strategies to safely move patients among medical facilities.

WB - Productivity Growth, Key Driver of Poverty Reduction, Threatened by COVID-19 Disruptions

  • 14 julio 2020

“Productivity levels in emerging markets and developing economies remain less than 20 percent of the average in advanced economies, and only 2 percent in low income countries,” said World Bank Vice President for Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions, Ceyla Pazarbasioglu. “A possible silver lining may be that changes in behavior from the pandemic will accelerate the adoption of new technologies, greater efficiencies among businesses, and the pace of scientific innovation. However, it is vital to ensure that these gains are widely distributed and that technology-driven labor market disruptions are well managed.”

SAS - Nodos Nacionales Anticorrupción

  • 12 julio 2020

Desde la Secretaría de Cumbres se promoverá con los Nodos Nacionales Anticorrupción que se vienen estableciendo con sociedad civil y actores sociales como seguimiento al “Compromiso de Lima: Gobernabilidad Democrática frente a la Corrupción”, el abordaje y la reflexión sobre la pandemia y el monitoreo de recursos destinados a enfrentar la misma. Los nodos serán autogestionados y desde la Secretaría de Cumbres se les ofrecerá espacios virtuales y facilitará diálogos con participación gubernamental, entidades del GTCC, y se canalizarán sus contribuciones a los Estados.

Haití dará asistencia a sectores más vulnerables golpeados por COVID con apoyo BID

  • 10 julio 2020

El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) aprobó una asistencia no reembolsable de US$60 millones para apoyar a los sectores más vulnerables de Haití frente a la crisis causada por la COVID-19.

La ayuda será administrada por el Fondo de Asistencia Económica y Social (FAES), un organismo autónomo dependiente del Ministerio de Finanzas, que se encarga de implementar los programas de asistencia social en Haití, donde 59 por ciento de la población vive bajo la línea de pobreza.

IOM - Migrants in Temporary Housing in Northern Mexico Get Constant Medical Observation

  • 10 julio 2020

"What we do is a benefit to the community: migrants have suffered, like many of us, from this pandemic. With this support, we make sure they are not out in the street," said Leticia Chavarría Villa, a doctor who coordinates a six-person medical team in Ciudad Juárez. 

Honduras enfrenta el COVID-19 y resguarda la estabilidad macroeconómica con apoyo del BID

  • 10 julio 2020

Un préstamo de US$76,2 millones del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) contribuirá a financiar los esfuerzos para contener la pandemia, mitigar su impacto sobre los hogares vulnerables, y promover políticas contracíclicas que reduzcan su efecto en la economía en el corto plazo.

IMF - The Platform for Collaboration on Tax Publishes its Progress Report 2020

  • 10 julio 2020

The Platform for Collaboration on Tax (PCT) – a joint initiative of the IMF, OECD, UN and the World Bank – published today its Progress Report 2020, which gives a snapshot of the world’s four leading multilateral organizations’ cooperation in the area of domestic resource mobilization, including in their responses to COVID-19.

BCIE financia torre médica en Costa Rica que reforzará sistema de salud para atención de la emergencia

  • 10 julio 2020

La Torre Este del Hospital Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia ubicado San José Costa Rica, que es financiada por el Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE), será habilitada próximamente como centro de apoyo para la atención de pacientes COVID-19, reforzando la capacidad del sistema de salud del país el cual es liderado y coordinado por la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS).

UN - Address ‘Unprecedented’ Impact of Coronavirus on Latin America and the Caribbean, Urges Guterres

  • 9 julio 2020

Broader structural challenges must be addressed to build back better and transform the region’s development model.

Against the backdrop of pervasive inequality, accessible and comprehensive welfare systems must be developed, fair taxation systems created, decent jobs promoted, environmental sustainability strengthened, and social protection mechanisms reinforced, according to the UN chief. Moreover, regional economic integration is required, with “women participating fully and safely in public and economic life”, he stressed.

OECD - United States: Extending Support and Lowering Regulatory Barriers Could Energize the Recovery from COVID-19

  • 9 julio 2020

The latest OECD Economic Survey of the United States says that even as some businesses reopen with the lifting of coronavirus confinement measures, hard-hit sectors like hospitality and leisure will continue to need support, as will newly unemployed or displaced workers who may need to look for jobs in different sectors. The recent extension of the US Paycheck Protection Program by five weeks to August 8 is a welcome move to help small businesses struggling with the crisis. Extending exceptional unemployment benefits beyond the end-July cut-off date would offer a similar lifeline to the millions of households at risk of falling into poverty, as would assistance for job search (such as employment placement services) and support for geographic mobility.

CEPAL presenta cinco propuestas para ampliar el espacio fiscal de los países del Caribe

  • 9 julio 2020

Alicia Bárcena explicó que la CEPAL propone cinco recomendaciones muy concretas: la iniciativa de alivio de la deuda mediante un canje de deuda por adaptación al cambio climático, que incluye la creación de un fondo de resiliencia; la paralización del servicio de la deuda y un cambio en los criterios de eligibilidad de las instituciones financieras internacionales (IFIs) para el otorgamiento de financiamiento concesional; bonos de contingencia, en especial con cláusulas sobre los huracanes; bonos verdes y azules; y el apoyo a la liquidez mediante la emisión de derechos especiales de giro.

WHO - Independent Evaluation of Global COVID-19 Response Announced

  • 9 julio 2020

WHO Director-General today announced the initiation of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (IPPR) to evaluate the world’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Operating independently, they will choose other Panel members as well as members of an independent secretariat to provide support.

OIT: Liberar a más de 150.000 marinos atrapados a bordo de buques a causa de la COVID-19

  • 9 julio 2020

En una declaración conjunta  realizada el 22 de mayo por la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI), la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) y la OIT instaron a que se reconozca a la gente de mar como trabajadores esenciales. Ello eximiría a la tripulación de las restricciones de viaje y facilitaría su incorporación a los buques o su salida de ellos.

European Union - Venezuela: Press release on EU dialogue with stakeholders in Caracas

  • 1 julio 2020

As the world continues to combat COVID-19, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is calling on the German Presidency of the European Union (EU) to keep refugee protection high on the agenda. UNHCR is proposing concrete ways the EU can ensure a bold and robust response to forced displacement during the pandemic as well as long term. The envisaged EU Pact on Migration and Asylum also provides an opportunity for the EU to better protect forcibly displaced people in Europe and abroad, and support host countries.

IOM - Global Diaspora Coalition: Message of Solidarity with Victims of COVID-19 Related Xenophobia, Discrimination

  • 1 julio 2020

“Now more than ever, the safety of our society as a whole depends on the effective protection of the most vulnerable. Xenophobia and discrimination undermine our response to the COVID-19 pandemic and efforts to address the socio-economic impacts that disproportionately burden the most vulnerable and marginalized elements of our societies including migrants”, said IOM Director General António Vitorino.

UNCTAD - Coronavirus Will Cost Global Tourism at Least $1.2 Trillion

  • 1 julio 2020

The UN’s trade and development body warned that the loss could rise to $2.2 trillion or 2.8% of the world’s GDP if the break in international tourism lasts for eight months, in line with the expected decline in tourism as projected by the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Informe BID alerta sobre duro impacto de COVID-19 sobre turismo en América Latina y Caribe

  • 1 julio 2020

El reporte – Evento extremo: El Shock de la Pandemia at Turismo Sin Precedente en América Latina y el Caribe  (solo disponible en inglés) – incluye un nuevo Índice de Dependencia del Turismo para países, con 35 economías de América Latina y el Caribe. Exhorta a los gobiernos a tomar medidas sin precedente para prevenir la propagación del virus, y apoyar los ciudadanos y las economías en una región que más depende del turismo en el mundo.

UNHCR Issues Recommendations for EU to Ensure Refugee Protection During the Pandemic and Beyond

  • 1 julio 2020

As the world continues to combat COVID-19, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is calling on the German Presidency of the European Union (EU) to keep refugee protection high on the agenda. UNHCR is proposing concrete ways the EU can ensure a bold and robust response to forced displacement during the pandemic as well as long term. The envisaged EU Pact on Migration and Asylum also provides an opportunity for the EU to better protect forcibly displaced people in Europe and abroad, and support host countries.

Timeline of WHO’s Response to COVID-19

  • 30 junio 2020

WHO provides this timeline of the Organization’s COVID-19 response activities for general information. WHO will update the timeline on a regular basis and in light of evolving events and new information. Unless noted otherwise, country-specific information and data are as reported to WHO by its Member States.

UNDP - Rule of Law and Human Rights are Key to Forging a New Inclusive Social Contract

  • 30 junio 2020

Emphasizing on the urgency of obligations to respect human rights and the rule of law in the current context around COVID-19 pandemic, UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner stated- “It is clear that securing the rule of law and human rights is key to achieving the transformational change we need - based on principles of trust, accountability and justice. This ultimately means forging a new, more inclusive social contract.”
