

Los temas a discusión en este portal ya han sido analizados por múltiples actores. En este repositorio la SG/OEA reúne algunos de ellos, como una contribución más a la discusión. Este repositorio tiene dos secciones: En la de Políticas integraremos información sobre políticas relevantes a los temas a debate que estén siendo implementadas por los Estados Miembros, Estados Observadores y otros Estados del mundo. En la de Estudios incluiremos análisis, informes y reportes publicados por instituciones académicas, centros de pensamiento, organizaciones internacionales y multilaterales, organizaciones no gubernamentales y entes privados, todos ellos de reconocido prestigio, que sean relevantes para la conversación. La OEA publicará estos artículos e informes en su idioma original.

Special Commentary: COVID-19 US Army War College

  • 16 junio 2020

SSI research professors and faculty consider the COVID-19 pandemic and its long-term, strategic implications for the U.S. Army and national security.  Each essay provides an independent, specialized view on a particular aspect of the challenges posed by COVID-19 and includes recommendations on how the Army and DoD should address those issues.

Money Laundering Could Stifle Latin America’s Response to COVID-19

  • 11 junio 2020

Some of Latin America’s most serious challenges—violent crime, drug trafficking, economic inequality and public corruption—all have one thing in common: money laundering. In Mexico alone, the government’s Financial Intelligence Unit reported that drug cartels and other illicit actors laundered an estimated $50 billion in 2019— crucial revenue for cartels that has also contributed to Mexico’s record-high homicide rate in recent years. Money laundering has helped Brazilian gangs like the Primeiro Comando da Capital, or First Capital Command, expand their criminal networks into neighboring Paraguay and Bolivia. In Venezuela, it has enabled a dramatic theft of public resources by officials tied to President Nicolas Maduro’s government, while the average Venezuelan has starved because of widespread food shortages.

The Governance Competition in the Americas: “Criminal Charity” During COVID-19 Will Have Decade-long Consequences

  • 9 junio 2020

Latin America’s criminal groups have leveraged the coronavirus pandemic to win the goodwill and support of local populations by delivering humanitarian assistance and co-opting public service provision in communities underserved by state institutions. Such levels of “criminal charity” could complicate the future efforts of Latin America’s weakest states to dismantle and defeat organized crime groups, whose power has grown in recent years.

COVID-19 is increasing the power of Brazil’s criminal groups

  • 28 mayo 2020

Data from various states suggest that COVID-19 lockdowns have done little to reduce the use of violence by criminal groups in Brazil. What has changed is governance, with criminal actors adapting to coronavirus by imposing curfews, restricting movement, promoting public-health messages, and discouraging price gouging – alongside their usual practices of extortion and drug trafficking. Such changes in violence and governance indicate that Brazil’s non-state armed groups continue to augment their power, and these gains may well persist once the pandemic has receded, write Ryan Berg (American Enterprise Institute) and Andrea Varsori (Urban Violence Research Network).

How organized criminals are exploiting the pandemic

  • 18 mayo 2020

Organized criminals are taking advantage of the misinformation and fear within our societies by selling counterfeit medical products online. Where they have infiltrated the health sector and pharmaceutical supply chains, they are trying to divert public funds allocated for the effective response to COVID-19. This is putting lives at risk and hindering our state institutions from ensuring our public health and security.

Covid nostra The pandemic is creating fresh opportunities for organised crime

  • 16 mayo 2020

Karachi is among Asia’s most crime-ridden cities. And yet in eight days in March, after covid-19 forced it into lockdown, not a single car was reported stolen. El Salvador, which has one of the world’s highest murder rates, enjoyed four homicide-free days in the same month. Many countries have reported tumbling crime rates, as crooks, along with everyone else, have shut themselves away. Italy was the first European country to lock down, on March 9th. Even before then, many people were working from home. The number of crimes reported in Italy between March 1st and March 22nd dropped by 64% compared with the same period in 2019.

Special Commentary: COVID-19: Shaping a Sicker, Poorer, More Violent, and Unstable Western Hemisphere

  • 15 mayo 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic will have profound and enduring negative effects on Latin America and the Caribbean, significantly impacting the security, interests, and strategic position of the United States. Department of Defense and other US senior leaders should begin planning now to mitigate or manage the consequences.

How to Measure Coronavirus’ Criminal Impact in the Americas? Wait/ Insigth Crime.

  • 11 mayo 2020

The coronavirus has upended crime. But measuring it has not been easy. And predicting its impact going forward may be even more difficult.

At the same time, some traffickers have continued doing business. Repeated seizures in Ucayali, Peru, indicate shipments of cocaine are still moving along Peru’s borders with Brazil and Bolivia. Major seizures in April also show that tons of drugs are still being moved by sea and air, even as land borders have become more supervised.

La punta de un nuevo iceberg criminal, por Gastón Schulmeister, Departamento contra la Delincuencia Organizada Transnacional de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA)

  • 9 mayo 2020

El crimen organizado está acostumbrado a ajustarse rápidamente a lo que representa un mundo globalizado y cambiante. Un escenario de emergencia como el generado por el COVID-19 está poniendo a prueba una vez más su capacidad de adaptación, por lo que quienes trabajamos por coartar sus capacidades debemos redoblar ahora nuestra vigilancia.

The Pandemic Has Triggered Dramatic Shifts in the Global Criminal Underworld/ Foreign policiy

  • 8 mayo 2020

To say that COVID-19 changes everything is already a cliché. But it’s also true.

Drug cartels are facing broken supply chains, shrinking revenues, and shifting markets. Rising violence is just one effect.

After a temporary lull in homicidal violence in some countries, there are signs that it is rising once more. Meanwhile, crime groups are migrating online to where the action is. If left to their own devices, they could make the world a more dangerous place.

United States: Combatting COVID-19 fraud. Report US Department of Justice

  • 5 mayo 2020

The US Department of Justice is remaining vigilant in detecting, investigating, and prosecuting wrongdoing related to the crisis.  In a memo to U.S. Attorneys, Attorney General Barr said, "The pandemic is dangerous enough without wrongdoers seeking to profit from public panic and this sort of conduct cannot be tolerated."

Fraud Alert: Be aware that criminals are attempting to exploit COVID-19 worldwide through a variety of scams.

Six Ways Coronavirus is Impacting Organized Crime in the Americas

  • 4 mayo 2020

Criminal groups across Latin America have been forced to dig deep by the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown. Moving drugs and contraband, shaking down extortion victims and getting migrants across borders have all become far more difficult amid increased scrutiny and the lack of human activity.

Combating Falsified Medical Product-Related Crime: A Guide to Good Legislative Practices-UNODC

  • 1 mayo 2020

This Guide is intended to support States in enacting or strengthening domestic legislation to combat falsified medical product-related crime and, in so doing, contributing to the protection of public health. States may use this Guide as a practical tool as they draft, amend or review relevant national legislation within their constitutional and legislative framework.

COVID-19-related Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risks and Policy Responses/ Financial Action Task Force

  • 1 mayo 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented global challenges, human suffering and economic disruption. This paper identifies challenges, good practices and policy responses to new money laundering and terrorist financing threats and vulnerabilities arising from the COVID-19 crisis.

The Invisible Air Force: The Increasing Threat of Drug Flights/ The Strategic Hub for Organised Crime Research (SHOC)

  • 1 mayo 2020

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international trade has led to a significant retraction in global commerce. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) estimates that worldwide merchandise trade will fall by up to 32% in 2020. This represents a clear loss to legitimate businesses, but also to organised crime groups (OCGs), who depend on high volumes of global trade to facilitate the illegal trafficking of goods and persons. These criminal networks manipulate the vulnerabilities of licit trade routes, exploiting opportunities to conceal their illegal activity in amongst the high volumes of products and services exchange in an increasingly globalised economy. With the emergence of COVID-19, illicit trade has also been severely affected, especially drug trafficking.

Beyond the pandemic - What will the criminal landscape look like after COVID-19?

  • 30 abril 2020

Based on criminal information from investigations in the Member States, Europol is assessing the impact of the pandemic across three phases; current, mid- and long-term phase. The report anticipates developments across the threat landscape that will have an operational impact on law enforcement authorities across Europe. Europol also identifies five key factors that influence organised crime during and after the pandemic.

Expecting Organized Criminal Groups to Quickly Adapt in Order to Exploit the Pandemic via Various Illicit Schemes/ George C. Marshall- European Center for Security Studies

  • 30 abril 2020

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic poses a host of global health, economic, and security challenges, to include the continued challenge of combating transnational organized crime. While some believe this pandemic will disrupt and have a negative impact on the global operations of transnational organized criminal groups, the morbid reality is that these groups view the crisis as a lucrative opportunity. For the foreseeable future, we can expect organized criminal groups to quickly adapt in order to exploit the pandemic via various illicit schemes. In Italy, mafia groups are already demonstrating that they are intent on benefiting from the crime-related opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic will present.

Smuggling in the Time of Covid-19: The Impact of the Pandemic on Human-Smuggling Dynamics and Migrant-Protection Risks/ Global Initiative

  • 28 abril 2020

Efforts to counter the COVID-19 pandemic have seen unprecedented restrictions on movement being imposed in many countries, both at borders and within countries. Some communities and policymakers have adopted increasingly hostile attitudes towards migrants, whom they perceive as contagion risks. Barriers to movement are therefore not only state-imposed but can also be community led.

United States Fact Sheet: DHS is Taking on COVID-19 Related Fraud.

  • 24 abril 2020

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been working nonstop to protect the American people from criminals who are attempting to exploit fear for financial gain. 

Throughout the crisis, transnational criminal organizations have attempted to profit from the shipping of prohibited medical supplies, personal protective equipment, and other products which claim to help in the fight against coronavirus. Other criminal opportunists are attempting social engineering, phishing, non-delivery, and auction fraud scams related to coronavirus.

However, the men and women of DHS across the country are standing watch to protect the American public from these criminal and often dangerous schemes.

El COVID-19 y el estado de los conflictos internacionales/ Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica

  • 22 abril 2020

La irrupción en el escenario internacional de la COVID-19 ha tenido incalculables consecuencias, más allá de las fatalidades y otras repercusiones lamentables. La pandemia ha expuesto las vulnerabilidades del sistema internacional, así como la fragilidad intestina de los países para afrontar amenazas emergentes a la seguridad nacional, como las pandemias y otros riesgos.