OASIS is a program based on socio-emotional skills education via music as a tool for the prevention of violence and the strengthening of the community network as a protective factor. Youth is the focus of the program and is part of the different interventions aimed at strengthening support networks that target them and their families, especially when they are in a situation of social vulnerability.
Through the training of local actors, the aim is to work on prevention and assistance in cases of violence. The training includes public sector personnel involved in prevention and assistance (from the security, health, education and social assistance sectors), NGOs and community leaders. Parents and guardians of youth are also trained in gender violence and healthy parenting. Additional interventions include the creation of referral centers for psychosocial care at the municipal level, entrepreneurship workshops for women with the provision of seed capital, and the development of policies and regulatory frameworks to strengthen protective factors against violence at the community level.
Participating youth (students ages 8 to 18) must be enrolled in the school network and attending classes to be a beneficiary of the program.
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