Start - End
2021 - 2023

Mentoring program developed to strengthen the capacities of actors in the areas of security, justice, assistance and protection of victims of human trafficking of the Public Ministry of Honduras.

A diagnosis was developed to measure the level of knowledge of officials of the Public Prosecutor's Office in the area of trafficking and the areas of opportunity to improve their capacities.

Based on the findings, a training course was designed to improve skills, knowledge, and techniques.

The project facilitated the exchange of experiences between professionals from other countries, such as Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Menthor was the result of a partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), with the support of the Training School of the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Unit against Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking in Persons (UTESCTP) and the Intersectoral Commission to Combat Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking in Persons (CICESCT).


To improve the capacity of the professionals who address trafficking in persons in Honduras in the investigation, prosecution and assistance and protection of victims, mainly those involving exploitation for forced labor or services affecting domestic and agricultural workers.

  • Development and implementation of assessment of the needs, weakness and strengthens of the participating institutions.
  • Development and implementation of a mentorship program.

More Results
Assessment of capacities, competencies and skills of professionals engaged in the fight against human trafficking.
Training Module on assistance and protection of victims of trafficking in person in Honduras
A total of 121 government and civil society stakeholders trained in the investigation, prosecution and assistance and protection of victims
Beneficiary Countries
Anna Paula Uchoa
Chief of Section for the Prevention of Violence
Jane Piazer
Specialist and Project Manager
Strategic Partners