
UNICEF: Preventing violence through sport in El Salvador

UNICEF: Preventing violence through sport in El Salvador

UNICEF is working closely with the San Marcos Mayor’s Office in El Salvador in a comprehensive violence prevention strategy that includes child protection & development and educational workshops that teach families about non-violence. The program also provides scholarships for children’s school expenses. Children in the workshop can spend time with other children and boost their self-esteem, while parents can meet other parents.

Brookings: A Crime-Fighting Policy for Latin America and the Caribbean

Brookings: A Crime-Fighting Policy for Latin America and the Caribbean

The writers of A Crime-Fighting Policy for Latin America and the Caribbean suggest that interventions that target experienced criminal leaders could reduce crime and violence, and therefore the costs, in the region. The authors developed a new theoretical model. This model includes two stages where someone decides whether to become a criminal or not and then how much crime s/he will commit if they decide to become a criminal. The theory assumes that a criminal’s best practices are learned from an experienced criminal leader.

¿Cómo prevenir y reducir la violencia letal en América Latina y el Caribe?

Sesión 3: Proteccion de grupos en situación de vulnerabilidad

¿Cómo prevenir y reducir la violencia letal en América Latina y el Caribe?

Este tercer panel fue moderador por el Embajador de El Salvador ante la OEA, el Señor Carlos Alberto Calles Castillo, y contó con la particpación de la Comisionada Nacional para Prevenir y Erradicar la Violencia contra las Mujeres, Alejandra Negrete para hablar del tema de femicidios/feminicidios en México y de Pier Angelli De Luca, Asistente de Proyectos del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de la OEA, quien se refirió al caso de la juventud en conflicto con la ley en Jamaica. Los comentarios de este panel estuvieron a cargo de Edna Jaime, Fundadora y Directora General de México Evalúa. 

TED Talk: How we cut youth violence in Boston by 79 percent

  • 15 November 2016
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 3969
TED Talk: How we cut youth violence in Boston by 79 percent

An architect of the "Boston miracle," Rev. Jeffrey Brown started out as a bewildered young pastor watching his Boston neighborhood fall apart around him, as drugs and gang violence took hold of the kids on the streets. The first step to recovery: Listen to those kids, don't just preach to them, and help them reduce violence in their own neighborhoods. It's a powerful talk about listening to make change.