
End Violence: Mexico Launches its End Violence Nation Action Plan​

Remarks by Susan Bissell

End Violence: Mexico Launches its End Violence Nation Action Plan​

My warmest congratulations to the children of Mexico on their new national plan and the new protection it provides them from all forms of violence.

My heartfelt gratitude to the Government of Mexico for its leadership and to my colleagues from civil society organisations and UN agencies for their tireless dedication and commitment.

Today, we also celebrate collaboration. Months of work are bearing fruit. This National Action Plan sets a milestone for children’s rights in Mexico and an example to the world.

Excellencies, colleagues, ladies and gentleman,

Just two years ago, in 2015, world leaders made a commitment to end all forms of violence against children by 2030, as part of the Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs.

The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children was established shortly thereafter, by governments, foundations, civil society, the United Nations, the academic community and private sector – to provide a global platform to all those working toward the goal of ending violence against children – to share lessons learned and best practices.  End Violence, as the partnership and its associated fund are known, is a mean of implementation of the SDGs, and a test case for its universality.

Our vision is a world in which every child grows up free from violence, and we have solutions. At the heart of End Violence is INSPIRE, a set of seven evidence-based strategies to keep the world’s children safe and secure.  We believe that we can achieve our goals, and realize the rights of all children, by building political will, accelerating action and strengthening collaboration.

The Government of Mexico has already demonstrated commendable political will and commitment.   My deepest thanks, including for the enthusiastic collaboration our Secretariat has with the Mission of Mexico to the UN, in New York. Read more 


Institution:End Violence Against Children
Author:Susan Bissell
Additional Information:Violence against children
Categories: News
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Marina Castro-MeirellesMarina Castro-Meirelles

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