
Why smart statistics are the key to fighting crime

Anne Milgram

  • 1 February 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1257
While cities, enterprises and even romantic relations have moved to and adopted information technologies as their future, policing in the majority of the hemisphere is still conducted the same way as 50 or even more years ago. Even further, criminal organizations use internet as a tool for expanding their businesses and therefore violence. However, data offered by the digital networks of society and the one police officers recollect empirically is an invaluable asset for governments looking to improve their situation of public safety. Anne Milgram introduced data analysis and statistics into New Jersey’s criminal justice system and policing strategy, resulting in a sharp decrease in violence rates. While the initial investment could be heavy for low income governments, keeping the current system without actualizations represents a much expensive option. Lack of effectiveness in the system creates unimaginable costs due to overcrowded prisons, saturated courthouses and underprepared police officers. Smart statistics are then the best rational option for governments with grave situations of violence and crime.

¿Cómo prevenir y reducir la violencia letal en América Latina y el Caribe?

Sesión 1 - Fortalecimiento de los sistemas de investigacióm criminal

¿Cómo prevenir y reducir la violencia letal en América Latina y el Caribe?

Este panel fue moderado por la SubSecretaria de Seguridad en el Despacho de Prevención de Honduras, Alejandra Hernández Quan. Contó con las intervenciones de Carlos Hernández, Secretario Ejecutivo de Asociación para una Sociedad Más Justa, y Adriana Beltrán, Coordinadora Principal del Programa de Seguridad Ciudadana de WOLA. El Sr. Hernández se concentró en la experiencia de Honduras mientras que la Sra. Beltrón se enfocó en el caso de Guatemala. Steven Dudley, Co-Director de InSight Crime, participó en este panel como comentador.