
Plan para prevenir violencia llegará a 10 centros escolares de la capital de Honduras

Elvis Mendoza para El Heraldo Honduras

  • 3 May 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1189
Plan para prevenir violencia llegará a 10 centros escolares de la capital de Honduras
Atender a los niños y niñas en sus primeros años de desarrollo es fundamental para su suave inmersión en la vida social. Fallar en dicha empresa o simplemente ignorarla deja a los pequeños y pequeñas en situaciones de vulnerabilidad en unos bajos niveles de aprendizaje y convivencia. Esto último lleva a fenómenos como la deserción escolar, que condiciona a los jóvenes a mantenerse en una situación de pobreza e inseguridad. La Subsecretaría de Seguridad en Prevención de la Secretaria de Seguridad Hondureña ha reconocido la mencionada necesidad y por ello ha implementado el programa “Fortaleciendo una Cultura de Paz” en las escuelas del país. Seleccionando y acompañando a estudiantes con deficiencias escolares mediante un abordaje completo en escuela y hogar, el programa busca solucionar los problemas de conducta de una manera integral que ayude a los jóvenes a completar sus estudios.

The Prevention Project

Richmond Justice Initiative

  • 30 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1526
The Prevention Project
The “Prevention Project” is a program put into place by the Richmond Justice Initiative whose objective is to equip, mobilize and educate communities on how to fight human trafficking. RJI believes that the education of high school and college students is the best way to prevent that at-risk population from falling into the hands of traffickers and/or criminals. Through a six (6) lesson academic curriculum students receive information from a comprehensive approach. Attendants are taught about the international dimensions of the crime, their impact at home, the economics of trafficking and the impact it has on culture and in their communities. Also, potential victims receive useful information to identify cases in which they or someone close may be endangered. Currently, the program has been implemented in 7 States of the US, reaching over 11,000 students.

Ariela Suster: Breaking the Sequence of Violence

Sequence Collection

  • 27 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1457
Ariela Suster: Breaking the Sequence of Violence

In the desperate situation of violence that El Salvador is living at this moment, alternative solutions are welcomed by the communities. Sequence is a brand founded by Ariela Suster, a Salvadorian who has lived violence first hand when her family experienced a case of kidnapping while the civil war in the country was raging. This clothing brand employs at risk youth to offer them an alternative to the lifestyle of the gang, a common destiny for young men who are unemployed or without access to education. Due to the invisible borders gangs construct to dominate sector of the cities, Suster uses technology to overcome these impositions. Through videocalls in Skype, Sequence educates their employees on the techniques needed to craft bracelets and other products of the brand.

‘Eso es Cuento’, la estrategia para prevenir el tráfico de personas

El Tiempo Colombia - Fiscalia General de la Nación

  • 26 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1727
‘Eso es Cuento’, la estrategia para prevenir el tráfico de personas
Colombia es uno de los dos países en América Latina a los cuales el Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos ha clasificado en su Categoría 1 en la Trata de Personas. Dicha categoría incluye a todos aquellos países que han trabajado proactiva y eficazmente en pro de prevenir, proteger y perseguir a las víctimas y victimarios del delito de trata de personas. En ese proceso, la Fiscalía General de la Nación ha emprendido políticas de persecución a organizaciones criminales transnacionales que mediante engaños atraen individuos en situación de riesgo para explotar de ellos económicamente. “Eso es cuento” busca concientizar a la ciudadanía acerca de los métodos comúnmente utilizados para engañar a las víctimas, de forma que exista un ambiente de escepticismo a dichas propuestas sorpresivamente generosas. Asimismo, eleva la problemática de la Trata de Personas a un lugar mayor en donde los ciudadanos tengan presente la existencia y cercanía de este flagelo en su vida cotidiana.

Youth Crime Prevention through Sports - Preventing youth crime through sports-based programmes

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1567
Youth Crime Prevention through Sports - Preventing youth crime through sports-based programmes
Sports create a sense of brotherhood, trust and empowerment for those who are in it. In poor and segregated communities, is often sports and sports events the cohesive factors needed to bring the community together in a peaceful fashion. Even more, sports help at-risk youth to invest their free time in activities that not only keep them away from illegality but also develop their bodies and minds to reach a new level of performance. Acknowledging these characteristics, The United Nations office on Drugs and Crime has launched a youth crime prevention program that seeks to support the implementation of the Doha Declaration. This program focuses on the positive aspects and externalities of sports to encourage states to implement it in vulnerable communities. “Line Up, Live Up” is the pioneer program on this effort after being backed by the government of Kyrgyzstan.