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Stop the Violence in Latin America : A Look at Prevention from Cradle to Adulthood

Stop the Violence in Latin America : A Look at Prevention from Cradle to Adulthood

The focus of Crime Prevention in Latin America and the Caribbean is to identify policy interventions that, whether by design or indirect effect, have been shown to affect antisocial behavior early in life and patterns of criminal offending in youth and adults. Particular attention is devoted to recent studies that rigorously establish a causal link between the interventions in question and outcomes.  

How musical training affects cognitive development: rhythm, reward and other modulating variables

  • 15 November 2016
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 5968
How musical training affects cognitive development: rhythm, reward and other modulating variables

Musical training has recently gained additional interest in education as increasing neuroscientific research demonstrates its positive effects on brain development. Neuroimaging revealed plastic changes in the brains of adult musicians but it is still unclear to what extent they are the product of intensive music training rather than of other factors, such as preexisting biological markers of musicality. In this review, we synthesize a large body of studies demonstrating that benefits of musical training extend beyond the skills it directly aims to train and last well into adulthood.