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Systematic review puts together proven solutions and best practices to prevent and respond to sexual violence against children and youth

Together for Girls, in partnership with The Equality Institute and the Oak Foundation have recently published a study

  • 21 November 2019
  • Posted by: Anna Uchoa
  • Number of views: 1679
Systematic review puts together proven solutions and best practices to prevent and respond to sexual violence against children and youth

Together for Girls, in partnership with The Equality Institute and the Oak Foundation, undertook a systematic review of proven solutions and best practices to prevent and respond to sexual violence against children and youth (SVAC). 

The review was completed in collaboration with a group of experts and allied organizations and highlights evidence-based solutions from around the world — from a girl’s empowerment initiative in India to justice reform in Guatemala to school-based education program in the United States.

SV Solutions v1

The data is clear: Sexual violence affects girls and boys in every country around the world. For far too long it has been a silent pandemic, with little awareness of the scope, scale, and consequences of the problem or understanding of potential #SVSolutions. That silence has allowed violence against children to perpetuate.

However, there is hope. By analyzing the best available research on existing strategies and identifying the most effective and promising solutions, we have created a roadmap for decision-makers, advocates, and program implementers, showcasing what works to prevent sexual violence in childhood and adolescence.

Interventions listed in this package needs to be adapted to meet a country or community’s specific conditions and characteristics. For further guidance on implementation considerations see the INSPIRE framework (page 82-90).

Visit the links below to learn more about the issue of sexual violence against children, access resources and tools from our collaborators and partners, and view spotlight solutions of programs being implemented around the world.

For any questions about “What Works to Prevent Sexual Violence Against Children,” contact info(at)

Source: Together For Girls - available at

Category:Best Practices
Country:- NA
Institution:Together For Girls

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Anna UchoaAnna Uchoa

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