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Global Report on Trafficking in Persons - 2014

  • 25 November 2016
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 4735
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons - 2014

The crime of trafficking in persons affects virtually every country in every region of the world. Between 2010 and 2012, victims with 152 different citizenships were identified in 124 countries across the globe. Moreover, trafficking flows - imaginary lines that connect the same origin country and destination country of at least five detected victims – criss-cross the world. UNODC has identified at least 510 flows. These are minimum figures as they are based on official data reported by national authorities. These official figures represent only the visible part of the trafficking phenomenon and the actual figures are likely to be far higher. Most trafficking flows are intraregional, meaning that the origin and the destination of the trafficked victim is within the same region; often also within the same subregion. For this reason, it is difficult to identify major global trafficking hubs. Victims tend to be trafficked from poor countries to more affluent ones (relative to the origin country) within the region. Transregional trafficking flows are mainly detected in the rich countries of the Middle East, Western Europe and North America. These flows often involve victims from the ‘global south’; mainly East and South Asia and SubSaharan Africa. Statistics show a correlation between the affluence (GDP) of the destination country and the share of victims trafficked there from other regions. Richer countries attract victims from a variety of origins, including from other continents, whereas less affluent countries are main

Institution:United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

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Jane PiazerJane Piazer

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