Bullying is a key concern for children. It is one of the most frequent reasons why children call a helpline. It gains centre stage in surveys conducted with school children, and generates a special interest when opinion polls are conducted through social media with young people.
The recent U-Report initiative supported by UNICEF with more than 100,000 children and young people around the world illustrates this well: nine in every ten respondents considered that bullying is a major problem; two thirds reported having been victims; and one third believed it was normal and therefore did not tell anybody, while many did not know whom to tell or felt afraid to do so.
Serious concerns were equally expressed by the children who participated in a Latin American Regional Consultation on bullying and cyberbullying, held in Montevideo in May 2016.
This publication is designed to reach out to government leaders and decision-makers, as well as researchers, educators, health professionals and child protection actors who can help design sound policies and laws and promote their effective implementation, while supporting families and making a lasting difference in the life of children. The analysis, experiences and advice provided are both well-researched and accessible – the data can further advance knowledge in the field, the evidence of what works provides practical examples, and the voices of children reflected in some of the articles provide essential insights for all who are interested in tackling bullying.
Category: | Publications |
Country: | United States of America |
Language: | English |
Year: | 2016 |
Institution: | United Nations |
Author: | Various |