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Crime Prevention and Community Safety: Cities and the New Urban Agenda

  • 1 November 2016
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 5609
Crime Prevention and Community Safety: Cities and the New Urban Agenda

The report is intended primarily for three key sectors: decision-makers and elected officials who are responsible for creating safer and more inclusive societies, whether at national, state or local level; practitioners and professionals whose work has a major impact on building safe and healthy communities, ranging from the police and the justice sector to social and health workers, teachers and civil society and non-governmental organizations; and the research community, including those in universities and institutes who help build knowledge and evidence on the effectiveness and the costs and benefits of prevention policies and practice. The information in this report comes from a wide range of sources, from reports produced by UN entities and international and regional bodies such as the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the Organization of American States; national and local governments; and non-governmental organizations and research and academic sources. As always, ICPC’s extensive
international network of member governments and
organizations involved in crime prevention and community
safety is a privileged source of information.

Institution: International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC)

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Jane PiazerJane Piazer

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