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Impact Evaluation of USAID’s Community-Based Crime and Violence Prevention Approach in Central America

Impact Evaluation of USAID’s Community-Based Crime and Violence Prevention Approach in Central America

This Field Guide is an effort to support USAID officers and other practitioners in the Latin America and Caribbean region who are working on citizen security. It provides a conceptual framework for understanding crime, violence, and prevention as part of broader citizen-security systems; evidencebased information about effective interventions to prevent crime and violence; and practical advice and tools on how to design, implement, measure, and evaluate crime and violence-prevention and citizensecurity projects. The guide incorporates the research findings of academic and development practitioners in an analysis of crime and violence in the region.

Violent Crime in Latin American Cities

Violent Crime in Latin American Cities

This study demonstrates the promise of using localized data about citizen security to understand, with the greatest level of detail, where crime takes place. As a result, it proposes innovative solutions that stem from and respond to local circumstances. The analysis herein demonstrates the uses and great potential of high-quality data, while at the same time illustrating the persistent limitations in counting on systematic data from the administrative records of the police, prosecutors’ offices, and other institutions. The main challenge is to reinforce the unquestionable value of the data to those who produce it and work with them to improve it. 

Impact Evaluation of USAID’s Community-Based Crime and Violence Prevention Approach in Central America

Impact Evaluation of USAID’s Community-Based Crime and Violence Prevention Approach in Central America

This evaluation is part of a broader effort to determine the effectiveness of community-based crime prevention, in contrast to the traditionally more common law enforcement, or mano dura (“iron fist”), approach to addressing the widespread crime and violence permeating Central America. The crime prevention approach attempts to address the root causes of crime, rather than deal with crime after it has become endemic.