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Field Notes: Report from Honduras

Field Notes: Report from Honduras

Violence in Central America is not only a function of international drug trafficking. By contrast, it is a multidimensional problem that requires a more sophisticated understanding of its causes.

Restoring Paradise in the Caribbean: Combatting Violence with Numbers

Restoring Paradise in the Caribbean: Combatting Violence with Numbers

While citizen security has become an ever-increasing concern for many Caribbean countries, the magnitude of the problem has not been matched with an equally robust response in terms of research. This volume analyses new data collected in household and business victimization surveys. 

Fin a la violencia en América Latina: Una mirada a la prevención desde la infancia a la edad adulta

Fin a la violencia en América Latina: Una mirada a la prevención desde la infancia a la edad adulta

Este informe adopta una mirada nueva e integral respecto a buena parte de la evidencia existente en términos de prevención del crimen y la violencia. Identifica enfoques novedosos —en América Latina y más allá— que han probado reducir el comportamiento antisocial en diferentes etapas de la vida. 

Stop the Violence in Latin America : A Look at Prevention from Cradle to Adulthood

Stop the Violence in Latin America : A Look at Prevention from Cradle to Adulthood

The focus of Crime Prevention in Latin America and the Caribbean is to identify policy interventions that, whether by design or indirect effect, have been shown to affect antisocial behavior early in life and patterns of criminal offending in youth and adults. Particular attention is devoted to recent studies that rigorously establish a causal link between the interventions in question and outcomes.  

States of Fragility 2016 - Understanding Violence

  • 15 February 2017
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 5788
States of Fragility 2016 - Understanding Violence
The world is getting more violent, and violence is occurring in surprising places. Over the past 15 years, 3.34 billion people, or almost half of the world’s population, have been affected by violence. The number of violent conflicts is decreasing, but conflicts are killing more people.