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Closing Knowledge Gaps: Toward Evidence-Based Crime Prevention Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean

Closing Knowledge Gaps: Toward Evidence-Based Crime Prevention Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean

This document provides an in-depth analysis of the state of the art in citizen security research, not only to identify critical knowledge gaps in the literature—ones that the IDB will endeavor to close over the next few years—but also to contribute to the dissemination of evidence-based crime reduction and prevention strategies, providing a solid starting point to take stock of what we know and what the priorities for future research should be.

Testimonios de las Sobrevivientes de Trata de Personas: Brecha Entre las Necesidades de Atención y los Servicios Recibidos Después del Rescate

Testimonios de las Sobrevivientes de Trata de Personas: Brecha Entre las Necesidades de Atención y los Servicios Recibidos Después del Rescate

A modo de conclusión puede señalarse que las víctimas sobrevivientes del delito de trata de personas requieren de espacios adecuados para ser escuchadas que les permitan participar sin estigmas en la construcción de políticas públicas, en los asuntos que les afectan. En este sentido, las políticas públicas de la región deben incorporar espacios de monitoreo que recojan los testimonios directos de las víctimas y evalúen en particular los servicios disponibles para su protección y asistencia, como parte de sus estrategias y/o planes nacionales de combate anti-trata.

Balance de la Implementación de las Políticas Anti-trata en Colombia

Balance de la Implementación de las Políticas Anti-trata en Colombia

En junio de 2016, durante la elaboración de este informe y dos años después de haber sido elaborada, se aprueba la Estrategia Nacional para la lucha contra la Trata en Colombia en la cual se introduce específicamente el tema de generación de estrategias para la prevención de la trata en el marco del conflicto armado. 

Violence against children in Latin America and Caribbean countries: a comprehensive review of national health sector efforts in prevention and response

Violence against children in Latin America and Caribbean countries: a comprehensive review of national health sector efforts in prevention and response

Violence against children (VAC) remains a global problem. The health sector has an opportunity and responsibility to be part of the multi-sector collaboration to prevent and respond to VAC. This review aimed to assess the health sector’s response to VAC among Latin American & Caribbean (LAC) countries, particularly as it relates to physical violence, sexual violence, and neglect.

Impact Evaluation of USAID’s Community-Based Crime and Violence Prevention Approach in Central America

Impact Evaluation of USAID’s Community-Based Crime and Violence Prevention Approach in Central America

This Field Guide is an effort to support USAID officers and other practitioners in the Latin America and Caribbean region who are working on citizen security. It provides a conceptual framework for understanding crime, violence, and prevention as part of broader citizen-security systems; evidencebased information about effective interventions to prevent crime and violence; and practical advice and tools on how to design, implement, measure, and evaluate crime and violence-prevention and citizensecurity projects. The guide incorporates the research findings of academic and development practitioners in an analysis of crime and violence in the region.
