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Closing Knowledge Gaps: Toward Evidence-Based Crime Prevention Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean

Closing Knowledge Gaps: Toward Evidence-Based Crime Prevention Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean

This document provides an in-depth analysis of the state of the art in citizen security research, not only to identify critical knowledge gaps in the literature—ones that the IDB will endeavor to close over the next few years—but also to contribute to the dissemination of evidence-based crime reduction and prevention strategies, providing a solid starting point to take stock of what we know and what the priorities for future research should be.

Effectiveness and Evaluation of Crime Prevention Programs in Minas Gerais

Effectiveness and Evaluation of Crime Prevention Programs in Minas Gerais

A mix of social policy and crime prevention programs is often proposed to keep crime rates low. Although the association between general social programs and specific programs to fight crime is unclear, this type of social intervention is commonly associated with a reduction in crime. This paper examines the causal link between social policy and crime prevention programs by evaluating previously adopted crime prevention programs in Minas Gerais.  

Toward a safer Latin America: A new perspective for crime prevention and control

Toward a safer Latin America: A new perspective for crime prevention and control

This year’s Report on Economics and Development (RED) proposes an approach for the analysis of insecurity in which crime results from decisions made by individuals in a particular situation. While it is true that beliefs, perceptions, self-control, and other personality traits (in turn shaped by family experiences, education level, job opportunities, and other experiences throughout the life cycle) can tip an individual into crime, his physical and social environment, the incentives provided by illegal markets (e.g., drugs), and the credibility and efficiency of the criminal justice system are also important. 


Informe, experiencias exitosas en prevención de la criminalidad en américa latina. Una perspectiva territorial de las políticas públicas de seguridad en América Latina.

  • 23 January 2017
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 4920
Informe, experiencias exitosas en prevención de la criminalidad en américa latina. Una perspectiva territorial de las políticas públicas de seguridad en América Latina.

Este proyecto es fruto de una larga e intensa colaboración entre el Centro Internacional para la Prevención de la Criminalidad (CIPC) y la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá relacionada específicamente con el tema de la prevención del delito. En particular, el CIPC ha colaborado con la dirección de seguridad ciudadana y empresarial de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá brindado su experticia para el mejoramiento de los programas y estrategias en materia de prevención de la criminalidad desde una perspectiva internacional creando herramientas e insumos. En enero de 2015, las dos organizaciones formalizaron un acuerdo de colaboración que tiene como objetivo realizar un seguimiento con estándares internacionales de las acciones, programas y estrategias de la Dirección de Seguridad de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá y proveer de insumos técnicos, documentales y de formación a dicha organización. En ese sentido, el documento aquí presentado se constituye como un avance en los insumos previos de búsqueda de mejores y más eficientes prácticas y estrategias en materia de prevención del delito que pueda alimentar a la Cámara de Comercio en el diseño de sus estrategias y programas de seguridad en el largo plazo.


Handbook on the crime prevention guidelines Making them work

  • 23 January 2017
  • Posted by: Jane Piazer
  • Number of views: 4673
Handbook on the crime prevention guidelines Making them work
All countries strive to ensure safety and security for their citizens and to increase the quality of their lives. The guidelines on crime prevention developed by the United Nations incorporate and build on years of experience and experiments in responding to these problems. Such experience has shown that countries can build safer communities using practical, concrete approaches that are very different from, and less costly than repressive and deterrent reactions and responses.